提交 aa4ecb41 编写于 作者: 于玉桔 提交者: wu-sheng

fix project deadlock when starting application in issue 3784 (#3894)

上级 6d3b0e2a
......@@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ public class InterceptorInstanceLoader {
Object inst = INSTANCE_CACHE.get(instanceKey);
if (inst == null) {
ClassLoader pluginLoader;
try {
ClassLoader pluginLoader = EXTEND_PLUGIN_CLASSLOADERS.get(targetClassLoader);
pluginLoader = EXTEND_PLUGIN_CLASSLOADERS.get(targetClassLoader);
if (pluginLoader == null) {
pluginLoader = new AgentClassLoader(targetClassLoader);
EXTEND_PLUGIN_CLASSLOADERS.put(targetClassLoader, pluginLoader);
inst = Class.forName(className, true, pluginLoader).newInstance();
} finally {
inst = Class.forName(className, true, pluginLoader).newInstance();
if (inst != null) {
INSTANCE_CACHE.put(instanceKey, inst);
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