未验证 提交 d06cb76e 编写于 作者: 刘威 提交者: GitHub

Fix ProfileThreadSnapshotQuery.queryProfiledSegments adopts a wrong sort function (#7696)

上级 4eb37d4d
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ Release Notes.
* Unified the config word `namespace` in the project.
* Switch JRE base image for dev images.
* Support apollo grouped dynamic configurations.
* Fix `ProfileThreadSnapshotQuery.queryProfiledSegments` adopts a wrong sort function
#### UI
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class ProfileThreadSnapshotQuery implements IProfileThreadSnapshotQueryDA
final WhereQueryImpl<SelectQueryImpl> whereQuery = select()
.function(InfluxConstants.SORT_ASC, SegmentRecord.START_TIME, segments.size())
.function(InfluxConstants.SORT_DES, SegmentRecord.START_TIME, segments.size())
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