提交 60520cb2 编写于 作者: H Hou Tianze

Tidy the previous commit; Version bump

上级 c5b04eeb
### Version History:
- 1.6.8: Fix 1000 items limit for downloading
- 1.6.7: Handle update check network exceptions
- 1.6.6: Let it cry when dies, so we can have some trace
- 1.6.5: Fix `KeyError: u'md5'` in remote directory walking
Version History:
- 1.6.8: Fix 1000 items limit for downloading
- 1.6.7: Handle update check network exceptions
- 1.6.6: Let it cry when dies, so we can have some trace
......@@ -1239,18 +1239,18 @@ Possible fixes:
def __get_file_info_act(self, r, args):
remotefile = args
(remotefile, rjlist) = args
j = r.json()
self.pd("List json: {}".format(j))
l = j['list']
for f in l:
rjlist = j['list']
for f in rjlist:
if f['path'] == remotefile: # case-sensitive
self.__remote_json = f
self.pd("File info json: {}".format(self.__remote_json))
return const.ENoError
return const.EFileNotFound if len(l) == 0 else None
return const.EFileNotFound
except KeyError as ex:
return const.ERequestFailed
......@@ -1285,8 +1285,9 @@ Possible fixes:
'by' : 'name', # sort in case we can use binary-search, etc in the futrue.
'order' : 'asc',
'limit': '{}-{}'.format(listStart, listStart + const.MaxListEntries)}
result = self.__get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self.__get_file_info_act, remotefile, **kwargs)
if result is not None:
rjlist = []
result = self.__get(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self.__get_file_info_act, (remotefile, rjlist), **kwargs)
if result == const.ENoError or (not rjlist or len(rjlist) < const.MaxListEntries):
listStart += const.MaxListEntries
return result
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import os
# https://packaging.python.org/single_source_version/
__title__ = 'bypy'
__version__ = '1.6.7'
__version__ = '1.6.8'
__author__ = 'Hou Tianze'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__desc__ = 'Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘 Python 客户端'
"access_token": "21.e31488969e0e452f8b1ab9685d349782.2592000.1584553337.2844184044-1572671",
"access_token": "121.5d948a2096a81fcdbe4e45cc06e7cda5.YB_zcw8YqbS6865zcNp0XG1dGftmRySpfm0D3ax.ADjhbQ",
"expires_in": 2592000,
"refresh_token": "22.dc5ae4fe5d0e34af31d45f003f5fc918.315360000.1897321337.2844184044-1572671",
"refresh_token": "122.54d28e9d1155ec77171dd733620128d4.YnJO7zTTeJNGknLPVtJsht06Q6V4C0f3F0VxVbL.1XggQg",
"scope": "basic netdisk",
"session_key": "",
"session_secret": ""
"lastUpdateCheck": 1581961333,
"lastUpdateCheck": 1589986897,
"overwriteRemoteTempDir": true
\ No newline at end of file
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