提交 367fea8e 编写于 作者: M mackie100

Update Pickerattributes key description

上级 f8695041
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "选择用于启动管理的启动选择器\n支持以下值:\n•Builtin(默认值)-引导管理由OpenCore处理,使用纯文本用户界面.\n•External-使用外部引导管理协议(如果可用),否则,将使用Builtin模式.\n•Apple-使用Apple引导管理(如果可用),否则,将使用Builtin模式.\n\n一旦成功,外部模式可能会完全禁用OpenCore中除策略实施以外的所有引导管理. 在Apple模式下, 此外,它还可以绕过策略执行.有关自定义用户界面的示例,请参阅OpenCanopy插件.\n\nOpenCore内置的选择器包含一组在引导过程中选择的操作. 支持的操作列表类似于Apple BDS,通常可以通过在引导过程中按住操作热键来访问.\n\n目前正在考虑采取以下行动:\n• Default — 这是默认选项,它允许内置的OpenCore选取器加载在启动磁盘首选项窗格中指定的默认引导选项.\n• ShowPicker — 此选项强制显示OpenCore选取器. 这通常可以通过在引导期间按住OPTIONS键来实现.将ShowPicker设置为True将使ShowPicker成为默认选项.\n• BootApple — 此选项执行引导到找到的第一个Apple操作系统,除非选择的默认操作系统是Apple操作系统. 按住X键可选择此选项.\n• BootAppleRecovery — 这个选项执行引导到Apple操作系统恢复分区.这要么是与默认选择的操作系统相关的,要么是当选择的默认操作系统不是来自Apple或没有恢复分区时找到的第一个.按住CMD+R热键组合向下选择该选项.\n\n注意 1: 在非苹果固件上,密钥处理需要KeySupport、OpenUsbKbDxe或类似的驱动程序.然而,并不是所有的键处理功能都可以在几种类型的固件上实现.\n\n注意 2:除了OPT, OpenCore还支持在ShowPicker被禁用时使用Escape和Zero键进入OpenCore选择器.Escape的存在是为了支持与Apple选择器共存(包括OpenCore Apple选择器模式),并支持固件无法报告持有OPT键,如在某些PS/2键盘上.此外,还提供Zero来支持Escape已经分配给其他预引导固件特性的系统.在不需要KeySupport的系统中,从上电后一直按住其中一个键,直到选择器出现,应该总是成功的.如果系统正确配置了KeySupport模式,即使用足够长的KeyForgetThreshold,那么在使用KeySupport模式时也应该采用相同的方法.如果按下并按住键不能成功可靠地进入拾取器,则可以尝试多次重复按键.\n\n注意 3: 在有问题的GOP的mac上,如果OpenCore的bless状态丢失,可能很难重新blessOpenCore.BootKicker实用程序可以用于启用FullNvramAccess的CDROM.它将启动Apple选择器,这允许选择一个项目,以引导下一步(按Enter键),或下一步和后续,即作为bless的条目(按CTRL+Enter键),正常.选择完成后,系统将重新启动,并引导所选的条目.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "设置启动菜单(GUI界面)的属性.\n可以配置自定义的GUI界面风格,设置值包括:\n• 0x0001 —提供引导项的自定义图标:\n\t– APFS分区的预引导根目录下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件. \n\t– 其他文件系统的卷根目录下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件.\n\t– <TOOL_NAME>.icns的工具图标文件. \n可以在Finder中设置卷图标. \n• 0x0002 — 提供引导条目的自定义渲染标题: 
\t– 引导器相关的.disk_label(.disk_label_2x)文件,用于所有文件系统.
\t– 工具相关的<TOOL_NAME.lbl和<TOOL_NAME.l2x文件.
