提交 1cc6c19f 编写于 作者: U ULIVZ

docs: some enhancements

上级 d987ea51
......@@ -130,8 +130,7 @@ Create a `.vuepress/style/index.styl` file and it will be applied as global styl
**Also see:**
- [Why can't `palette.styl` and `index.styl` merge into one API?](faq/#why-can-t-palette-styl-and-index-styl-merge-into-one-api)
- [Why can't `palette.styl` and `index.styl` merge into one API?](faq/#why-can-t-palette-styl-and-index-styl-merge-into-one-api)
- [Why can't `palette.styl` and `index.styl` merge into one API?](../faq/README.md#why-can-t-palette-styl-and-index-styl-merge-into-one-api)
## Theming
......@@ -160,11 +159,7 @@ Provide config options to the used theme. The options will vary depending on the
- Type: `Object|Array`
- Default: `undefined`
For default usage, please refer to [plugin API](../plugin/README.md).
::: tip
There is a hidden feature. `.vuepress/config.js` also supports all [options](../plugin/README.md#options) of Plugin API.
Please refer to [plugin API > Using a plugin](../plugin/README.md#using-a-plugin) to leran how to use a plugin.
## Markdown
......@@ -2,43 +2,41 @@
sidebar: auto
# Official Plugins
## @vuepress/search
### Options
## @vuepress/pwa
### Options
## @vuepress/blog
### Options
## @vuepress/pagination
### Options
## @vuepress/google-analytics
### Options
## @vuepress/i18n-ui
### Options
## @vuepress/last-updated
### Options
## @vuepress/medium-zoom
### Options
## @vuepress/back-to-top
### Options
......@@ -240,10 +240,3 @@ The plugin whose name starts with `@vuepress/theme-` is an officially maintained
- Default: undefined
See: [Config > plugins](../config/README.md#plugins).
### palette
- Type: `String|Object`
- Default: undefined
See: [Config > palette](../config/README.md#palette).
......@@ -115,6 +115,20 @@ module.exports = {
一个函数,用来控制对于哪些文件,是需要生成 `<link rel="prefetch">` 资源提示的。请参考 [shouldPrefetch](https://ssr.vuejs.org/zh/api/#shouldpreload)
## 样式
### palette.styl
创建一个 `.vuepress/style/palette.styl` 文件,其会被自动注册为全局调色板。
### index.styl
创建一个 `.vuepress/style/index.styl` 文件, 其会被自动应用为全局样式
**Also see:**
- [Why can't `palette.styl` and `index.styl` merge into one API?](../faq/README.md#why-can-t-palette-styl-and-index-styl-merge-into-one-api)
## 主题
### theme
......@@ -135,6 +149,15 @@ module.exports = {
- [默认主题](../theme/default-theme-config.md)
## Pluggable
### plugins
- Type: `Object|Array`
- Default: `undefined`
请参考 [plugin API > Using a plugin](../plugin/README.md#using-a-plugin) 来使用一个插件。
## Markdown
### markdown.lineNumbers
......@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ sidebar: auto
## @vuepress/search
### Options
## @vuepress/pwa
### Options
## @vuepress/blog
### Options
## @vuepress/pagination
### Options
## @vuepress/google-analytics
### Options
## @vuepress/i18n-ui
### Options
## @vuepress/last-updated
### Options
## @vuepress/medium-zoom
### Options
## @vuepress/back-to-top
### Options
......@@ -2,95 +2,241 @@
sidebar: auto
# 主题
# Theme
## Background
::: tip
Theme components are subject to the same [browser API access restrictions](../guide/using-vue.md#browser-api-access-restrictions).
Before 1.x.x, vuepress retrieves all markdown files in the documents source directory and defines the page links based on the file hierarchy. e.g. if you have the following file structure:
## Writing a theme
├── package.json
└── source
├── _post
│   └── intro-vuepress.md
├── index.md
└── tags.md
To write a theme, create a `.vuepress/theme` directory in your docs root, and then create a `Layout.vue` file:
::: vue
└─ .vuepress
 └─ `theme`
   └─ Layout.vue
From there it's the same as developing a normal Vue application. It is entirely up to you how to organize your theme.
### Directory Structure
Just one `Layout.vue` might not be enough, and you might also want to define more layout components in the theme for using on different pages. You may also want to customize the [palette](../config/README.md#palette), and even apply some plugins.
So it's time to reorganize your theme, an agreed theme directory structure is as follows:
::: vue
├── `components` _(**Optional**)_
│ └── xxx.vue
├── `layouts`
│   ├── Layout.vue _(**Required**)_
│   └── 404.vue _(**Optional**)_
├── `styles` _(**Optional**)_
│   ├── index.styl
│   └── palette.styl
├── `templates` _(**Optional**)_
│   ├── dev.html
│   └── ssr.html
├── `index.js` _(**Optional**)_
├── `enhanceApp.js` _(**Optional**)_
└── package.json
- `theme/components`: Theme components are not automatically registered as global components. You can use [@vuepress/plugin-register-components](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/tree/master/packages/@vuepress/plugin-register-components) register them as global components.
- `theme/layouts`: Layout components of the theme, where `Layout.vue` is required.
- `theme/styles`: Global style and palette.
- `theme/templates`: Modify default template.
- `theme/index.js`: Entry file of theme configuration.
- `theme/enhanceApp.js`: Theme level enhancements.
::: warning Note
Considering backward compatibility, Vue components located at theme root directory will also be automatically registered as layout components. But the recommended is placing them under `layouts` directory, which looks more clearer.
