提交 46b678fc 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Minor fixes to POSIX read without variable check

上级 3342902d
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ prop_checkBashisms100 = verify checkBashisms "read -r"
prop_checkBashisms101 = verify checkBashisms "read"
prop_checkBashisms102 = verifyNot checkBashisms "read -r foo"
prop_checkBashisms103 = verifyNot checkBashisms "read foo"
prop_checkBashisms104 = verifyNot checkBashisms "read ''"
checkBashisms = ForShell [Sh, Dash] $ \t -> do
params <- ask
kludge params t
......@@ -288,13 +289,6 @@ checkBashisms = ForShell [Sh, Dash] $ \t -> do
argString = concat $ oversimplify arg
flagRegex = mkRegex "^-[eEsn]+$"
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:args))
| t `isCommand` "read" && length (onlyNames args) == 0 =
warnMsg (getId cmd) 3061 "read without a variable is"
notFlag arg = head (concat $ oversimplify arg) /= '-'
onlyNames = filter (notFlag)
bashism t@(T_SimpleCommand _ _ (cmd:arg:_))
| getLiteralString cmd == Just "exec" && "-" `isPrefixOf` concat (oversimplify arg) =
warnMsg (getId arg) 3038 "exec flags are"
......@@ -390,6 +384,9 @@ checkBashisms = ForShell [Sh, Dash] $ \t -> do
let literal = onlyLiteralString format
guard $ "%q" `isInfixOf` literal
return $ warnMsg (getId format) 3050 "printf %q is"
when (name == "read" && all isFlag rest) $
warnMsg (getId cmd) 3061 "read without a variable is"
unsupportedCommands = [
"let", "caller", "builtin", "complete", "compgen", "declare", "dirs", "disown",
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