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qinzuoyan 已提交
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Installing Pegasus

Currently Pegasus can only be installed from source. Binary package and docker image is coming soon.

## Prerequisites and Requirements

### Hardware

Zero King 已提交
Pegasus can be deployed in standalone mode which runs all the pegasus jobs as different processes on a single host, or in distributed mode which runs different jobs on different hosts. For distributed mode, more than one hosts are need:
qinzuoyan 已提交

Zero King 已提交
* One or more hosts to run zookeeper. We need zookeeper to make the cluster metadata persistence. For a fault tolerant zookeeper cluster, at least 3 are necessary.
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* One or more hosts to run Pegasus meta-server. At least 2 are needed for fault tolerance. You may share hosts between meta-server and zookeeper.
* At least 3 hosts to run Pegasus replica-server.

### Operating System requirements

* Linux: CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14.04(Trusty)
* macOS: not supported
* Microsoft Windows: not supported

## Build Pegasus from source

Please notice that Pegasus can not be built until the following packages meet the version requirements:

* Compiler: the gcc version must >= 4.8 && < 8. If you use other compilers, please make sure that C++14 is supported.
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* CMake: must >= 3.5.2
* Boost: must >= 1.58
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#### Install the dependencies

For Ubuntu:

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sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libaio-dev libsnappy-dev libbz2-dev libtool libgflags-dev zlib1g patch unzip automake libssl-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
To start onebox:
sudo apt-get install default-jre netcat
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For CentOS:
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yum -y install cmake boost-devel libaio-devel snappy-devel bzip2-devel lz4-devel automake libtool patch unzip openssl-devel python-devel libzstd-devel
Zstd may not available in the default EPEL. To install the EPEL repository on CentOS-7/6, simply type:
yum install epel-release
To start onebox:
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk nmap-ncat.x86_64
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Please make sure you install the proper version of GCC, CMake and Boost.

#### Build

1. clone Pegasus and its all subprojects:

   git clone --recursive
2. build

WeijieSun 已提交
   cd pegasus && ./ build
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   if Boost is installed at some custom path , please tell the build script the install path of Boost:

WeijieSun 已提交
   ./ build -b /your/boost/installation/path
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Generally, the build process of Pegasus consists of 4 parts:

1. Download the thirdparty dependencies to "rdsn/thirdparty" and build them, and the output headers/libraries/binaries are installed in "rdsn/thirdparty/output".
2. build the rdsn project, which is a dependency of our KV storage. The output headers/libraries/binaries are installed in "rdsn/builder/output". The build script will create a symbolic link "DSN_ROOT" in the pegasus project root.
3. build rocksdb in "rocksdb" dir, which is modified from [facebook/rocksdb](
4. build pegasus's KV-layer in "src".

**Please make sure the thirdparty are successfully downloaded and built before subsequent parts**.

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####  Common Build Problems
* fatal error: <some_thirdparty_header_files>.h: No such file or directory

This means that Third Party Building did not complete correctly and did not generate the header files.

Rerun `./ build` with `--clear_thirdparty`.

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## Run in standalone mode

You can play with pegasus with a **onebox** cluster:

./ start_onebox

When running onebox cluster, all pegasus jobs are running in local host: 

* zookeeper: start a zookeeper process with port 22181
* meta-server: start several meta-server processes
* replica-server: start several replica-server processes

You can also check the state of onebox cluster:

./ list_onebox

Stop the onebox cluster:

./ stop_onebox

Clean the onebox cluster:

./ clear_onebox

## Interactive shell

Pegasus provides a shell tool to interact with the cluster. To start the shell, run:
./ shell

or specify different cluster meta-server address list:
./ shell --cluster,

Using the shell, you can do lots of things including:

* get cluster information and statistics
* create/drop/list tables (we name it app)
* get/set/del/scan data
* migrate replicas from node to node
* send remote commands to server
* dump mutation log and sstable files

## Running test

Run the unit test by:
./ test

or run the killing test by:
./ start_kill_test

## Benchmark

You can start a benchmark client quickly (needs onebox cluster already started):
./ bench

or start a series of benchmark tests:

Attention: this bench tool depends on gflags, so it would not work if gflags library
is not installed when building Pegasus.