未验证 提交 667f3be3 编写于 作者: A Ax1an 提交者: GitHub

Avoid NPE in ElasticSearch 5 client due to version mismatch. (#6863)

上级 0036ea67
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Release Notes.
* Add `spring-cloud-gateway-3.x` optional plugin.
* Add `okhttp-4.x` plugin.
* Fix NPE when thrift field is nested in plugin `thrift`
* Fix possible NullPointerException in agent's ES plugin.
#### OAP-Backend
* BugFix: filter invalid Envoy access logs whose socket address is empty.
......@@ -257,4 +257,9 @@ public class RestHighLevelClientInstrumentation extends ClassEnhancePluginDefine
public StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[] getStaticMethodsInterceptPoints() {
return new StaticMethodsInterceptPoint[0];
protected String[] witnessClasses() {
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