可以通过disklabel实用程序或bless命令生成预渲染的标签.禁用或缺少文本标签时 (.contentDetails 或 .disk_label.contentDetails) 将被使用.\n• 0x0004 — 提供引导条目的预定义标签图像,而无需自定义条目. 可能会缺少实际启动项的详细信息. \n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, 设置某些图标类别的内置图标以匹配主题样式. 这可能会强制显示内置的Time Machine图标. 需要OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — 在选择器中启用指针控制(如果可用).这可以利用鼠标或触控板来控制UI元素. \n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_DEBUG_DISPLAY, 启用显示其他时序和调试信息, 在DEBUG和NOOPT中的文本菜单中.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, 使用最少的UI显示, 没有关机或重启按钮, 图形化启动菜单和文本启动菜单都有效.\n•0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON,提供灵活的启动 条目内容描述,适合在不同的内容集中选择最佳媒体:\n启用后,OpenCanopy中的条目图标以及OpenCanopy和内置引导选择器中的音频辅助条目声音将通过一种称为内容风格(Flavor)的方法进行选择.要确定内容风格,使用以下算法:\n– 对于工具,从Flavor字段读取值.\n– 对于自动发现的条目,从引导加载程序旁边的.contentFlavour文件(如果存在)中读取.\n– 对于自定义条目,如果Flavor为Auto,则从引导加载程序旁边的.contentFlavour文件中读取,\否则通过Flavor值本身指定.\n– 如果读取的Spice为Auto或没有.contentFlavour,则选择条目Flavor基于条目类型,(例如输入Windows自动获得Windows风格).\nFlavor值是一个序列::分隔的名称限制为64个可显示7位ASCII字符.该名称最多可支持五个名称.每个名称都代表一种Flavor, 具有最高优先级的名字和具有最低优先级的名字.这样的结构允许以更特定的方式描述条目,并根据视听包的支持灵活地选择图标.缺少音频或图标文件意味着应尝试使用下一种样式,如果所有样式均缺失,则根据条目的类型进行选择.Flavor示例:BigSur:Apple,Windows10:Windows. \n使用样式意味着您可以轻松地在图标集之间进行切换,通过样式从每个集合中选择最佳的可用图标.例如.指定图标样式Debian:Linux将使用图标Debian.icns(如果提供),然后尝试Linux.icns,然后回退到操作系统的默认值,即HardDrive.icns.\n要记住的事项:\n– 出于安全原因,Ext<Flavour>.icns和<Flavour>.icns均受支持,并且如果条目位于外部驱动器上,则仅使用Ext<Flavour>.icns \n(默认为后备ExtHardDrive.icns). –在两者都适用的情况下,VolumeIcon.icns优先于.contentFlavour.\n– 为了使图标和音频辅助功能对于工具(例如,对于UEFI Shell)正确工作,请使用系统默认的引导条目图标(请参阅Docs/Flavours.md).即使禁用了Flavor,Flavor设置中为“工具”或“条目”指定的值仍将继续应用.在这种情况下,非系统图标将被忽略.此外,还对风格UEFIShell和NVRAMReset进行了特殊处理,确定了它们各自的工具以应用正确的音频助手,默认内置标签等.\n- Docs/Flavours.md中提供了推荐风格的列表.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "设置启动菜单(GUI界面)的属性.\n可以配置自定义的GUI界面风格,设置值包括:\n• 0x0001 —提供引导项的自定义图标:\n\t– APFS分区的预引导根目录下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件. \n\t– 其他文件系统的卷根目录下的.VolumeIcon.icns文件.\n\t– <TOOL_NAME>.icns的工具图标文件. \n可以在Finder中设置卷图标. \n• 0x0002 — 提供引导条目的自定义渲染标题: 
\t– 引导器相关的.disk_label(.disk_label_2x)文件,用于所有文件系统.
\t– 工具相关的<TOOL_NAME.lbl和<TOOL_NAME.l2x文件.
