提交 093bacca 编写于 作者: G Guillaume Nault 提交者: Dmitry Kozlov

utils: add IPv4 string parsing helpers

Define the IPv4 counterparts of u_ip6str() and u_parse_ip6cidr().
Also add the special u_parse_ip4range() which will be useful for
parsing the [client-ip-range] section of accel-ppp.conf.
Signed-off-by: NGuillaume Nault <g.nault@alphalink.fr>
上级 0f2f775d
......@@ -30,6 +30,21 @@ char __export *u_ip6str(const struct in6_addr *addr, char *buf)
return buf;
/* Convenient wrapper around inet_ntop() to print IPv4 addresses.
* It stores a string representation of addr into buf, which must be at
* least INET_ADDRSTRLEN bytes long.
* Returns buf, which is guaranteed to contain a valid string even if an error
* occured.
char __export *u_ip4str(const struct in_addr *addr, char *buf)
if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr, buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN))
snprintf(buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN, "< ERROR! >");
return buf;
void __export u_inet_ntoa(in_addr_t addr, char *str)
addr = ntohl(addr);
......@@ -242,6 +257,70 @@ size_t __export u_parse_ip6cidr(const char *str, struct in6_addr *netp, uint8_t
return ptr - str;
/* Parse an IPv4 network prefix in CIDR notation (for example "").
* The IP address must be in dotted-decimal format.
* Returns the number of bytes parsed, or 0 if str doesn't start with an IPv4
* network prefix.
size_t __export u_parse_ip4cidr(const char *str, struct in_addr *netp, uint8_t *plen)
const char *ptr = str;
size_t len;
len = u_parse_ip4addr(ptr, netp);
if (!len)
return 0;
ptr += len;
if (*ptr != '/')
return 0;
len = u_parse_u8(++ptr, plen);
if (!len)
return 0;
if (*plen > 32)
return 0;
ptr += len;
return ptr - str;
/* Parse an IPv4 address range (for example "").
* The IP address must be in dotted-decimal format. The number following '-'
* is the upper bound of the address' least significant byte (the lower bound
* is given by the address itself). The upper bound must be bigger or equal
* than the lower bound.
* Returns the number of bytes parsed, or 0 if str doesn't start with an IPv4
* address range.
size_t __export u_parse_ip4range(const char *str, struct in_addr *base_ip, uint8_t *max)
const char *ptr = str;
size_t len;
len = u_parse_ip4addr(ptr, base_ip);
if (!len)
return 0;
ptr += len;
if (*ptr != '-')
return 0;
len = u_parse_u8(++ptr, max);
if (!len)
return 0;
if (*max < (ntohl(base_ip->s_addr) & 0xff))
return 0;
ptr += len;
return ptr - str;
int __export u_randbuf(void *buf, size_t buf_len, int *err)
uint8_t *u8buf = buf;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
char *u_ip6str(const struct in6_addr *addr, char *buf);
char *u_ip4str(const struct in_addr *addr, char *buf);
void u_inet_ntoa(in_addr_t, char *str);
int u_readlong(long int *dst, const char *src, long int min, long int max);
......@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ size_t u_parse_ip6addr(const char *str, struct in6_addr *addr);
size_t u_parse_ip4addr(const char *str, struct in_addr *addr);
size_t u_parse_ip6cidr(const char *str, struct in6_addr *netp, uint8_t *plen);
size_t u_parse_ip4cidr(const char *str, struct in_addr *netp, uint8_t *plen);
size_t u_parse_ip4range(const char *str, struct in_addr *base_ip, uint8_t *max);
int u_randbuf(void *buf, size_t buf_len, int *err);
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