提交 9abe8e1a 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Fix illegal protocol.

上级 4a3452b8
......@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ import "common/common.proto";
service BrowserPerfService {
// report once per page
rpc collectPerfData (BrowserPerfData) returns (Commands) {
rpc collectPerfData (BrowserPerfData) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
// report one or more error logs for pages, could report multiple times.
rpc collectErrorLogs (stream BrowserErrorLog) returns (Commands) {
rpc collectErrorLogs (stream BrowserErrorLog) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import "common/common.proto";
message CLRMetric {
int64 time = 1;
CPU cpu = 2;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.CPU cpu = 2;
ClrGC gc = 3;
ClrThread thread = 4;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import "common/common.proto";
message JVMMetric {
int64 time = 1;
CPU cpu = 2;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.CPU cpu = 2;
repeated Memory memory = 3;
repeated MemoryPool memoryPool = 4;
repeated GC gc = 5;
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ import "common/common.proto";
import "common/CLR.proto";
service CLRMetricReportService {
rpc collect (CLRMetricCollection) returns (Commands) {
rpc collect (CLRMetricCollection) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
message CLRMetricCollection {
repeated CLRMetric metrics = 1;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.CLRMetric metrics = 1;
int32 serviceInstanceId = 2;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ import "common/common.proto";
import "common/JVM.proto";
service JVMMetricReportService {
rpc collect (JVMMetricCollection) returns (Commands) {
rpc collect (JVMMetricCollection) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
message JVMMetricCollection {
repeated JVMMetric metrics = 1;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.JVMMetric metrics = 1;
int32 serviceInstanceId = 2;
......@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ import "common/common.proto";
import "common/trace-common.proto";
service TraceSegmentReportService {
rpc collect (stream UpstreamSegment) returns (Commands) {
rpc collect (stream skywalking.network.protocol.common.UpstreamSegment) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
message SegmentObject {
UniqueId traceSegmentId = 1;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.UniqueId traceSegmentId = 1;
repeated SpanObjectV2 spans = 2;
int32 serviceId = 3;
int32 serviceInstanceId = 4;
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ message SegmentObject {
message SegmentReference {
RefType refType = 1;
UniqueId parentTraceSegmentId = 2;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.RefType refType = 1;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.UniqueId parentTraceSegmentId = 2;
int32 parentSpanId = 3;
int32 parentServiceInstanceId = 4;
string networkAddress = 5;
......@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ message SpanObjectV2 {
string operationName = 7;
int32 peerId = 8;
string peer = 9;
SpanType spanType = 10;
SpanLayer spanLayer = 11;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.SpanType spanType = 10;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.SpanLayer spanLayer = 11;
int32 componentId = 12;
string component = 13;
bool isError = 14;
repeated KeyStringValuePair tags = 15;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair tags = 15;
repeated Log logs = 16;
message Log {
int64 time = 1;
repeated KeyStringValuePair data = 2;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair data = 2;
......@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ import "common/trace-common.proto";
service ProfileTask {
// query all sniffer need to execute profile task commands
rpc getProfileTaskCommands (ProfileTaskCommandQuery) returns (Commands) {
rpc getProfileTaskCommands (ProfileTaskCommandQuery) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
// collect dumped thread snapshot
rpc collectSnapshot (stream ThreadSnapshot) returns (Commands) {
rpc collectSnapshot (stream ThreadSnapshot) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
// report profiling task finished
rpc reportTaskFinish (ProfileTaskFinishReport) returns (Commands) {
rpc reportTaskFinish (ProfileTaskFinishReport) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ message ThreadSnapshot {
// profile task id
string taskId = 1;
// dumped segment id
UniqueId traceSegmentId = 2;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.UniqueId traceSegmentId = 2;
// dump timestamp
int64 time = 3;
// snapshot dump sequence, start with zero
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol";
import "common/common.proto";
service ServiceInstancePing {
rpc doPing (ServiceInstancePingPkg) returns (Commands) {
rpc doPing (ServiceInstancePingPkg) returns (skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ service Register {
rpc doNetworkAddressRegister (NetAddresses) returns (NetAddressMapping) {
rpc doServiceAndNetworkAddressMappingRegister (ServiceAndNetworkAddressMappings) returns(Commands) {
rpc doServiceAndNetworkAddressMappingRegister (ServiceAndNetworkAddressMappings) returns(skywalking.network.protocol.common.Commands) {
......@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ message Services {
message Service {
string serviceName = 1;
repeated KeyStringValuePair tags = 3;
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 4;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair tags = 3;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair properties = 4;
// Type of this register service.
// NULL means type=normal, such as all services before the 7.0.0.
ServiceType type = 5;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.ServiceType type = 5;
message ServiceRegisterMapping {
repeated KeyIntValuePair services = 1;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyIntValuePair services = 1;
// Service Instance register
......@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ message ServiceInstance {
int32 serviceId = 1;
string instanceUUID = 2;
int64 time = 3;
repeated KeyStringValuePair tags = 4;
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 5;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair tags = 4;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair properties = 5;
message ServiceInstanceRegisterMapping {
repeated KeyIntValuePair serviceInstances = 1;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyIntValuePair serviceInstances = 1;
// Network address register
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ message NetAddresses {
message NetAddressMapping {
repeated KeyIntValuePair addressIds = 1;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyIntValuePair addressIds = 1;
// Endpoints register
......@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ message Endpoints {
message Endpoint {
int32 serviceId = 1;
string endpointName = 2;
repeated KeyStringValuePair tags = 3;
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 4;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair tags = 3;
repeated skywalking.network.protocol.common.KeyStringValuePair properties = 4;
// For endpoint
// from DetectPoint is either `client` or `server`. No chance to be `proxy`.
DetectPoint from = 5;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.DetectPoint from = 5;
message EndpointMapping {
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ message EndpointMappingElement {
int32 serviceId = 1;
string endpointName = 2;
int32 endpointId = 3;
DetectPoint from = 4;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.DetectPoint from = 4;
message ServiceAndNetworkAddressMappings {
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ message ServiceMeshMetric {
int32 responseCode = 13;
bool status = 14;
Protocol protocol = 15;
DetectPoint detectPoint = 16;
skywalking.network.protocol.common.DetectPoint detectPoint = 16;
enum Protocol {
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