未验证 提交 4ccef0ec 编写于 作者: E Eric Sheng 提交者: GitHub

Remove "evolving"

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......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ you can use darknet2pytorch to convert it yourself, or download my converted mod
python train.py -g [GPU_ID] -dir [Dataset direction] ...
# 2. Inference (Evolving)
# 2. Inference
## 2.1 Performance on MS COCO dataset (using pretrained DarknetWeights from <https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet>)
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ There are 2 inference outputs.
Until now, still a small piece of post-processing including NMS is required. We are trying to minimize time and complexity of post-processing.
# 3. Darknet2ONNX (Evolving)
# 3. Darknet2ONNX
- **This script is to convert the official pretrained darknet model into ONNX**
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Until now, still a small piece of post-processing including NMS is required. We
- Dynamic batch size will generate only one ONNX model
- Static batch size will generate 2 ONNX models, one is for running the demo (batch_size=1)
# 4. Pytorch2ONNX (Evolving)
# 4. Pytorch2ONNX
- **You can convert your trained pytorch model into ONNX using this script**
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Until now, still a small piece of post-processing including NMS is required. We
- Static batch size will generate 2 ONNX models, one is for running the demo (batch_size=1)
# 5. ONNX2TensorRT (Evolving)
# 5. ONNX2TensorRT
- **TensorRT version Recommended: 7.0, 7.1**
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