提交 e5c3141c 编写于 作者: R rsercano

moved external executables to /public

上级 4be35dce
/* Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer
This tool helps you get a sense of your application's schema, as well as any
outliers to that schema. Particularly useful when you inherit a codebase with
data dump and want to quickly learn how the data's structured. Also useful for
finding rare keys.
Please see https://github.com/variety/variety for details.
Released by Maypop Inc, © 2012-2016, under the MIT License. */
(function () {
'use strict'; // wraps everything for which we can use strict mode -JC
var log = function(message) {
if(!__quiet) { // mongo shell param, coming from https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/5fc306543cd3ba2637e5cb0662cc375f36868b28/src/mongo/shell/dbshell.cpp#L624
log('Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer');
log('Version 1.5.0, released 14 May 2015');
var dbs = [];
var emptyDbs = [];
if (typeof slaveOk !== 'undefined') {
if (slaveOk === true) {
var knownDatabases = db.adminCommand('listDatabases').databases;
if(typeof knownDatabases !== 'undefined') { // not authorized user receives error response (json) without databases key
if(db.getSisterDB(d.name).getCollectionNames().length > 0) {
if(db.getSisterDB(d.name).getCollectionNames().length === 0) {
if (emptyDbs.indexOf(db.getName()) !== -1) {
throw 'The database specified ('+ db +') is empty.\n'+
'Possible database options are: ' + dbs.join(', ') + '.';
if (dbs.indexOf(db.getName()) === -1) {
throw 'The database specified ('+ db +') does not exist.\n'+
'Possible database options are: ' + dbs.join(', ') + '.';
var collNames = db.getCollectionNames().join(', ');
if (typeof collection === 'undefined') {
throw 'You have to supply a \'collection\' variable, à la --eval \'var collection = "animals"\'.\n'+
'Possible collection options for database specified: ' + collNames + '.\n'+
'Please see https://github.com/variety/variety for details.';
if (db.getCollection(collection).count() === 0) {
throw 'The collection specified (' + collection + ') in the database specified ('+ db +') does not exist or is empty.\n'+
'Possible collection options for database specified: ' + collNames + '.';
var readConfig = function(configProvider) {
var config = {};
var read = function(name, defaultValue) {
var value = typeof configProvider[name] !== 'undefined' ? configProvider[name] : defaultValue;
config[name] = value;
log('Using '+name+' of ' + tojson(value));
read('collection', null);
read('query', {});
read('limit', db.getCollection(config.collection).find(config.query).count());
read('maxDepth', 99);
read('sort', {_id: -1});
read('outputFormat', 'ascii');
read('persistResults', false);
read('resultsDatabase', 'varietyResults');
read('resultsCollection', collection + 'Keys');
read('resultsUser', null);
read('resultsPass', null);
read('logKeysContinuously', false);
read('excludeSubkeys', []);
read('arrayEscape', 'XX');
//Translate excludeSubkeys to set like object... using an object for compatibility...
