提交 e104d2f7 编写于 作者: Y YuQing

upgrade version to 1.0.47

上级 aea8a656
Version 1.47 2021-01-14
* fc_atomic.h: add FC_ATOMIC_SET
Version 1.47 2021-01-20
* fc_atomic.h: add FC_ATOMIC_GET and FC_ATOMIC_SET etc.
* fast_mblock.[hc]: support wait with element limit
Version 1.46 2020-12-29
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
%define CommitVersion %(echo $COMMIT_VERSION)
Name: libfastcommon
Version: 1.0.46
Version: 1.0.47
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: c common functions library extracted from my open source projects FastDFS
License: LGPL
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0% .
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