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Add documentation for profiling APIs (#10269)

上级 962493d2
# Profiling APIs
SkyWalking offers two types of Profiling, in-process and out-process, each with its own API.
## In-process profiling APIs
[In-process profiling](../concepts-and-designs/profiling.md#in-process-profiling) commonly interacts with auto-instrument agents. It gathers stack traces of programs and sends the data to the OAP for further analysis.
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.language.profile.v3";
option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol.V3";
option go_package = "skywalking.apache.org/repo/goapi/collect/language/profile/v3";
import "common/Command.proto";
service ProfileTask {
// query all sniffer need to execute profile task commands
rpc getProfileTaskCommands (ProfileTaskCommandQuery) returns (Commands) {
// collect dumped thread snapshot
rpc collectSnapshot (stream ThreadSnapshot) returns (Commands) {
// report profiling task finished
rpc reportTaskFinish (ProfileTaskFinishReport) returns (Commands) {
message ProfileTaskCommandQuery {
// current sniffer information
string service = 1;
string serviceInstance = 2;
// last command timestamp
int64 lastCommandTime = 3;
// dumped thread snapshot
message ThreadSnapshot {
// profile task id
string taskId = 1;
// dumped segment id
string traceSegmentId = 2;
// dump timestamp
int64 time = 3;
// snapshot dump sequence, start with zero
int32 sequence = 4;
// snapshot stack
ThreadStack stack = 5;
message ThreadStack {
// stack code signature list
repeated string codeSignatures = 1;
// profile task finished report
message ProfileTaskFinishReport {
// current sniffer information
string service = 1;
string serviceInstance = 2;
// profile task
string taskId = 3;
## Out-process profiling
[Out-process profiling](../concepts-and-designs/profiling.md#out-of-process-profiling) interacts with eBPF agent, which receives tasks and captures data, then reports it to the OAP for further analysis.
### Process APIs
Similar to Service Instance, all processes must be reported to the OAP storage segment prior to analysis.
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.ebpf.profiling.process.v3";
option go_package = "skywalking.apache.org/repo/goapi/collect/ebpf/profiling/process/v3";
import "common/Common.proto";
import "common/Command.proto";
// Define the detected processes and report them.
service EBPFProcessService {
// Report discovered process in Rover
rpc reportProcesses (EBPFProcessReportList) returns (EBPFReportProcessDownstream) {
// Keep the process alive in the backend.
rpc keepAlive (EBPFProcessPingPkgList) returns (Commands) {
message EBPFProcessReportList {
repeated EBPFProcessProperties processes = 1;
// An ID generated by eBPF agent, should be unique globally.
string ebpfAgentID = 2;
message EBPFProcessProperties {
// The Process metadata
oneof metadata {
EBPFHostProcessMetadata hostProcess = 1;
EBPFKubernetesProcessMetadata k8sProcess = 2;
message EBPFHostProcessMetadata {
// [required] Entity metadata
// Must ensure that entity information is unique at the time of reporting
EBPFProcessEntityMetadata entity = 1;
// [required] The Process id of the host
int32 pid = 2;
// [optional] properties of the process
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 3;
// Process Entity metadata
message EBPFProcessEntityMetadata {
// [required] Process belong layer name which define in the backend
string layer = 1;
// [required] Process belong service name
string serviceName = 2;
// [required] Process belong service instance name
string instanceName = 3;
// [required] Process name
string processName = 4;
// Process labels for aggregate from service
repeated string labels = 5;
// Kubernetes process metadata
message EBPFKubernetesProcessMetadata {
// [required] Entity metadata
// Must ensure that entity information is unique at the time of reporting
EBPFProcessEntityMetadata entity = 1;
// [required] The Process id of the host
int32 pid = 2;
// [optional] properties of the process
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 3;
message EBPFReportProcessDownstream {
repeated EBPFProcessDownstream processes = 1;
message EBPFProcessDownstream {
// Generated process id
string processId = 1;
// Locate the process by basic information
oneof process {
EBPFHostProcessDownstream hostProcess = 2;
EBPFKubernetesProcessDownstream k8sProcess = 3;
message EBPFHostProcessDownstream {
int32 pid = 1;
EBPFProcessEntityMetadata entityMetadata = 2;
// Kubernetes process downstream
message EBPFKubernetesProcessDownstream {
int32 pid = 1;
EBPFProcessEntityMetadata entityMetadata = 2;
message EBPFProcessPingPkgList {
repeated EBPFProcessPingPkg processes = 1;
// An ID generated by eBPF agent, should be unique globally.
string ebpfAgentID = 2;
message EBPFProcessPingPkg {
// Process entity
EBPFProcessEntityMetadata entityMetadata = 1;
// Minimize necessary properties
repeated KeyStringValuePair properties = 2;
### Out-process profiling APIs
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.ebpf.profiling.v3";
option go_package = "skywalking.apache.org/repo/goapi/collect/ebpf/profiling/v3";
import "common/Command.proto";
// Define the Rover Process profiling task and upload profiling data.