config.excludeSubkeys = config.excludeSubkeys.reduce(function (result, item) { result[item+'.'] = true; return result; }, {});
return config;
var config = readConfig(this);
var PluginsClass = function(context) {
var parsePath = function(val) { return val.slice(-3) !== '.js' ? val + '.js' : val;};
var parseConfig = function(val) {
var config = {};
val.split('&').reduce(function(acc, val) {
var parts = val.split('=');
acc[parts[0]] = parts[1];
return acc;
}, config);
return config;
if(typeof context.plugins !== 'undefined') {
this.plugins = context.plugins.split(',')
.map(function(path){return path.trim();})
var path = parsePath(definition.split('|')[0]);
var config = parseConfig(definition.split('|')[1] || '');
context.module = context.module || {};
var plugin = context.module.exports;
plugin.path = path;
if(typeof plugin.init === 'function') {
return plugin;
}, this);
} else {
this.plugins = [];
this.execute = function(methodName) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var applicablePlugins = this.plugins.filter(function(plugin){return typeof plugin[methodName] === 'function';});
return applicablePlugins.map(function(plugin) {
return plugin[methodName].apply(plugin, args);
log('Using plugins of ' + tojson(this.plugins.map(function(plugin){return plugin.path;})));
var $plugins = new PluginsClass(this);
$plugins.execute('onConfig', config);
var varietyTypeOf = function(thing) {
if (typeof thing === 'undefined') { throw 'varietyTypeOf() requires an argument'; }
if (typeof thing !== 'object') {
// the messiness below capitalizes the first letter, so the output matches
// the other return values below. -JC
var typeofThing = typeof thing; // edgecase of JSHint's "singleGroups"
return typeofThing[0].toUpperCase() + typeofThing.slice(1);
} else {
if (thing && thing.constructor === Array) {
return 'Array';
} else if (thing === null) {
return 'null';
} else if (thing instanceof Date) {
return 'Date';
} else if(thing instanceof NumberLong) {
return 'NumberLong';
} else if (thing instanceof ObjectId) {
return 'ObjectId';
} else if (thing instanceof BinData) {
var binDataTypes = {};
binDataTypes[0x00] = 'generic';
binDataTypes[0x01] = 'function';
binDataTypes[0x02] = 'old';
binDataTypes[0x03] = 'UUID';
binDataTypes[0x05] = 'MD5';
binDataTypes[0x80] = 'user';
return 'BinData-' + binDataTypes[thing.subtype()];
} else {
return 'Object';
//flattens object keys to 1D. i.e. {'key1':1,{'key2':{'key3':2}}} becomes {'key1':1,'key2.key3':2}
//we assume no '.' characters in the keys, which is an OK assumption for MongoDB
var serializeDoc = function(doc, maxDepth, excludeSubkeys) {
var result = {};
//determining if an object is a Hash vs Array vs something else is hard
//returns true, if object in argument may have nested objects and makes sense to analyse its content
function isHash(v) {
var isArray = Array.isArray(v);
var isObject = typeof v === 'object';
var specialObject = v instanceof Date ||
v instanceof ObjectId ||
v instanceof BinData ||
v instanceof NumberLong;
return !specialObject && (isArray || isObject);
var arrayRegex = new RegExp('\\.' + config.arrayEscape + '\\d+' + config.arrayEscape + '\\.', 'g');
function serialize(document, parentKey, maxDepth) {
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(excludeSubkeys, parentKey.replace(arrayRegex, '.')))
for(var key in document) {
//skip over inherited properties such as string, length, etch
if(!document.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = document[key];
key = config.arrayEscape + key + config.arrayEscape; //translate unnamed object key from {_parent_name_}.{_index_} to {_parent_name_}.arrayEscape{_index_}arrayEscape.
result[parentKey+key] = value;
//it's an object, recurse...only if we haven't reached max depth
if(isHash(value) && maxDepth > 1) {
serialize(value, parentKey+key+'.', maxDepth-1);
serialize(doc, '', maxDepth);
return result;
// convert document to key-value map, where value is always an array with types as plain strings
var analyseDocument = function(document) {
var result = {};
var arrayRegex = new RegExp('\\.' + config.arrayEscape + '\\d+' + config.arrayEscape, 'g');
for (var key in document) {
var value = document[key];
key = key.replace(arrayRegex, '.' + config.arrayEscape);
if(typeof result[key] === 'undefined') {
result[key] = {};
var type = varietyTypeOf(value);
result[key][type] = true;
return result;
var mergeDocument = function(docResult, interimResults) {
for (var key in docResult) {
if(key in interimResults) {
var existing = interimResults[key];
for(var type in docResult[key]) {
if (type in existing.types) {
existing.types[type] = existing.types[type] + 1;
} else {
existing.types[type] = 1;
