提交 d4cec534 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

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上级 3a418a41
Apache SkyWalking
Copyright 2015-2017 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed by The Apache Software
Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
The binary distribution contains software developed by:
raphw (byte-buddy): http://bytebuddy.net/
INRIA, France Telecom (asm): http://asm.ow2.org/
- grpc: https://grpc.io/
- guava: https://github.com/google/guava
- gson: https://github.com/google/gson
Elasticsearch BV (Elasticsearch): https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch
H2 Database: http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html
LMAX Ltd.(disruptor): https://github.com/LMAX-Exchange/disruptor
mockito: http://site.mockito.org/
QOS.ch (slf4j): https://www.slf4j.org/
powermock: https://github.com/powermock/powermock
Eclipse (Jetty): https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/
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