service EBPFProfilingService {
// Query profiling (start or stop) tasks
rpc queryTasks (EBPFProfilingTaskQuery) returns (Commands) {
// collect profiling data
rpc collectProfilingData (stream EBPFProfilingData) returns (Commands) {
message EBPFProfilingTaskQuery {
// rover instance id
string roverInstanceId = 1;
// latest task update time
int64 latestUpdateTime = 2;
message EBPFProfilingData {
// task metadata
EBPFProfilingTaskMetadata task = 1;
// profiling data
oneof profiling {
EBPFOnCPUProfiling onCPU = 2;
EBPFOffCPUProfiling offCPU = 3;
message EBPFProfilingTaskMetadata {
// profiling task id
string taskId = 1;
// profiling process id
string processId = 2;
// the start time of this profiling process
int64 profilingStartTime = 3;
// report time
int64 currentTime = 4;
message EBPFProfilingStackMetadata {
// stack type
EBPFProfilingStackType stackType = 1;
// stack id from kernel provide
int32 stackId = 2;
// stack symbols
repeated string stackSymbols = 3;
enum EBPFProfilingStackType {
message EBPFOnCPUProfiling {
// stack data in one task(thread)
repeated EBPFProfilingStackMetadata stacks = 1;
// stack counts
int32 dumpCount = 2;
message EBPFOffCPUProfiling {
// stack data in one task(thread)
repeated EBPFProfilingStackMetadata stacks = 1;
// total count of the process is switched to off cpu by the scheduler.
int32 switchCount = 2;
// where time(nanoseconds) is spent waiting while blocked on I/O, locks, timers, paging/swapping, etc.
int64 duration = 3;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28,6 +28,18 @@ extend type Query {
searchEndpoint(keyword: String!, serviceId: ID!, limit: Int!): [Endpoint!]!
getEndpointInfo(endpointId: ID!): EndpointInfo
# Process query
# Read process list.
listProcesses(duration: Duration!, instanceId: ID!): [Process!]!
# Find process according to given ID. Return null if not existing.
getProcess(processId: ID!): Process
# Get the number of matched processes through serviceId, labels
# Labels: the matched process should contain all labels
# The return is not a precise number, the process has its lifecycle, as it reboots and shutdowns with time.
# The return number just gives an abstract of the scale of profiling that would be applied.
estimateProcessScale(serviceId: ID!, labels: [String!]!): Long!
# Database related meta info.
getAllDatabases(duration: Duration!): [Database!]!
getTimeInfo: TimeInfo
......@@ -186,6 +198,55 @@ extend type Query {
Event query fetches the event list based on given sources and time range conditions.
### Profiling
SkyWalking offers two types of [profiling](../concepts-and-designs/profiling.md), in-process and out-process, allowing users to create tasks and check their execution status.
#### In-process profiling
extend type Mutation {
# crate new profile task
createProfileTask(creationRequest: ProfileTaskCreationRequest): ProfileTaskCreationResult!
extend type Query {
# query all task list, order by ProfileTask#startTime descending
getProfileTaskList(serviceId: ID, endpointName: String): [ProfileTask!]!
# query all task logs
getProfileTaskLogs(taskID: String): [ProfileTaskLog!]!
# query all task profiled segment list
getProfileTaskSegmentList(taskID: String): [BasicTrace!]!
# query profiled segment
getProfiledSegment(segmentId: String): ProfiledSegment
# analyze profiled segment, start and end time use timestamp(millisecond)
getProfileAnalyze(segmentId: String!, timeRanges: [ProfileAnalyzeTimeRange!]!): ProfileAnalyzation!
#### Out-process profiling
extend type Mutation {
# create a new eBPF fixed time profiling task
createEBPFProfilingFixedTimeTask(request: EBPFProfilingTaskFixedTimeCreationRequest!): EBPFProfilingTaskCreationResult!
# create a new eBPF network profiling task
createEBPFNetworkProfiling(request: EBPFProfilingNetworkTaskRequest!): EBPFProfilingTaskCreationResult!
# keep alive the eBPF profiling task
keepEBPFNetworkProfiling(taskId: ID!): EBPFNetworkKeepProfilingResult!
extend type Query {
# query eBPF profiling data for prepare create task
queryPrepareCreateEBPFProfilingTaskData(serviceId: ID!): EBPFProfilingTaskPrepare!
# query eBPF profiling task list
queryEBPFProfilingTasks(serviceId: ID, serviceInstanceId: ID, targets: [EBPFProfilingTargetType!]): [EBPFProfilingTask!]!
# query schedules from profiling task
queryEBPFProfilingSchedules(taskId: ID!): [EBPFProfilingSchedule!]!
# analyze the profiling schedule
# aggregateType is "EBPFProfilingAnalyzeAggregateType#COUNT" as default.
analysisEBPFProfilingResult(scheduleIdList: [ID!]!, timeRanges: [EBPFProfilingAnalyzeTimeRange!]!, aggregateType: EBPFProfilingAnalyzeAggregateType): EBPFProfilingAnalyzation!
## Condition
### Duration
Duration is a widely used parameter type as the APM data is time-related. See the following for more details.
......@@ -94,5 +94,6 @@
* Reorganize the protocols docs to a more clear API docs.
* Add documentation about replacing Zipkin server with SkyWalking OAP.
* Add Lens UI relative docs in Zipkin trace section.
* Add Profiling APIs.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/160?closed=1)
......@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ catalog:
path: "/en/api/instance-properties"
- name: "Event"
path: "/en/api/event"
- name: "Profiling"
path: "/en/api/profiling-protocol"
- name: "Query APIs"
- name: "GraphQL APIs"
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