提交 14056a7f 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Don't suggest pgrep for `ps -p .. | grep` (fixes #2597)

上级 a524929b
......@@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ prop_checkPipePitfalls19 = verifyNot checkPipePitfalls "foo | grep -A2 bar | wc
prop_checkPipePitfalls20 = verifyNot checkPipePitfalls "foo | grep -B999 bar | wc -l"
prop_checkPipePitfalls21 = verifyNot checkPipePitfalls "foo | grep --after-context 999 bar | wc -l"
prop_checkPipePitfalls22 = verifyNot checkPipePitfalls "foo | grep -B 1 --after-context 999 bar | wc -l"
prop_checkPipePitfalls23 = verifyNot checkPipePitfalls "ps -o pid,args -p $(pgrep java) | grep -F net.shellcheck.Test"
checkPipePitfalls _ (T_Pipeline id _ commands) = do
for ["find", "xargs"] $
\(find:xargs:_) ->
......@@ -563,8 +564,15 @@ checkPipePitfalls _ (T_Pipeline id _ commands) = do
]) $ warn (getId find) 2038
"Use -print0/-0 or -exec + to allow for non-alphanumeric filenames."
for' ["ps", "grep"] $
\x -> info x 2009 "Consider using pgrep instead of grepping ps output."
for ["ps", "grep"] $
\(ps:grep:_) ->
psFlags = maybe [] (map snd . getAllFlags) $ getCommand ps
-- There are many ways to specify a pid: 1, -1, p 1, wup 1, -q 1, -p 1, --pid 1.
-- For simplicity we only deal with the most canonical looking flags:
unless (any (`elem` ["p", "pid", "q", "quick-pid"]) psFlags) $
info (getId ps) 2009 "Consider using pgrep instead of grepping ps output."
for ["grep", "wc"] $
\(grep:wc:_) ->
......@@ -782,6 +790,7 @@ prop_checkUnquotedExpansions7 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "cat << foo\n$
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions8 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "set -- $(seq 1 4)"
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions9 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "echo foo `# inline comment`"
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions10 = verify checkUnquotedExpansions "#!/bin/sh\nexport var=$(val)"
prop_checkUnquotedExpansions11 = verifyNot checkUnquotedExpansions "ps -p $(pgrep foo)"
checkUnquotedExpansions params =
......@@ -795,7 +804,7 @@ checkUnquotedExpansions params =
warn (getId t) 2046 "Quote this to prevent word splitting."
shouldBeSplit t =
getCommandNameFromExpansion t == Just "seq"
getCommandNameFromExpansion t `elem` [Just "seq", Just "pgrep"]
prop_checkRedirectToSame = verify checkRedirectToSame "cat foo > foo"
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