提交 d67edcb3 编写于 作者: H Hou Tianze

Add in '--move' flag for deletion on success. Close #390

上级 a4080997
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ nosetests.xml
# The default ``config.py``
# flake8: noqa
def set_prefs(prefs):
"""This function is called before opening the project"""
# Specify which files and folders to ignore in the project.
# Changes to ignored resources are not added to the history and
# VCSs. Also they are not returned in `Project.get_files()`.
# Note that ``?`` and ``*`` match all characters but slashes.
# '*.pyc': matches 'test.pyc' and 'pkg/test.pyc'
# 'mod*.pyc': matches 'test/mod1.pyc' but not 'mod/1.pyc'
# '.svn': matches 'pkg/.svn' and all of its children
# 'build/*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' but not 'build/sub/lib.o'
# 'build//*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' and 'build/sub/lib.o'
prefs['ignored_resources'] = ['*.pyc', '*~', '.ropeproject',
'.hg', '.svn', '_svn', '.git', '.tox']
# Specifies which files should be considered python files. It is
# useful when you have scripts inside your project. Only files
# ending with ``.py`` are considered to be python files by
# default.
#prefs['python_files'] = ['*.py']
# Custom source folders: By default rope searches the project
# for finding source folders (folders that should be searched
# for finding modules). You can add paths to that list. Note
# that rope guesses project source folders correctly most of the
# time; use this if you have any problems.
# The folders should be relative to project root and use '/' for
# separating folders regardless of the platform rope is running on.
# 'src/my_source_folder' for instance.
#prefs.add('source_folders', 'src')
# You can extend python path for looking up modules
#prefs.add('python_path', '~/python/')
# Should rope save object information or not.
prefs['save_objectdb'] = True
prefs['compress_objectdb'] = False
# If `True`, rope analyzes each module when it is being saved.
prefs['automatic_soa'] = True
# The depth of calls to follow in static object analysis
prefs['soa_followed_calls'] = 0
# If `False` when running modules or unit tests "dynamic object
# analysis" is turned off. This makes them much faster.
prefs['perform_doa'] = True
# Rope can check the validity of its object DB when running.
prefs['validate_objectdb'] = True
# How many undos to hold?
prefs['max_history_items'] = 32
# Shows whether to save history across sessions.
prefs['save_history'] = True
prefs['compress_history'] = False
# Set the number spaces used for indenting. According to
# :PEP:`8`, it is best to use 4 spaces. Since most of rope's
# unit-tests use 4 spaces it is more reliable, too.
prefs['indent_size'] = 4
# Builtin and c-extension modules that are allowed to be imported
# and inspected by rope.
prefs['extension_modules'] = []
# Add all standard c-extensions to extension_modules list.
prefs['import_dynload_stdmods'] = True
# If `True` modules with syntax errors are considered to be empty.
# The default value is `False`; When `False` syntax errors raise
# `rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError` exception.
prefs['ignore_syntax_errors'] = False
# If `True`, rope ignores unresolvable imports. Otherwise, they
# appear in the importing namespace.
prefs['ignore_bad_imports'] = False
# If `True`, rope will insert new module imports as
# `from <package> import <module>` by default.
prefs['prefer_module_from_imports'] = False
# If `True`, rope will transform a comma list of imports into
# multiple separate import statements when organizing
# imports.
prefs['split_imports'] = False
# If `True`, rope will sort imports alphabetically by module name
# instead of alphabetically by import statement, with from imports
# after normal imports.
prefs['sort_imports_alphabetically'] = False
def project_opened(project):
"""This function is called after opening the project"""
