未验证 提交 842c5400 编写于 作者: R ruanwenjun 提交者: GitHub

[Improvement][Server] Must restart master if Zk reconnect (#5210) (#5211)

上级 9d0c816c
......@@ -90,10 +90,8 @@ public class MasterRegistry {
logger.error("master : {} connection lost from zookeeper", address);
} else if (newState == ConnectionState.RECONNECTED) {
logger.info("master : {} reconnected to zookeeper", address);
zookeeperRegistryCenter.getRegisterOperator().persistEphemeral(localNodePath, "");
} else if (newState == ConnectionState.SUSPENDED) {
logger.warn("master : {} connection SUSPENDED ", address);
zookeeperRegistryCenter.getRegisterOperator().persistEphemeral(localNodePath, "");
int masterHeartbeatInterval = masterConfig.getMasterHeartbeatInterval();
......@@ -111,10 +111,8 @@ public class WorkerRegistry {
logger.error("worker : {} connection lost from zookeeper", address);
} else if (newState == ConnectionState.RECONNECTED) {
logger.info("worker : {} reconnected to zookeeper", address);
zookeeperRegistryCenter.getRegisterOperator().persistEphemeral(workerZKPath, "");
} else if (newState == ConnectionState.SUSPENDED) {
logger.warn("worker : {} connection SUSPENDED ", address);
zookeeperRegistryCenter.getRegisterOperator().persistEphemeral(workerZKPath, "");
logger.info("worker node : {} registry to ZK {} successfully", address, workerZKPath);
......@@ -189,18 +189,20 @@ public class ZookeeperOperator implements InitializingBean {
public void persistEphemeral(final String key, final String value) {
public void persistEphemeral(final String path, final String value) {
try {
if (isExisted(key)) {
// If the ephemeral node exist and the data is not equals to the given value
// delete the old node
if (isExisted(path) && !value.equals(get(path))) {
try {
} catch (NoNodeException ignore) {
zkClient.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(key, value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
zkClient.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(path, value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
logger.error("persistEphemeral key : {} , value : {}", key, value, ex);
logger.error("persistEphemeral path : {} , value : {}", path, value, ex);
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