[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 1.3.8

Feature/Update [#5405] [Improvement]Docker & K8s Improvement Plan Round 2 [#5858][Improvement][Docker] Docker image should support multi-arch like arm64 in docker-compose [#5706][Improvement][common] Upgrade the version of fastjson from 1.2.61 to 1.2.75 [#5577][Improvement][UI] Add Project Name in Project Page [#5567][Improvement][UI] Add project id in web ui url for sharing [#5475][Improvement][Api] Upload resource to remote failed, the local tmp file need to be cleared [#5468][Improvement][Net]Optimize IP acquisition in complex network environment [#5467][Improvement][UI] UI cannot be displayed normally in some browsers

BUGFIX [#6007][Bug][Worker] fix Wrong complement date [#5719][Bug][K8s] Ingress ERROR io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressSpec.tls: got "map", expected "array" On TLS enabled
[#5701][Bug][UI][DAO]When deleting a user, the accessToken associated with the user should also be deleted [#5699][Bug][UI] Update user error in user information [#5596][Bug][Python] Conflict between python_home and datax_home configuration in dolphinscheduler_env.sh [#5559][Bug][Master Server] Master Server was shutdown but the process still in system [#5581][Bug][Mysql] Specific key was too long, max key length is 767 bytes for varchar(256) in some mysql with innodb_large_prefix=OFF [#5578][Bug][Master] ServerNodeManager WorkerGroupListener capture data change and get data failed [#5570][Bug][Worker] worker.groups in worker.properties is still commented after installation in 1.3.6 [#5550][Bug][Master] remove check with executePath when kill yarn job [#5549][Bug][Worker] SqlTask NPE [#5431][Bug][K8s] Master and worker cannot get the right address with custom DNS in 1.3.6


Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data workflow orchestration platform with powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

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发行版本 35



贡献者 211



  • Java 80.7 %
  • TypeScript 17.4 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
  • PLpgSQL 0.5 %
  • SCSS 0.5 %