提交 8ce9d808 编写于 作者: lakernote's avatar lakernote


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......@@ -86,12 +86,13 @@
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/stomp.js/2.3.3/stomp.min.js"></script>
<!-- 框 架 初 始 化 -->
layui.use(['admin', 'jquery', 'notice', 'popup', 'easyAdmin'], function () {
layui.use(['admin', 'jquery', 'notice', 'popup', 'easyAdmin', 'util'], function () {
var admin = layui.admin;
var $ = layui.jquery;
var notice = layui.notice;
var popup = layui.popup;
var easyAdmin = layui.easyAdmin;
let util = layui.util;//引入util
// 在登录的时候塞入的值
var user = layui.data('user');
......@@ -150,6 +151,50 @@
// 实现消息回调 [消息列表点击事件]
// admin.message(function(id, title, context, form) {});
bar1: true
, bar2: true
, css: {right: 20, bottom: 20}
, bgcolor: '#393D49'
, click: function (type) {
if (type === 'bar1') {
} else if (type === 'bar2') {
// 公告层
type: 1,
title: false //不显示标题栏
closeBtn: false,
area: '300px;',
shade: 0.8,
id: 'LAY_layuipro' //设定一个id,防止重复弹出
btn: ['火速支援', '残忍拒绝'],
btnAlign: 'c',
moveType: 1 //拖拽模式,0或者1
content: '<div style="padding: 50px; line-height: 22px; background-color: #393D49; color: #fff; font-weight: 200;">' +
'工作时间久了' +
'<br> 总想搞点骚东西,这是即' +
'<br>写博客csdn:【lakernote】,' +
'<br>搞公众号【Java大厂面试官】的又一个尝试' +
'<br>拒绝白嫖,从我做起<br>' +
'<br>来点个<a style="color: red">star</a>支持下作者吧' +
success: function (layero) {
var btn = layero.find('.layui-layer-btn');
href: 'https://gitee.com/lakernote/easy-admin'
, target: '_blank'
// 初始化配置,同一样式只需要配置一次,非必须初始化,有默认配置
notice.options = {
......@@ -176,6 +221,8 @@
}, function (frame) {
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