1. 01 8月, 2020 5 次提交
  2. 31 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 30 7月, 2020 12 次提交
  4. 29 7月, 2020 7 次提交
  5. 28 7月, 2020 7 次提交
  6. 27 7月, 2020 5 次提交
  7. 26 7月, 2020 3 次提交
    • A
      avformat/segafilmenc: Avoid seek when writing header · 37f5fecc
      Andreas Rheinhardt 提交于
      Up until now, the Sega FILM muxer would first write all the packet data,
      then shift the data (in the muxer's write_trailer function) by the amount
      necessary to write the header at the front (which entails a seek to the
      front), then seek back to the beginning and actually write the header.
      This commit changes this: The dynamic buffer that is used to write the
      sample table (containing information about each sample in the file) is
      now used to write the complete header. This is possible because the size
      of everything in the header except the sample table is known in advance.
      Said buffer can then be used as one of the two temporary buffers used
      for shifting which also reduces the amount one has to allocate for this.
      Thereby the header will be written when shifting, so that the second
      seek to the beginning is unnecessary.
      Signed-off-by: NAndreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt@gmail.com>
    • A
      avformat/segafilmenc: Don't store packet info in linked list · 8a3329ff
      Andreas Rheinhardt 提交于
      Up until now, the Sega FILM muxer would store some information about
      each packet in a linked list. When writing the trailer, the information
      in said linked list would be used to write a table in the file header.
      Each entry in said table is 16 bytes long, but each entry of the linked
      list is 32 bytes long (assuming 64 bit pointer and no padding).
      Therefore it makes sense to remove the linked list and write the array
      entries directly into a dynamic buffer while writing the packet (this is
      possible because the table entries don't depend on any information not
      available when writing the packet (the offset is not relative to the
      beginning of the file, but to the end of the table). This also
      simplifies writing the array at the end (there is no need to traverse a
      linked list).
      Signed-off-by: NAndreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt@gmail.com>
    • A
      avformat/segafilmenc: Simplify writing two bytes · 37ec33f4
      Andreas Rheinhardt 提交于
      Use avio_wb16() instead of avio_write() to write two zero bytes.
      Signed-off-by: NAndreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt@gmail.com>