未验证 提交 a23a3e2d 编写于 作者: F felix-thinkingdata 提交者: GitHub

fix bug #3165 get resource.storage.type value toUpperCase (#3166)

Co-authored-by: Ndailidong <dailidong66@gmail.com>
上级 ae902e23
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class PropertyUtils {
* @return judge whether resource upload startup
public static Boolean getResUploadStartupState(){
String resUploadStartupType = PropertyUtils.getString(Constants.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE);
String resUploadStartupType = PropertyUtils.getString(Constants.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE).toUpperCase();
ResUploadType resUploadType = ResUploadType.valueOf(resUploadStartupType);
return resUploadType == ResUploadType.HDFS || resUploadType == ResUploadType.S3;
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