config.toml 2.3 KB
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baseURL = ""
#baseURL = "/"
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Miykael_xxm 已提交
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Languages = "zh-cn"
title = "Python - CSDN IT 人才成长路线图"

theme = ["dot"]

unsafe = true

############################# Default Parameters ##########################
# logo is for all page
logo = ""
# logo white is for homepage logo, you can use colorful logo too...
logo_white = ""
# when logo is empty, it will shown your site title
copyright = "[CODE CHINA]( © 2020 a Hugo theme by [Gethugothemes]("

# customize color 
primary_color = "#3275a8"
body_color = "#f9f9f9"
text_color = "#636363"
text_color_dark = "#242738"
white_color = "#ffffff"
light_color = "#ffdd77"

# font family
# font_family = "lato" # Choose font family from :

# contact form action
contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with :

############################## social links ##############################
icon = "ti-github" # themify icon pack :
link = ""

################################ 中文 ######################
# [Languages]
# languageName = "中文"
# languageCode = "zh-cn"
# weight = 0

# banner
title = "CSDN IT 人才成长路线图"
subtitle = "Python 路线图"
bg_image = "images/banner.jpg"
placeholder = "输入关键词"

# call to action
# enable = true
# title = "Didn't find an answer to your question?"
#content = "Musce libero nunc, dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam."
# call to action button
# enable = true
# label = "contact us"
# link = "contact"

################## navigation #################
name = "初阶"
url = "/junior"
weight = 2

name = "中阶"
url = "/intermediate"
weight = 3

name = "高阶"
url = "/senior"
weight = 4

# Dropdown menu
weight = 5
name = "成长路线图"
hasChildren = true

  parent = "成长路线图"
  name = "AI 路线图"
  url = " "
  weight = 1

  parent = "成长路线图"
  name = "安全技术 路线图"
  url = " "
  weight = 2

name = "CODE CHINA"
url = ""
weight = 6