• H
    [Doc]--Update BookKeeper config (#7834) · 9994d6dc
    HuanliMeng 提交于
    Fixes #7481
    Default bookkeeper conf that ships with apache pulsar indicates that the unit of openLedgerRereplicationGracePeriod is in seconds, but official bookkeeper doc(and code) mentions that the unit is in milliseconds.
    Pulsar should configure default as 30000 instead of 30 and bookkeeper.conf should mention that the unit of this period is milliseconds instead of seconds.
    Update the bookkeep.config file
    Update the following Pulsar docs for releases 2.5.2, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, and master
    Reference > Pulsar Config > BookKeeper
reference-configuration.md 55.0 KB