未验证 提交 49b85c23 编写于 作者: zlw5307's avatar zlw5307 提交者: GitHub

fix(hotspot): using dsn::make_unique instead of std::make_unique (#607)

上级 a1f158b3
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void hotspot_partition_calculator::detect_hotkey_in_hotpartition(int data_type)
const dsn::apps::hotkey_detect_action::type action)
FAIL_POINT_INJECT_F("send_hotkey_detect_request", [](dsn::string_view) {});
auto request = std::make_unique<dsn::apps::hotkey_detect_request>();
auto request = dsn::make_unique<dsn::apps::hotkey_detect_request>();
request->type = hotkey_type;
request->action = action;
ddebug_f("{} {} hotkey detection in {}.{}",
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