提交 b185f1e0 编写于 作者: A ascrutae


上级 dbc221e2
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package com.a.eye.skywalking.logging;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public interface ILog {
void info(String format);
void info(String format, Object... arguments);
void error(String format, Throwable e);
void error(String format, Object argument, Throwable e);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.logging;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public class LogManager {
private static LogResolver resolver;
public static void setLogResolver(LogResolver resolver) {
LogManager.resolver = resolver;
public static ILog getLogger(Class<?> clazz) {
if (resolver == null) {
return NoopLogger.INSTANCE;
return LogManager.resolver.getLogger(clazz);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.logging;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public interface LogResolver {
ILog getLogger(Class<?> clazz);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.logging;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public class NoopLogger implements ILog{
public static final ILog INSTANCE = new NoopLogger();
public void info(String message) {
public void info(String format, Object... arguments) {
public void error(String format, Throwable e) {
public void error(String format, Object argument, Throwable e) {
......@@ -18,5 +18,39 @@
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api;
import java.util.List;
public interface NotifyListener {
void notify(List<String> urls);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api.Center;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api.RegistryCenter;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api.Center;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api.RegistryCenter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import java.util.ServiceLoader;
public class RegistryCenterFactory {
public static RegistryCenterFactory INSTANCE = new RegistryCenterFactory();
private Map<String, RegistryCenter> registryCenter = new HashMap<String, RegistryCenter>();
private RegistryCenterFactory() {
......@@ -33,4 +35,6 @@ public class RegistryCenterFactory {
public RegistryCenter getRegistryCenter(String type) {
return registryCenter.get(type);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api;
* Created by wusheng on 2016/11/10.
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public enum EventType {
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api;
public interface NotifyListener {
void notify(EventType type, String urls);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.api;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api;
import java.util.Properties;
* 主要用于注册中心的维护
......@@ -23,4 +25,11 @@ public interface RegistryCenter {
void subscribe(String path, NotifyListener listener);
* 在注册和订阅之前,需要先启动注册中心
* @param centerConfig 配置参数
void start(Properties centerConfig);
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.impl.zookeeper;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.logging.ILog;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.Properties;
* Created by xin on 2016/11/10.
public class ZookeeperConfig {
private static ILog logger = LogManager.getLogger(ZookeeperConfig.class);
public static final String CONNECT_URL = "CONNECT_URL";
public static final String AUTH_SCHEMA = "AUTH_SCHEMA";
public static final String AUTH_INFO = "AUTH_INFO";
private String connectURL;
private String autSchema;
private byte[] auth;
public ZookeeperConfig(Properties config) {
this.connectURL = config.getProperty(CONNECT_URL);
if (this.connectURL == null || this.connectURL.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connect url cannot be null");
this.autSchema = config.getProperty(AUTH_SCHEMA);
String authString = config.getProperty(AUTH_INFO);
if (authString != null) {
this.auth = authString.getBytes();
logger.info("connection url: {} \n auth schema : {} \n auth info : {} ", connectURL, autSchema, authString);
public boolean hasAuthInfo() {
return (this.autSchema != null && this.autSchema.length() > 0) && (this.auth != null && this.auth.length > 0);
public String getConnectURL() {
return connectURL;
public String getAutSchema() {
return autSchema;
public byte[] getAuth() {
return auth;
package com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.impl.zookeeper;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.logging.ILog;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.logging.LogManager;
import com.a.eye.skywalking.registry.logging.api.*;
import org.apache.zookeeper.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
@Center(type = CenterType.DEFAULT_CENTER_TYPE)
public class ZookeeperRegistryCenter implements RegistryCenter {
private ILog logger = LogManager.getLogger(ZookeeperRegistryCenter.class);
public ZooKeeper client;
public void register(String path) {
String createPath = path;
if (path.charAt(0) != '/') {
createPath = "/" + createPath;
recursionCreatePath(createPath, 0);
* @param createPath
* @param index
private void recursionCreatePath(String createPath, int index) {
try {
int next = createPath.indexOf("/", index + 1);
String path = createPath;
CreateMode createMode = CreateMode.EPHEMERAL;
if (next != -1) {
createMode = CreateMode.PERSISTENT;
path = createPath.substring(0, next);
if (client.exists(path, false) == null)
client.create(path, null, ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, createMode);
if (next != -1) {
recursionCreatePath(createPath, next);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to create path[{}]", createPath, e);
public void subscribe(final String path, final NotifyListener listener) {
try {
List<String> childrenPath = client.getChildren(path, new SubscribeWatcher(path, listener));
for (String child : childrenPath) {
listener.notify(EventType.Add, child);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to subscribe the path {} ", path, e);
public void start(Properties centerConfig) {
ZookeeperConfig config = new ZookeeperConfig(centerConfig);
try {
client = new ZooKeeper(config.getConnectURL(), 60 * 1000, null);
if (config.hasAuthInfo()) {
client.addAuthInfo(config.getAutSchema(), config.getAuth());
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to create zookeeper registry center [{}]", config.getConnectURL(), e);
private class SubscribeWatcher implements Watcher {
private String path;
private NotifyListener listener;
public SubscribeWatcher(String path, NotifyListener listener) {
this.path = path;
this.listener = listener;
public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged) {
private void notifyListener(WatchedEvent event) {
try {
List<String> tmpChildrenPath = client.getChildren(path, null);
if (tmpChildrenPath.contains(event.getPath())) {
listener.notify(EventType.Add, event.getPath());
} else {
listener.notify(EventType.Remove, event.getPath());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to fetch path[{}] children.", path, e);
private void retryWatch() {
try {
client.getChildren(path, this);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to rewatch path[{}]", path, e);
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