# Do whatever you like here!
### Version History:
- 1.5.8: Add `--move` flag to delete source files/directories on successfull transfers
- 1.5.7: Reduce multiprocess timeout to 49 days, to accommodate Python 3 on Windows
- 1.5.6: Downloading using downloader also retries
- 1.5.5: Minor: Improve 'multiprocess' installation prompts
Version History:
- 1.5.8: Add ``--move`` flag to delete source files/directories on
successfull transfers
- 1.5.7: Reduce multiprocess timeout to 49 days, to accommodate Python
3 on Windows
- 1.5.6: Downloading using downloader also retries
......@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ class ByPy(object):
mirror = '',
selectmirror = False,
resumedl_revertcount = const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
deletesource = False,
verbose = 0, debug = False,
configdir = const.ConfigDir,
requester = RequestsRequester,
......@@ -370,6 +371,10 @@ class ByPy(object):
self.__followlink = followlink
self.__rapiduploadonly = rapiduploadonly
self.__resumedl_revertcount = resumedl_revertcount
self.__deletesource = deletesource
if deletesource:
self.pd("Forcing verification since we will delete source for successful transfers.")
self.__verify = True
self.processes = processes
# these two variables are without leadning double underscaore "__" as to export the as public,
......@@ -1111,6 +1116,26 @@ Possible fixes:
''' Usage: refreshtoken - refresh the access token '''
return self.__refresh_token()
def __remove_remote_on_success(self, remotepath):
if self.__deletesource:
self.pd("Removing remote path '{}' after successful download.".format(remotepath))
result = self.__delete(remotepath)
if result == const.ENoError:
self.pd("Remote path '{}' removed.".format(remotepath))
perr("Failed to remove remote path '{}'.".format(remotepath))
return result
def __remove_local_on_success(self, localpath):
if self.__deletesource:
self.pd("Removing local path '{}' after successful upload.".format(localpath))
result = cachedm.remove_path_and_cache(localpath)
if result == const.ENoError:
self.pd("Local path '{}' removed.".format(localpath))
perr("Failed to remove local path '{}'.".format(localpath))
return result
def info(self):
return self.quota()
......@@ -1635,16 +1660,21 @@ get information of the given path (dir / file) at Baidu Yun.
def __upload_dir(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
self.pd("Uploading directory '{}' to '{}'".format(localpath, remotepath))
result = const.ENoError
if Pool and self.processes > 1:
return self.__upload_dir_multi(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
result = self.__upload_dir_multi(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
return self.__upload_dir_single(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
result = self.__upload_dir_single(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def __upload_file(self, localpath, remotepath, ondup = 'overwrite'):
# TODO: this is a quick patch
if not self.__shallinclude(localpath, remotepath, True):
# since we are not going to upload it, there is no error
return const.ENoError
#return const.ENoError
return const.ESkipped
self.__current_file = localpath
self.__current_file_size = getfilesize(localpath)
......@@ -1677,12 +1707,18 @@ get information of the given path (dir / file) at Baidu Yun.
self.pv("'{}' can't be rapidly uploaded, so it's skipped since we are in the rapid-upload-only mode.".format(localpath))
return result
elif not self.__rapiduploadonly:
result = const.ESkipped
elif self.__rapiduploadonly:
self.pv("'{}' is too small to be rapidly uploaded, so it's skipped since we are in the rapid-upload-only mode.".format(localpath))
result = const.ESkipped
# very small file, must be uploaded manually and no slicing is needed
self.pd("'{}' is small and being non-slicing uploaded.".format(self.__current_file))
return self.__upload_one_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
result = self.__upload_one_file(localpath, remotepath, ondup)
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def upload(self, localpath = '', remotepath = '', ondup = "overwrite"):
''' Usage: upload [localpath] [remotepath] [ondup] - \
......@@ -1945,12 +1981,12 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
return result
def __downfile(self, remotefile, localfile):
# TODO: this is a quick patch
if not self.__shallinclude(localfile, remotefile, False):
# since we are not going to download it, there is no error
return const.ENoError
#return const.ENoError
return const.ESkipped
result = const.ENoError
rfile = remotefile
......@@ -1972,12 +2008,14 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
if const.ENoError == self.__verify_current_file(self.__remote_json, False) \
and not (self.__downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2 and os.path.exists(localfile + '.aria2')):
self.pd("Same local file '{}' already exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
return const.ENoError
if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name locale file '{}' exists but is different, "
