提交 19a8f038 编写于 作者: Z zengbin93

0.5.3 新增 get_potential_xd 方法

上级 2b14b514
......@@ -137,7 +137,10 @@ def has_gap(k1, k2, min_gap=0.002):
def make_standard_seq(bi_seq):
:param bi_seq: list of dict
:return: list of dict
if bi_seq[0]['fx_mark'] == 'd':
direction = "up"
......@@ -245,6 +248,49 @@ def is_valid_xd(bi_seq1, bi_seq2, bi_seq3):
return False
return True
def get_potential_xd(bi_points):
:param bi_points: list of dict
:return: list of dict
xd_p = []
bi_d = [x for x in bi_points if x['fx_mark'] == 'd']
bi_g = [x for x in bi_points if x['fx_mark'] == 'g']
for i in range(1, len(bi_d) - 1):
d1, d2, d3 = bi_d[i - 1: i + 2]
if d1['bi'] > d2['bi'] < d3['bi']:
for j in range(1, len(bi_g) - 1):
g1, g2, g3 = bi_g[j - 1: j + 2]
if g1['bi'] < g2['bi'] > g3['bi']:
xd_p = sorted(xd_p, key=lambda x: x['dt'], reverse=False)
return xd_p
def handle_last_xd(bi_points):
:param bi_points: list of dict
最近一个线段标记后面的全部笔标记。在这些笔标记中可能存在 1个、2个或3个需要需要确认的线段标记。
:return: list of dict
# step 1. 获取潜在分段标记点
xd_p = get_potential_xd(bi_points)
if len(xd_p) == 0:
if bi_points[0]['fx_mark'] != bi_points[-1]['fx_mark']:
class KlineAnalyze:
def __init__(self, kline, name="本级别", bi_mode="old", max_raw_len=10000, ma_params=(5, 20, 120), verbose=False):
......@@ -528,19 +574,8 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
right_bi = [x for x in self.bi_list if x['dt'] >= self.xd_list[-1]['dt']]
right_bi = [x for x in self.bi_list[-200:] if x['dt'] >= self.xd_list[-1]['dt']]
xd_p = []
bi_d = [x for x in right_bi if x['fx_mark'] == 'd']
bi_g = [x for x in right_bi if x['fx_mark'] == 'g']
for i in range(1, len(bi_d) - 2):
d1, d2, d3 = bi_d[i - 1: i + 2]
if d1['bi'] > d2['bi'] < d3['bi']:
for j in range(1, len(bi_g) - 2):
g1, g2, g3 = bi_g[j - 1: j + 2]
if g1['bi'] < g2['bi'] > g3['bi']:
xd_p = sorted(xd_p, key=lambda x: x['dt'], reverse=False)
xd_p = get_potential_xd(right_bi)
for xp in xd_p:
xd = dict(xp)
xd['xd'] = xd.pop('bi')
......@@ -584,6 +619,7 @@ class KlineAnalyze:
def _xd_after_process(self):
if not len(self.xd_list) > 4:
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, '..')
import os
import pandas as pd
import czsc
from czsc.analyze import KlineAnalyze, find_zs, is_valid_xd, make_standard_seq
from czsc.analyze import KlineAnalyze, find_zs, is_valid_xd, make_standard_seq, get_potential_xd, handle_last_xd
warnings.warn("czsc version is {}".format(czsc.__version__))
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ def test_get_sub_section():
sub_bi = ka.get_sub_section(ka.xd_list[-2]['dt'], ka.xd_list[-1]['dt'], mode='bi', is_last=True)
assert sub_bi[0]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-2]['dt'] and sub_bi[-1]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-1]['dt']
sub_xd = ka.get_sub_section(ka.xd_list[-10]['dt'], ka.xd_list[-1]['dt'], mode='xd', is_last=True)
assert sub_xd[0]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-10]['dt'] and sub_xd[-1]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-1]['dt']
sub_xd = ka.get_sub_section(ka.xd_list[-4]['dt'], ka.xd_list[-1]['dt'], mode='xd', is_last=True)
assert sub_xd[0]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-4]['dt'] and sub_xd[-1]['dt'] == ka.xd_list[-1]['dt']
def test_kline_analyze():
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ def test_bei_chi():
bi2 = {"start_dt": ka.bi_list[-13]['dt'], "end_dt": ka.bi_list[-12]['dt'], "direction": "down"}
x1 = ka.is_bei_chi(bi1, bi2, mode="bi", adjust=0.9)
xd1 = {"start_dt": ka.xd_list[-4]['dt'], "end_dt": ka.xd_list[-3]['dt'], "direction": "down"}
xd2 = {"start_dt": ka.xd_list[-6]['dt'], "end_dt": ka.xd_list[-5]['dt'], "direction": "down"}
xd1 = {"start_dt": ka.xd_list[-2]['dt'], "end_dt": ka.xd_list[-1]['dt'], "direction": "down"}
xd2 = {"start_dt": ka.xd_list[-4]['dt'], "end_dt": ka.xd_list[-3]['dt'], "direction": "down"}
x2 = ka.is_bei_chi(xd1, xd2, mode='xd', adjust=0.9)
print('背驰计算结果:{},{}'.format(x1, x2))
......@@ -276,3 +276,19 @@ def test_is_valid_xd():
assert not is_valid_xd(bi_seq1, bi_seq2, bi_seq3)
def test_handle_last_xd():
# 0个需要确认的线段标记
bi_points = [
{"dt": 1, "bi": 10, "fx_mark": "d"},
{"dt": 2, "bi": 11, "fx_mark": "g"},
{"dt": 3, "bi": 10.4, "fx_mark": "d"},
{"dt": 4, "bi": 11.1, "fx_mark": "g"},
{"dt": 5, "bi": 10.6, "fx_mark": "d"},
{"dt": 6, "bi": 11.2, "fx_mark": "g"},
{"dt": 7, "bi": 11, "fx_mark": "d"},
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