可以通过disklabel实用程序或bless命令生成预渲染的标签.禁用或缺少文本标签时 (.contentDetails 或 .disk_label.contentDetails) 将被使用.\n• 0x0004 — 提供引导条目的预定义标签图像,而无需自定义条目. 可能会缺少实际启动项的详细信息. \n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, 设置某些图标类别的内置图标以匹配主题样式. 这可能会强制显示内置的Time Machine图标. 需要OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — 在选择器中启用指针控制(如果可用).这可以利用鼠标或触控板来控制UI元素. \n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_DEBUG_DISPLAY, 启用显示其他时序和调试信息, 在DEBUG和NOOPT中的文本菜单中.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, 使用最少的UI显示, 没有关机或重启按钮, 图形化启动菜单和文本启动菜单都有效.\n•0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON,提供灵活的启动 条目内容描述,适合在不同的内容集中选择最佳媒体:\n启用后,OpenCanopy中的条目图标以及OpenCanopy和内置引导选择器中的音频辅助条目声音将通过一种称为内容风格(Flavor)的方法进行选择.要确定内容风格,使用以下算法:\n– 对于工具,从Flavor字段读取值.\n– 对于自动发现的条目,从引导加载程序旁边的.contentFlavour文件(如果存在)中读取.\n– 对于自定义条目,如果Flavor为Auto,则从引导加载程序旁边的.contentFlavour文件中读取,\否则通过Flavor值本身指定.\n– 如果读取的Spice为Auto或没有.contentFlavour,则选择条目Flavor基于条目类型,(例如输入Windows自动获得Windows风格).\nFlavor值是一个序列::分隔的名称限制为64个可显示7位ASCII字符.该名称最多可支持五个名称.每个名称都代表一种Flavor, 具有最高优先级的名字和具有最低优先级的名字.这样的结构允许以更特定的方式描述条目,并根据视听包的支持灵活地选择图标.缺少音频或图标文件意味着应尝试使用下一种样式,如果所有样式均缺失,则根据条目的类型进行选择.Flavor示例:BigSur:Apple,Windows10:Windows. \n使用样式意味着您可以轻松地在图标集之间进行切换,通过样式从每个集合中选择最佳的可用图标.例如.指定图标样式Debian:Linux将使用图标Debian.icns(如果提供),然后尝试Linux.icns,然后回退到操作系统的默认值,即HardDrive.icns.\n要记住的事项:\n– 出于安全原因,Ext<Flavour>.icns和<Flavour>.icns均受支持,并且如果条目位于外部驱动器上,则仅使用Ext<Flavour>.icns \n(默认为后备ExtHardDrive.icns). –在两者都适用的情况下,VolumeIcon.icns优先于.contentFlavour.\n– 为了使图标和音频辅助功能对于工具(例如,对于UEFI Shell)正确工作,请使用系统默认的引导条目图标(请参阅Docs/Flavours.md).即使禁用了Flavor,Flavor设置中为“工具”或“条目”指定的值仍将继续应用.在这种情况下,非系统图标将被忽略.此外,还对风格UEFIShell和NVRAMReset进行了特殊处理,确定了它们各自的工具以应用正确的音频助手,默认内置标签等.\n- Docs/Flavours.md中提供了推荐风格的列表.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "设置启动菜单的颜色属性.\n支持根据UEFI规范将颜色参数的前景色和背景色之和计算并转为十进制填入.\n颜色名称列表:\n•0x00-EFI_BLACK\n•0x01-EFI_BLUE\n•0x02-EFI_GREEN\n•0x03-EFI_CYAN\n•0x04-EFI_RED\n•0x05-EFI_MAGENTA\n•0x06-EFI_BROWN\n•0x07-EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n•0x08-EFI_DARKGRAY\n•0x09-EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n•0x0A-EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n•0x0B-EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n•0x0C-EFI_LIGHTRED\n•0x0D-EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA\n•0x0E-EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n•0x0F-EFI_WHITE\n•0x00-EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n•0x10-EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n•0x20-EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n•0x30-EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n•0x40-EFI_BACK_ROG_RO_ROUND_RED\n•0x50-EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n•0x60-EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n•0x70-EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n注意:此选项可能不适用于系统文本渲染器.设置与黑色不同的背景可以帮助测试正确的GOP功能.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys\n启用模拟苹果热键";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "参数\nArguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword\n启用密码保护";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys\n啟用模擬蘋果hotkey";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "参數";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword\n啟用密碼保護";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Arguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Paramètres";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Arguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Arguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Arguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
"TT_pickermode" = "Type: plist string\nFailsafe: Builtin\nDescription: Choosepicker used for boot management.\n\nPickerMode describes the underlying boot management with an optional user interface responsible for handling boot options.\n\nThe following values are supported:\n• Builtin — boot management is handled by OpenCore, a simple text-only user interface is used.\n• External — an external boot management protocol is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n• Apple — Apple boot management is used if available. Otherwise, the Builtin mode is used.\n\nUpon success, the External mode may entirely disable all boot management in OpenCore except for policy enforcement. In the Apple mode, it may additionally bypass policy enforcement. Refer to the OpenCanopy plugin for an example of a custom user interface.\n\nThe OpenCore built-in picker contains a set of actions chosen during the boot process. The list of supported actions is similar to Apple BDS and typically can be accessed by holding action hotkeys during the boot process.\n\nThe following actions are currently considered:\n• Default — this is the default option, and it lets the built-in OpenCore picker load the default boot option as specified in the Startup Disk preference pane.\n• ShowPicker — this option forces the OpenCore picker to be displayed. This can typically be achieved by holding the OPT key during boot. Setting ShowPicker to true will make ShowPicker the default option.