未验证 提交 05f4089b 编写于 作者: C CapofWeird 提交者: GitHub

Fixed typo in caesar_cipher.py (#2979)

* Fixed typo in caesar_cipher.py

* Typo fixes
上级 a88006d0
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def brute_force(input_string: str, alphabet=None) -> dict:
def main():
while True:
print(f'\n{"-" * 10}\n Menu\n{"-" * 10}')
print(*["1.Encrpyt", "2.Decrypt", "3.BruteForce", "4.Quit"], sep="\n")
print(*["1.Encrypt", "2.Decrypt", "3.BruteForce", "4.Quit"], sep="\n")
# get user input
choice = input("\nWhat would you like to do?: ").strip() or "4"
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class XORCipher:
# crypt = XORCipher()
# key = 67
# # test enrcypt
# # test encrypt
# print(crypt.encrypt("hallo welt",key))
# # test decrypt
# print(crypt.decrypt(crypt.encrypt("hallo welt",key), key))
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Usage: python sha1.py --string "Hello World!!"
Also contains a Test class to verify that the generated Hash is same as that
returned by the hashlib library
SHA1 hash or SHA1 sum of a string is a crytpographic function which means it is easy
SHA1 hash or SHA1 sum of a string is a cryptographic function which means it is easy
to calculate forwards but extremely difficult to calculate backwards. What this means
is, you can easily calculate the hash of a string, but it is extremely difficult to
know the original string if you have its hash. This property is useful to communicate
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