未验证 提交 a4f60a8d 编写于 作者: K kezhenxu94 提交者: GitHub

BugFix: http.method is always PATCH (#2)

- Set operation name `/` when the url is just a domain name
- Rename component `Http` to `General`
上级 7b55018b
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ with context.new_entry_span(op='https://github.com/apache') as span:
# the span automatically stops when exiting the `with` context
with context.new_exit_span(op='https://github.com/apache', peer='localhost:8080') as span:
span.component = Component.Http
span.component = Component.Flask
with context.new_local_span(op='https://github.com/apache') as span:
span.tag(Tag(key='Singer', val='Nakajima'))
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def some_method():
context: SpanContext = get_context()
with context.new_entry_span(op=str('https://github.com/apache/skywalking')) as span:
span.component = Component.Http
span.component = Component.Flask
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ loggings.init()
class Component(Enum):
Unknown = 0
Http = 49
General = 7000 # built-in modules that may not have a logo to display
Flask = 7001
......@@ -36,21 +36,24 @@ def install():
def _sw_handle(this: BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
http_methods = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'CONNECT', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'PATCH')
for method in http_methods:
if hasattr(this, 'do_' + method) and inspect.ismethod(getattr(this, 'do_' + method)):
_do_method = getattr(this, 'do_' + method)
def _sw_do_method():
context = get_context()
with context.new_entry_span(op=this.path) as span:
span.layer = Layer.Http
span.component = Component.Http
span.peer = '%s:%s' % this.client_address
span.tag(Tag(key=tags.HttpMethod, val=method))
setattr(this, 'do_' + method, _sw_do_method)
_wrap_do_method(this, method)
def _wrap_do_method(this, method):
if hasattr(this, 'do_' + method) and inspect.ismethod(getattr(this, 'do_' + method)):
_do_method = getattr(this, 'do_' + method)
def _sw_do_method():
context = get_context()
with context.new_entry_span(op=this.path) as span:
span.layer = Layer.Http
span.component = Component.General
span.peer = '%s:%s' % this.client_address
span.tag(Tag(key=tags.HttpMethod, val=method))
setattr(this, 'do_' + method, _sw_do_method)
BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle = _sw_handle
except Exception:
logger.warning('failed to install plugin %s', __name__)
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ def install():
def _sw_open(this: OpenerDirector, fullurl, data, timeout):
context = get_context()
with context.new_exit_span(op=fullurl.selector, peer=fullurl.host) as span:
with context.new_exit_span(op=fullurl.selector or '/', peer=fullurl.host) as span:
span.layer = Layer.Http
span.component = Component.Http
span.component = Component.General
res = _open(this, fullurl, data, timeout)
span.tag(Tag(key=tags.HttpMethod, val=fullurl.get_method()))
......@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for _ in range(1, 20):
context = get_context() # type: SpanContext
with context.new_entry_span(op='https://github.com/1') as s1:
s1.component = Component.Http
s1.component = Component.General
with context.new_entry_span(op='https://github.com/2') as s2:
s2.component = Component.Http
s2.component = Component.General
s2.layer = Layer.Http
with context.new_exit_span(op='https://github.com/3', peer='') as s3:
s3.component = Component.Http
s3.component = Component.General
s3.layer = Layer.Http
with context.new_entry_span(op='https://github.com/4') as s4:
s4.component = Component.Http
s4.component = Component.General
s4.layer = Layer.Http
with context.new_exit_span(op='https://github.com/5', peer='') as s5:
s5.component = Component.Http
s5.component = Component.General
s5.layer = Layer.Http
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