"do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
pinfo("Same-name local file '{}' exists but is different, skip downloading".format(localfile))
return const.ENoError
#return const.ENoError
return const.ESkipped
if self.__resumedownload and \
self.__compare_size(self.__current_file_size, self.__remote_json) == 2:
......@@ -1993,7 +2031,8 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
if not self.shalloverwrite("Same-name directory '{}' exists, "
"do you want to remove it? [y/N]".format(localfile)):
pinfo("Same-name directory '{}' exists, skip downloading".format(localfile))
return const.ENoError
#return const.ENoError
return const.ESkipped
self.pv("Directory with the same name '{}' exists, removing ...".format(localfile))
result = removedir(localfile, self.verbose)
......@@ -2011,9 +2050,14 @@ try to create a file at PCS by combining slices, having MD5s specified
return result
if self.__downloader[:5] == const.DownloaderAria2:
return self.__down_aria2c(rfile, localfile)
result = self.__down_aria2c(rfile, localfile)
return self.__downchunks(rfile, offset)
result = self.__downchunks(rfile, offset)
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def downfile(self, remotefile, localpath = ''):
''' Usage: downfile <remotefile> [localpath] - \
......@@ -2185,10 +2229,14 @@ To stream a file, you can use the 'mkfifo' trick with omxplayer etc.:
"Directory Download")
def __downdir(self, rpath, lpath):
result = const.ENoError
if Pool and self.processes > 1:
return self.__downdir_multi(rpath, lpath)
result = self.__downdir_multi(rpath, lpath)
return self.__downdir_single(rpath, lpath)
result = self.__downdir_single(rpath, lpath)
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def downdir(self, remotepath = None, localpath = None):
''' Usage: downdir [remotedir] [localdir] - \
......@@ -2240,7 +2288,8 @@ download a remote directory (recursively) / file
# the code still works because Baidu Yun doesn't require
# parent directory to exist remotely to upload / create a file
if not self.__shallinclude('.', rpath, True):
return const.ENoError
#return const.ENoError
return const.ESkipped
self.pd("Making remote directory '{}'".format(rpath))
......@@ -2711,6 +2760,8 @@ if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
if subresult != const.ENoError:
result = subresult
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def __syncup_diff_one(self, rpath, localdir, d):
......@@ -2832,6 +2883,8 @@ if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
subresult = self.__syncup_delete_remote(rpath, remote)
if subresult != const.ENoError:
result = subresult
if result == const.ENoError:
return result
def dumpcache(self):
......@@ -3422,6 +3475,9 @@ def getparser():
dest="resumedl_revertcount", default=const.DefaultResumeDlRevertCount,
type=int, metavar='RCOUNT',
help="Revert back at least %(metavar)s download chunk(s) and align to chunk boundary when resuming the download. A negative value means NO reverts. [default: %(default)s]")
dest="deletesource", action="store_true",
help="Delete source files/directories after download/upload/syncdown/syncup is successful (This will force verification of the files). [default: %(default)s]")
if Pool:
dest="processes", default=const.DefaultProcessCount, type=int,
......@@ -3580,6 +3636,7 @@ def main(argv=None): # IGNORE:C0111
'selectmirror': args.selectmirror,
'configdir': args.configdir,
'resumedl_revertcount': args.resumedl_revertcount,
'deletesource': args.deletesource,
'downloader': args.downloader,
'downloader_args': dl_args,
'verbose': args.verbose,
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ from .util import (
pdbg, pinfo, perr,
getfilesize, getfilemtime_int,
joinpath, formatex,
jsonload, jsondump)
jsonload, jsondump,
pr = util.pr
......@@ -257,6 +258,32 @@ class cached(object):
cached.cache[absdir] = files
def remove(path):
def notfound():
pdbg("Failed to delete cache: Path '{}' not found in cache.".format(path))
dir, file = os.path.split(path)
absdir = os.path.abspath(dir)
if absdir in cached.cache:
entry = cached.cache[absdir]
if file in entry:
del entry[file]
pdbg("Cache for '{}' removed.".format(path))
if not entry:
del cached.cache[absdir]
pdbg("Empty directory '{}' in cache also removed.".format(absdir))
def remove_path_and_cache(path):
result = removepath(path)
if result == const.ENoError and os.path.isfile(path):
return result
def md5(filename, slice = const.OneM):
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import os
# https://packaging.python.org/single_source_version/
__title__ = 'bypy'
__version__ = '1.5.7'
__version__ = '1.5.8'
__author__ = 'Hou Tianze'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__desc__ = 'Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘 Python 客户端'
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ EMigrationFailed = 170
EDownloadCerts = 180
EUserRejected = 190 # user's decision
EUpdateNeeded = 200
ESkipped = 210
EFatal = -1 # No way to continue
# internal errors
IEMD5NotFound = 31079 # File md5 not found, you should use upload API to upload the whole file.
