提交 51d74305 编写于 作者: H Hou Tianze

Add rertry for downloader download. Close #372

上级 e81d63a2
### Version History:
- 1.5.6: Downloading using downloader also retries
- 1.5.5: Minor: Improve 'multiprocess' installation prompts
- 1.5.4: Print instructions on how to fix 'multiprocess' errors
- 1.5.3: Change to streaming upload
Version History:
- 1.5.6: Downloading using downloader also retries
- 1.5.5: Minor: Improve 'multiprocess' installation prompts
- 1.5.4: Print instructions on how to fix 'multiprocess' errors
- 1.5.3: Change to streaming upload
......@@ -1850,7 +1850,6 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
def __down_aria2c(self, remotefile, localfile):
url = "{}{}".format(dpcsurl, "file")
# i think encoding in UTF-8 before escaping is presumably the best practice
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/913653/404271
pars = {
......@@ -1858,19 +1857,32 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
"path": remotefile.encode('utf-8'),
"access_token": self.__access_token,
full_url = "{}?{}".format(url, ulp.urlencode(pars))
cmd = ['aria2c', '--user-agent="{}"'.format(const.UserAgent)] \
+ shlex.split(self.__downloader_args) \
+ ['-o', localfile, full_url]
self.pd("call: {}".format(cmd))
ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
self.pd("aria2c exited with status: {}".format(ret))
# TODO: a finer map return codes to our internal errors
if ret != const.ENoError:
ret == const.ERequestFailed
return ret
tries = self.__retry
subret = 0
i = 0
while True:
self.pd("call: {}".format(cmd))
subret = subprocess.call(cmd)
self.pd("aria2c exited with status: {}".format(subret))
if subret == 0:
return const.ENoError
i += 1
if i < tries:
# algo changed: delay more after each failure
delay = const.RetryDelayInSec * i
perr("Waiting {} seconds before retrying...".format(delay))
perr("Request Try #{} / {}".format(i + 1, tries))
perr("Maximum number ({}) of tries failed.".format(tries))
if self.__quit_when_fail:
return const.EMaxRetry
# requirment: self.__remote_json is already gotten
def __downchunks(self, rfile, start):
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import os
# https://packaging.python.org/single_source_version/
__title__ = 'bypy'
__version__ = '1.5.5'
__version__ = '1.5.6'
__author__ = 'Hou Tianze'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__desc__ = 'Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘 Python 客户端'
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