if (config.logKeysContinuously) {
log('Found new key type "' + key + '" type "' + type + '"');
existing.totalOccurrences = existing.totalOccurrences + 1;
} else {
var types = {};
for (var newType in docResult[key]) {
types[newType] = 1;
if (config.logKeysContinuously) {
log('Found new key type "' + key + '" type "' + newType + '"');
interimResults[key] = {'types': types,'totalOccurrences':1};
var convertResults = function(interimResults, documentsCount) {
var getKeys = function(obj) {
var keys = {};
for(var key in obj) {
keys[key] = obj[key];
return keys;
//return keys.sort();
var varietyResults = [];
//now convert the interimResults into the proper format
for(var key in interimResults) {
var entry = interimResults[key];
'_id': {'key':key},
'value': {'types':getKeys(entry.types)},
'totalOccurrences': entry.totalOccurrences,
'percentContaining': entry.totalOccurrences * 100 / documentsCount
return varietyResults;
// Merge the keys and types of current object into accumulator object
var reduceDocuments = function(accumulator, object) {
var docResult = analyseDocument(serializeDoc(object, config.maxDepth, config.excludeSubkeys));
mergeDocument(docResult, accumulator);
return accumulator;
// We throw away keys which end in an array index, since they are not useful
// for our analysis. (We still keep the key of their parent array, though.) -JC
var arrayRegex = new RegExp('\\.' + config.arrayEscape + '$', 'g');
var filter = function(item) {
return !item._id.key.match(arrayRegex);
// sort desc by totalOccurrences or by key asc if occurrences equal
var comparator = function(a, b) {
var countsDiff = b.totalOccurrences - a.totalOccurrences;
return countsDiff !== 0 ? countsDiff : a._id.key.localeCompare(b._id.key);
// extend standard MongoDB cursor of reduce method - call forEach and combine the results
DBQuery.prototype.reduce = function(callback, initialValue) {
var result = initialValue;
result = callback(result, obj);
return result;
var cursor = db.getCollection(config.collection).find(config.query).sort(config.sort).limit(config.limit);
var interimResults = cursor.reduce(reduceDocuments, {});
var varietyResults = convertResults(interimResults, cursor.size())
if(config.persistResults) {
var resultsDB;
var resultsCollectionName = config.resultsCollection;
if (config.resultsDatabase.indexOf('/') === -1) {
// Local database; don't reconnect
resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB(config.resultsDatabase);
} else {
// Remote database, establish new connection
resultsDB = connect(config.resultsDatabase);
if (config.resultsUser !== null && config.resultsPass !== null) {
resultsDB.auth(config.resultsUser, config.resultsPass);
// replace results collection
log('replacing results collection: '+ resultsCollectionName);
var createAsciiTable = function(results) {
var headers = ['key', 'types', 'occurrences', 'percents'];
// return the number of decimal places or 1, if the number is int (1.23=>2, 100=>1, 0.1415=>4)
var significantDigits = function(value) {
var res = value.toString().match(/^[0-9]+\.([0-9]+)$/);
return res !== null ? res[1].length : 1;
var maxDigits = varietyResults.map(function(value){return significantDigits(value.percentContaining);}).reduce(function(acc,val){return acc>val?acc:val;});
var rows = results.map(function(row) {
var types = [];
var typeKeys = Object.keys(row.value.types);
if (typeKeys.length > 1) {
for (var type in row.value.types) {
var typestring = type + ' (' + row.value.types[type] + ')';
} else {
types = typeKeys;
return [row._id.key, types, row.totalOccurrences, row.percentContaining.toFixed(Math.min(maxDigits, 20))];
var table = [headers, headers.map(function(){return '';})].concat(rows);
var colMaxWidth = function(arr, index) {return Math.max.apply(null, arr.map(function(row){return row[index].toString().length;}));};
var pad = function(width, string, symbol) { return width <= string.length ? string : pad(width, isNaN(string) ? string + symbol : symbol + string, symbol); };
table = table.map(function(row, ri){
return '| ' + row.map(function(cell, i) {return pad(colMaxWidth(table, i), cell.toString(), ri === 1 ? '-' : ' ');}).join(' | ') + ' |';
var border = '+' + pad(table[0].length - 2, '', '-') + '+';
return [border].concat(table).concat(border).join('\n');
var pluginsOutput = $plugins.execute('formatResults', varietyResults);
if (pluginsOutput.length > 0) {
} else if(config.outputFormat === 'json') {
printjson(varietyResults); // valid formatted json output, compressed variant is printjsononeline()
} else {
print(createAsciiTable(varietyResults)); // output nice ascii table with results
}.bind(this)()); // end strict mode
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