提交 138ce32c 编写于 作者: J Jan Keromnes 提交者: ULIVZ

chore(contributors): make contributions easier with automated gitpod setup (#1772)

上级 776a0ee3
- port: 8080
onOpen: open-preview
- init: yarn bootstrap
command: yarn dev
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ yarn dev # serves VuePress' own docs with itself
yarn test # make sure your code change pass the test
If you don't have a local checkout, you can also open [VuePress in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/master/packages/docs/docs/README.md), a free online IDE for GitHub.
If you intend to make `"substantial"` changes to VuePress or its documentation, please checkout [VuePress RFCs](./rfcs/README.md).
If you have a VuePress-related project/component/tool, add it with a pull request to [this curated list](https://github.com/ulivz/awesome-vuepress)!
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