未验证 提交 80d675db 编写于 作者: Z zhang-wei 提交者: GitHub

Fix README.md (#17)

上级 54a87c1c
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ The following APIs are for developers or using this lib out of the Nginx case.
## Nginx APIs
- **startTimer**, `require("client"):startBackendTimer("")`. Start the backend timer. This timer register the metadata and report traces to the backend.
- **start**, `require("tracer"):start()`. Begin the tracing before the upstream begin.
- **start**, `require("tracer"):start("upstream service")`. Begin the tracing before the upstream begin.
- **finish**, `require("tracer"):finish()`. Finish the tracing for this HTTP request.
- **prepareForReport**, `require("tracer"):prepareForReport()`. Prepare the finished segment for further report.
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