提交 f6a1c621 编写于 作者: cosmicing's avatar cosmicing


上级 05c113f2
* Copyright (c) TD-Tech. 2022. All rights reserved.
* Description: lock free queuea
* Author: ousixin
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <thread>
namespace add {
template <typename T, size_t cap>
class LockFreeQueue final {
static_assert(cap > 0u, "capacity of LockFreeQueue should greater than 0");
// a redundant location to determine if the queue is empty or full
static constexpr size_t nMax = cap + 1u;
LockFreeQueue() {}
~LockFreeQueue() {}
bool push(const T& elem)
size_t wIdx = writeIdx_.load();
size_t updateIdx;
size_t woff;
do {
if (wIdx > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1u) {
updateIdx = ((wIdx % nMax) + 1u) % nMax;
} else {
updateIdx = wIdx + 1u;
// offset to write
woff = wIdx % nMax;
// full
if (woff == headIdx_.load() % nMax) {
return false;
} while(!writeIdx_.compare_exchange_strong(wIdx, updateIdx));
datas_[woff] = elem;
while (true) {
size_t expect = wIdx;
if(!tailIdx_.compare_exchange_weak(expect, updateIdx)) {
} else {
return true;
bool push(T&& elem)
size_t wIdx = writeIdx_.load();
size_t updateIdx;
size_t woff;
do {
if (wIdx > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1u) {
updateIdx = ((wIdx % nMax) + 1u) % nMax;
} else {
updateIdx = wIdx + 1u;
// offset to write
woff = wIdx % nMax;
// full
if (woff == headIdx_.load() % nMax) {
return false;
} while(!writeIdx_.compare_exchange_strong(wIdx, updateIdx));
datas_[woff] = std::move(elem);
while (true) {
size_t expect = wIdx;
if(!tailIdx_.compare_exchange_weak(expect, updateIdx)) {
} else {
return true;
bool pop(T& elem)
size_t rBeginIdx = headIdx_.load();
size_t updateIdx;
size_t roff;
do {
if (rBeginIdx > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1u) {
updateIdx = ((rBeginIdx % nMax) + 1u) % nMax;
} else {
updateIdx = rBeginIdx + 1u;
// offset to read, the headIdx_ is one ahead, read the idx behind the the headIdx_
roff = updateIdx % nMax;
// empty
if (roff == tailIdx_.load() % nMax) {
return false;
elem = datas_[roff]; // don't move, as CAS may failed
} while (!headIdx_.compare_exchange_strong(rBeginIdx, updateIdx));
return true;
size_t capacity() const
return cap;
size_t size() const
return count_.load();
bool empty() const
return count_.load() == 0u;
bool full() const
return count_.load() == cap;
LockFreeQueue(const LockFreeQueue&) = delete;
LockFreeQueue& operator=(const LockFreeQueue&) = delete;
T datas_[nMax];
std::atomic_size_t headIdx_ { nMax - 1 };
std::atomic_size_t tailIdx_ { 0 };
std::atomic_size_t writeIdx_ { 0 };
std::atomic_size_t count_ { 0 };
} // namespace add
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