### Layout Component
Suppose your topic Layouts folder is as follows:
::: vue
└── `layouts`
   ├── Layout.vue
   ├── AnotherLayout.vue
   └── 404.vue
Then, all the pages will use `Layout.vue` as layout component by default, while the routes not matching will use `404.vue`.
If you want to switch the layout of the some page to `AnotherLayout.vue`, you just need to update the frontmatter of this page:
layout: AnotherLayout
### Apply plugins
You can apply some plugins to the theme via `theme/index.js`.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
serviceWorker: true,
updatePopup: true
Then you will get following available pages:
For themes that need to be released to NPM, please do not forget to add it to `dependencies`:
"dependencies": {
"@vuepress/plugin-pwa": "^x.x.x",
### Site and Page Metadata
The `Layout` component will be invoked once for every `.md` file in `docs`, and the metadata for the entire site and that specific page will be exposed respectively as `this.$site` and `this.$page` properties which are injected into every component in the app.
This is the value of `$site` of this very website:
``` json
"title": "VuePress",
"description": "Vue-powered Static Site Generator",
"base": "/",
"pages": [
"lastUpdated": 1524027677000,
"path": "/",
"title": "VuePress",
"frontmatter": {}
However, for a blog system, we hope that the link of a post can be customized. VuePress started supporting this feature from `1.0.0`. which is known as `permalink`. Then, the actual pages would be:
`title`, `description` and `base` are copied from respective fields in `.vuepress/config.js`. `pages` contains an array of metadata objects for each page, including its path, page title (explicitly specified in [YAML front matter](../guide/markdown.md#front-matter) or inferred from the first header on the page), and any YAML front matter data in that file.
This is the `$page` object for this page you are looking at:
``` json
"lastUpdated": 1524847549000,
"path": "/guide/custom-themes.html",
"title": "Custom Themes",
"headers": [/* ... */],
"frontmatter": {}
It seems that we have seen the shadow of the blog. Let's continue to look down.
If the user provided `themeConfig` in `.vuepress/config.js`, it will also be available as `$site.themeConfig`. You can use this to allow users to customize behavior of your theme - for example, specifying categories and page order. You can then use these data together with `$site.pages` to dynamically construct navigation links.
## Permalinks
Finally, don't forget that `this.$route` and `this.$router` are also available as part of Vue Router's API.
A permalink is a URL that is intended to remain unchanged for many years into the future, yielding a hyperlink that is less susceptible to link rot<sup>[1]</sup>. VuePress supports a flexible way to build permalinks, allowing you to leverage various template variables.
::: tip
`lastUpdated` is the UNIX timestamp of this file's last git commit, for more details, refer to [Last Updated](../theme/default-theme-config.md#last-updated).
The default permalink is `/:regular`.
### Content Excerpt
### Configure Permalinks
If a markdown file contains a `<!-- more -->` comment, any content above the comment will be extracted and exposed as `$page.excerpt`. If you are building custom theme for blogging, this data can be used to render a post list with excerpts.
You can configure globally to apply it for all pages:
### Content Outlet
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
permalink: '/:year/:month/:day/:slug'
The compiled content of the current `.md` file being rendered will be available as a special `<Content/>` global component. You will need to render it somewhere in your layout in order to display the content of the page. The simplest theme can be just a single `Layout.vue` component with the following content:
``` html
<div class="theme-container">
### App Level Enhancements
Themes can enhance the Vue app that VuePress uses by exposing an `enhanceApp.js` file at the root of the theme. The file should `export default` a hook function which will receive an object containing some app level values. You can use this hook to install additional Vue plugins, register global components, or add additional router hooks:
``` js
export default ({
Vue, // the version of Vue being used in the VuePress app
options, // the options for the root Vue instance
router, // the router instance for the app
siteData // site metadata
}) => {
// ...apply enhancements to the app
Alternatively, you can also set permalink on a page only, and it will have a higher priority than the global settings.
## Using a theme
📝 __hello.md__:
Using a theme is almost same as using a plugin.
title: Hello World
permalink: /hello-world
### Use plugins from a dependency
Themes can be published on npm in raw Vue SFC format as `vuepress-theme-xxx`.
``` js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ 'vuepress-theme-xx' ]
### Template Variables
### Theme Shorthand
| Variable | Description |
|:year|Published year of posts (4-digit)|
|:month|Published month of posts (2-digit)|
|:i_month|Published month of posts (Without leading zeros)|
|:day|Published day of posts (2-digit)|
|:i_day|Published day of posts (Without leading zeros)|
|:slug|Slugified file path (Without extension)|
|:regular| Permalink generated by VuePress by default, for implementation see [here](https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress/blob/next/packages/%40vuepress/shared-utils/lib/fileToPath.js) |
If you prefix the plugin with `vuepress-theme-`, you can use a shorthand to leave out that prefix:
## Writing a theme
``` js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ 'xxx' ]
TODO. integrate with the old docs.
Same with:
## Theme API
``` js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ 'vuepress-theme-xxx' ]
### layout
This also works with [Scoped Packages](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scope):
``` js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ '@org/vuepress-theme-xxx', '@vuepress/theme-xxx' ]
### notFound
``` js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ '@org/xxx', '@vuepress/xxx' ]
::: warning Note
The plugin whose name starts with `@vuepress/theme-` is an officially maintained theme.
## Options
### plugins
- Type: `Array|Object`
- Default: undefined
See: [Config > plugins](../config/README.md#plugins).
Markdown is supported
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