......@@ -157,8 +158,8 @@ HomeDir = os.path.expanduser('~')
ConfigDir = HomeDir + os.sep + '.bypy'
TokenFileName = 'bypy.json'
TokenFilePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + TokenFileName
SettingFileName= 'bypy.setting.json'
SettingFilePath= ConfigDir + os.sep + SettingFileName
SettingFileName = 'bypy.setting.json'
SettingFilePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + SettingFileName
HashCacheFileName = 'bypy.hashcache.json'
HashCachePath = ConfigDir + os.sep + HashCacheFileName
PickleFileName = 'bypy.pickle'
......@@ -198,10 +199,10 @@ DefaultResumeDlRevertCount = 1
DefaultProcessCount = 1
## program switches
CleanOptionShort= '-c'
CleanOptionLong= '--clean'
CleanOptionShort = '-c'
CleanOptionLong = '--clean'
DisableSslCheckOption = '--disable-ssl-check'
CaCertsOption = '--cacerts'
MultiprocessOption= '--processes'
MultiprocessOption = '--processes'
# vim: tabstop=4 noexpandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 ff=unix fileencoding=utf-8
"access_token": "21.6cf7a35c11b4a03821ba5167e1c8b3b1.2592000.1499484200.2844184044-1572671",
"access_token": "21.4bdede589a1f3873a115d792e5534339.2592000.1506413842.2844184044-1572671",
"expires_in": 2592000,
"refresh_token": "22.2ea6ee64f126b814b28f390e59524bd5.315360000.1812252200.2844184044-1572671",
"refresh_token": "22.6510cc065ac5d13ec0b2ba827ff98925.315360000.1819181842.2844184044-1572671",
"scope": "basic netdisk",
"session_key": "9mnRciPjdsLH5WVP7Ui5TXr6nw//f3N8M0o8ZS73gm6wzJYDC4jAs5QXlvIgdejtEicNleO6uKiTHddshZnkn2nTG6H4SR/d4w==",
"session_secret": "fa7e4ae162455a2d494f1b4b3b5283d8"
"session_key": "9mnRcFT+MMp/uu69/2WfGd5+f+bg9lQkU9+LhKP8ocGwn+HTsSUWF79CSqzD+UhYyZ6h4lUFJ7wWIGx2pJEkyLPDyQEzrh4CPw==",
"session_secret": "2e32830c3218507fcecc3eed1472fc18"
\ No newline at end of file
"lastUpdateCheck": 1496892192,
"lastUpdateCheck": 1503821836,
"overwriteRemoteTempDir": true
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -154,6 +154,15 @@ def removedir(path, verbose = False):
return result
def removepath(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
return removedir(path)
elif os.path.isfile(path):
return removefile(path)
perr("Can't remove '{}', it's non-file and none-dir.".format(path))
return const.EArgument
def makedir(path, mode = 0o777, verbose = False):
result = const.ENoError
"comment": "Update info",
"recommendedVersion": "1.5.5",
"recommendedVersion": "1.5.8",
"minimumRequiredVersion": "1.4.3"
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