\n• BootApple — this options performs booting to the first Apple operating system found unless the chosen default operating system is one from Apple. Hold the X key down to choose this option.\n• BootAppleRecovery — this option performs booting into the Apple operating system recovery partition. This is either that related to the default chosen operating system, or first one found when the chosen default operating system is not from Apple or does not have a recovery partition. Hold the CMD+R hotkey combination down to choose this option.\n\nNote 1: On non-Apple firmware KeySupport, OpenUsbKbDxe, or similar drivers are required for key handling. However, not all of the key handling functions can be implemented on several types of firmware.\n\nNote 2: In addition to OPT, OpenCore supports using both the Escape and Zero keys to enter the OpenCore picker when ShowPicker is disabled. Escape exists to support co-existence with the Apple picker (including OpenCore Apple picker mode) and to support firmware that fails to report held OPT key, as on some PS/2 keyboards. In addition, Zero is provided to support systems on which Escape is already assigned to some other pre-boot firmware feature. In systems which do not require KeySupport, pressing and holding one of these keys from after power on until the picker appears should always be successful. The same should apply when using KeySupport mode if it is correctly configured for the system, i.e. with a long enough KeyForgetThreshold. If pressing and holding the key is not successful to reliably enter the picker, multiple repeated keypresses may be tried instead.\n\nNote 3: On Macs with problematic GOP, it may be difficult to re-bless OpenCore if its bless status is lost. The BootKicker utility can be used to work around this problem, if set up as a Tool in OpenCore with FullNvramAccess enabled. It will launch the Apple picker, which allows selection of an item to boot next (with Enter), or next and from then on until the next change (with CTRL+Enter), as normal. After the selection is made, the system will reboot and the chosen entry will be booted.";
/* hdQ-rL-KAo */
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.";
"TT_pickerattributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes the OpenCore picker.\n\nDifferent OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.\nCurrent OpenCore values include:\n• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:\n\tOpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at Preboot root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).,\n\t\t– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.\n\nNote 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root, /System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.\n\nNote 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.\n\n• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, use custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label (.disk_label_2x) file near next to the bootloader for all filesystems. These labels can be generated via the disklabel utility or the bless --folder {FOLDER_PATH} --label {LABEL_TEXT} command. When prerendered labels are disabled or missing, use label text in .contentDetails (or .disk_label.contentDetails) file next to bootloader if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.\n• 0x0004 — OC_ATTR_USE_GENERIC_LABEL_IMAGE, provides predefined label images for boot entries without custom entries. This may however give less detail for the actual boot entry.\n• 0x0008 — OC_ATTR_HIDE_THEMED_ICONS, prefers builtin icons for certain icon categories to match the theme style. For example, this could force displaying the builtin Time Machine icon. Requires OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON.\n• 0x0010 — OC_ATTR_USE_POINTER_CONTROL, enables pointer control in the OpenCore picker when available.\n\tFor example, this could make use of mouse or trackpad to control UI elements.\n• 0x0020 — OC_ATTR_SHOW_DEBUG_DISPLAY, enable display of additional timing and debug information, in Builtin picker in DEBUG and NOOPT builds only.\n• 0x0040 — OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI, use minimal UI display, no Shutdown or Restart buttons, affects OpenCanopy and builtin picker.\n• 0x0080 — OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON, provides flexible boot entry content description, suitable for picking the best media across different content sets:\nWhen enabled, the entry icon in OpenCanopy and the audio assist entry sound in OpenCanopy and builtin boot picker are chosen by something called content flavour. To determine content flavour the following algorithm is used:\n– For a Tool the value is read from Flavour field.\n– For an automatically discovered entry, including for boot entry protocol entries such as those generated by the OpenLinuxBoot driver, it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader, if present.