提交 2dd357ff 编写于 作者: I Ian Craggs

Increase timeouts in test3 to help with Mac build tests

上级 a29ac8bd
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ void singleThread_sendAndReceive(MQTTClient* c, int qos, char* test_topic)
if (qos > 0)
rc = MQTTClient_waitForCompletion(c, dt, 10000L);
rc = MQTTClient_waitForCompletion(c, dt, 20000L);
assert("Good rc from waitforCompletion", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc);
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ void multiThread_sendAndReceive(MQTTClient* c, int qos, char* test_topic)
wait_seconds = 10;
wait_seconds = 20;
while ((multiThread_arrivedcount < i) && (wait_seconds-- > 0))
MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Arrived %d count %d", multiThread_arrivedcount, i);
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