未验证 提交 59da521a 编写于 作者: R rsercano

resolves #510

上级 94472652
......@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ const Communicator = function () {
updateOne: { selectedCollection: '', selector: {}, setObject: {}, options: {} },
checkMongoclientVersion: {},
removeDumpLogs: { binary: '' },
mongodump: { args: {} },
mongorestore: { args: {} },
mongoexport: { args: {} },
mongoimport: { args: {} },
mongodump: { args: [] },
mongorestore: { args: [] },
mongoexport: { args: [] },
mongoimport: { args: [] },
getDatabases: { },
dbStats: { },
serverStatus: { },
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