\n– For a custom entry specified in the Entries section it is read from the .contentFlavour file next to the bootloader if Flavour is Auto, otherwise it is specified via the Flavour value itself.\n– If read flavour is Auto or there is no .contentFlavour, entry flavour is chosen based on the entry type (e.g. Windows automatically gets Windows flavour).\nThe Flavour value is a sequence of : separated names limited to 64 characters of printable 7-bit ASCII. This is designed to support up to approximately five names. Each name refers to a flavour, with the first name having the highest priority and the last name having the lowest priority. Such a structure allows describing an entry in a more specific way, with icons selected flexibly depending on support by the audio-visual pack. A missing audio or icon file means the next flavour should be tried, and if all are missing the choice happens based on the type of the entry. Example flavour values: BigSur:Apple, Windows10:Windows. OpenShell:UEFIShell:Shell.\nUsing flavours means that you can switch between icon sets easily, with the flavour selecting the best available icons from each set. E.g. specifying icon flavour Debian:Linux will use the icon Debian.icns if provided, then will try Linux.icns, then will fall back to the default for an OS, which is HardDrive.icns.\nThings to keep in mind:\n– ForsecurityreasonsExt<Flavour>.icnsand<Flavour>.icnsarebothsupported,andonlyExt<Flavour>.icns\nwill be used if the entry is on an external drive (followed by default fallback ExtHardDrive.icns). – Where both apply .VolumeIcon.icns takes precence over .contentFlavour.\n– In order to allow icons and audio assist to work correctly for tools (e.g. for UEFI Shell), system default boot entry icons (see Docs/Flavours.md) specified in the Flavour setting for Tools or Entries will continue to apply even when flavour is disabled. Non-system icons will be ignored in this case. In addition, the flavours UEFIShell and NVRAMReset are given special processing, identifying their respective tools to apply correct audio-assist, default builtin labels, etc.\n– A list of recommended flavours is provided in Docs/Flavours.md.\n•0x0100 — OC_ATTR_USE_REVERSED_UI,reversepositionofShutdownandRestartbuttons,affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker. The reversed setting matches older macOS, and since it was the previous default in OpenCore it may better match some custom backgrounds. Only applicable when OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI is not set.\n• 0x0200 — OC_ATTR_REDUCE_MOTION, reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy, leaving only animations which communicate information not otherwise provided.\nNote: These same animations, plus additional animations whose information is provided by voice-over, are automatically disabled when PickerAudioAssist is enabled.";
/* gD0-Iz-n35 */
"TT_ConsoleAttributes" = "Type: plist integer\nFailsafe: 0\nDescription: Sets specific attributes for picker.\n\nThe text renderer supports colour arguments as a sum of foreground and background colours based on the UEFI specification. The value for black background and for black foreground, 0, is reserved.\n\nList of colour values and names:\n• 0x00 — EFI_BLACK\n• 0x01 — EFI_BLUE\n• 0x02 — EFI_GREEN\n• 0x03 — EFI_CYAN\n• 0x04 — EFI_RED\n• 0x05 — EFI_MAGENTA\n• 0x06 — EFI_BROWN\n• 0x07 — EFI_LIGHTGRAY\n• 0x08 — EFI_DARKGRAY\n• 0x09 — EFI_LIGHTBLUE\n• 0x0A — EFI_LIGHTGREEN\n• 0x0B — EFI_LIGHTCYAN\n• 0x0C — EFI_LIGHTRED\n• 0x0D — EFI_LIGHTMAGENTA \n• 0x0E — EFI_YELLOW\n• 0x0F — EFI_WHITE\n• 0x00 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLACK\n• 0x10 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BLUE\n• 0x20 — EFI_BACKGROUND_GREEN\n• 0x30 — EFI_BACKGROUND_CYAN\n• 0x40 — EFI_BACKGROUND_RED\n• 0x50 — EFI_BACKGROUND_MAGENTA\n• 0x60 — EFI_BACKGROUND_BROWN\n• 0x70 — EFI_BACKGROUND_LIGHTGRAY\n\nNote: This option may not work well with the System text renderer. Setting a background different from black could help with testing GOP functionality.";
......@@ -176,6 +176,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "PollAppleHotKeys"; ObjectID = "TDv-Al-hb0"; */
"TDv-Al-hb0.title" = "PollAppleHotKeys";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy"; ObjectID = "TTq-V0-Ex0"; */
"TTq-V0-Ex0.title" = "Reduce password and menu animation in OpenCanopy";
/* Class = "NSTableColumn"; headerCell.title = "Arguments"; ObjectID = "ThF-JP-r8K"; */
"ThF-JP-r8K.headerCell.title" = "Arguments";
......@@ -296,6 +299,9 @@
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "EnablePassword"; ObjectID = "lLV-4d-gWP"; */
"lLV-4d-gWP.title" = "EnablePassword";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker."; ObjectID = "lfz-Yb-5UX"; */
"lfz-Yb-5UX.title" = "Reverse position of Shutdown and Restart buttons, affectsOpenCanopy and builtin picker.";
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "SkipCustomEntryCheck"; ObjectID = "mB0-8o-rL6"; */
"mB0-8o-rL6.title" = "SkipCustomEntryCheck";
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