提交 68f351b4 编写于 作者: 冉小龙 提交者: xiaolong.ran

Fix docs about reset cursor (#5551)

* Fix docs about reset cursor
Signed-off-by: Nxiaolong.ran <ranxiaolong716@gmail.com>

* fix comments
Signed-off-by: Nxiaolong.ran <ranxiaolong716@gmail.com>
(cherry picked from commit 80e4b5f6)
上级 6b8591c7
......@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ public class CmdTopics extends CmdBase {
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Reset position for subscription to position closest to timestamp or messageId")
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Reset position for subscription to a position that is closest to timestamp or messageId.")
private class ResetCursor extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "persistent://tenant/namespace/topic", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
......@@ -2332,7 +2332,7 @@ Options
### `reset-cursor`
Reset position for subscription to closest to timestamp
Reset position for subscription to a position that is closest to timestamp or messageId.
......@@ -2340,10 +2340,12 @@ $ pulsar-admin topics reset-cursor topic options
|`-s`, `--subscription`|Subscription to reset position on||
|`-t`, `--time`|The time, in minutes, to reset back to (or minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc.). Examples: `100m`, `3h`, `2d`, `5w`.||
|`-t`, `--time`|The time in minutes to reset back to (or minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc.). Examples: `100m`, `3h`, `2d`, `5w`.||
|`-m`, `--messageId`| The messageId to reset back to (ledgerId:entryId). ||
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