提交 7ce1c1b0 编写于 作者: 丁劲犇's avatar 丁劲犇 😸

Some improvement in win7

上级 7804a935
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace ZP_Cluster{
void zp_ClusterNode::SendHelloPackage()
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::hearder) + sizeof (CROSS_SVR_MSG::uni_payload::tag_CSM_BasicInfo);
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::tag_header) + sizeof (CROSS_SVR_MSG::uni_payload::tag_CSM_BasicInfo);
QByteArray array(nMsgLen,0);
CROSS_SVR_MSG * pMsg =(CROSS_SVR_MSG *) array.data();
pMsg->hearder.Mark = 0x1234;
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace ZP_Cluster{
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::hearder) + sizeof (CROSS_SVR_MSG::uni_payload::tag_CSM_Broadcast) * nsz;
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::tag_header) + sizeof (CROSS_SVR_MSG::uni_payload::tag_CSM_Broadcast) * nsz;
QByteArray array(nMsgLen,0);
CROSS_SVR_MSG * pMsg =(CROSS_SVR_MSG *) array.data();
pMsg->hearder.Mark = 0x1234;
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace ZP_Cluster{
void zp_ClusterTerm::SendHeartBeatings()
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::hearder);
int nMsgLen = sizeof(CROSS_SVR_MSG::tag_header);
QByteArray array(nMsgLen,0);
CROSS_SVR_MSG * pMsg =(CROSS_SVR_MSG *) array.data();
pMsg->hearder.Mark = 0x1234;
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