提交 a9429d4a 编写于 作者: DCloud_JSON's avatar DCloud_JSON


上级 543ac07f
## 0.7.5(2023-12-18)
- 修复 在uni-app x项目,部分情况下,执行uni-captcha组件的setFocus无效的问题
## 0.7.4(2023-12-18)
- 更新 `package.json` -> `dependencies` 增加 `uni-popup`
## 0.7.3(2023-11-15)
- 更新 uni-popup-captcha.uvue依赖的popup组件,直接使用uni_modules下的uni-popup组件
## 0.7.2(2023-11-07)
- 新增 前端组件:uni-captcha.uvue、uni-popup-captcha
## 0.7.1(2023-11-07)
- 新增 前端组件:uni-captcha.uvue、uni-popup-captcha
## 0.7.0(2023-10-10)
- 新增 支持在`uni-config-center`中配置mode,可选值为svg和bmp,配置成bmp后可以在uniappx的uvue页面正常显示验证码(uvue不支持显示svg验证码)
## 0.6.4(2023-01-16)
- 修复 部分情况下APP端无法获取验证码的问题
## 0.6.3(2023-01-11)
<view class="captcha-box">
<view class="captcha-img-box">
<image class="loding" src="/uni_modules/uni-captcha/static/run.gif" v-if="loging" mode="widthFix" />
<image class="captcha-img" :class="{opacity:loging}" @click="getImageCaptcha(true)" :src="captchaBase64" mode="widthFix" />
<input @blur="focusCaptchaInput = false" @focus="focusCaptchaInput = true" :focus="focusCaptchaInput" type="digit" class="captcha" :inputBorder="false"
maxlength="4" v-model="val" placeholder="请输入验证码" :cursor-spacing="cursorSpacing" />
export default {
emits: ["modelValue"],
props: {
cursorSpacing: {
type: Number,
default: 100
modelValue: {
type: String,
default: ""
value: {
type: String,
default: ""
scene: {
type: String,
default: ""
focus: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
focusCaptchaInput: false,
captchaBase64: "" as string,
loging: false,
val: ""
watch: {
value: {
handler(value : string) {
// console.log('setvue', value);
this.val = value
immediate: true
modelValue: {
handler(modelValue : string) {
// console.log('setvue', modelValue);
this.val = modelValue
immediate: true
scene: {
handler(scene : string) {
if (scene.length != 0) {
} else {
title: 'scene不能为空',
icon: 'none'
immediate: true
val(value : string) {
// console.log('setvue', value);
// TODO 兼容 vue2
// #ifdef VUE2
this.$emit('input', value);
// #endif
// TODO 兼容 vue3
// #ifdef VUE3
this.$emit('update:modelValue', value)
// #endif
methods: {
this.focusCaptchaInput = state
getImageCaptcha(focus : boolean) {
this.loging = true
if (focus) {
this.val = ''
this.focusCaptchaInput = true
const uniIdCo = uniCloud.importObject("uni-captcha-co", {
customUI: true
scene: this.scene,
}).then((result : UTSJSONObject) => {
this.captchaBase64 = (result.getString('captchaBase64') as string)
.catch<void>((err : any | null) : void => {
const error = err as UniCloudError
title: error.message,
icon: 'none'
.finally(()=> {
this.loging = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.captcha-box {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
display: flex;
/* #endif */
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-end;
flex: 1;
.captcha {
height: 44px;
.captcha {
flex: 1;
.captcha-img-box {
position: relative;
background-color: #FEFAE7;
.captcha {
background-color: #F8F8F8;
font-size: 14px;
flex: 1;
padding: 0 20rpx;
margin-left: 20rpx;
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
box-sizing: border-box;
/* #endif */
.loding {
width: 100px;
.captcha-img {
/* #ifdef WEB */
cursor: pointer;
/* #endif */
height: 44px;
.loding {
z-index: 9;
position: absolute;
width: 30px;
margin:7px 35px;
.opacity {
opacity: 0.5;
\ No newline at end of file
<uni-popup ref="popup" @clickMask="cancel">
<view class="popup-captcha">
<view class="content">
<text class="title">{{title}}</text>
<uni-captcha ref="captcha" :focus="focus" :scene="scene" v-model="val" :cursorSpacing="150"></uni-captcha>
<view class="button-box">
<text @click="cancel" class="btn cancel">取消</text>
<text @click="confirm" class="btn confirm">确认</text>
let confirmCallBack = ():void=>console.log('未传入回调函数')
export default {
data() {
return {
focus: false,
props: {
modelValue: {
type: String,
default: ""
value: {
type: String,
default: ""
scene: {
type: String,
default: ""
title: {
type: String,
default: "默认标题"
watch: {
val(val:string) {
// console.log(val);
// TODO 兼容 vue2
// #ifdef VUE2
this.$emit('input', val);
// #endif
// TODO 兼容 vue3
// #ifdef VUE3
this.$emit('update:modelValue', val)
// #endif
if(val.length == 4){
mounted() {},
methods: {
open(callback: () => void) {
// console.log('callback',callback);
confirmCallBack = callback;
this.focus = true
this.val = "";
(this.$refs['popup'] as ComponentPublicInstance).$callMethod("open");
(this.$refs['captcha'] as ComponentPublicInstance).$callMethod("getImageCaptcha",true);
close() {
this.focus = false;
(this.$refs['popup'] as ComponentPublicInstance).$callMethod("close");
confirm() {
if (this.val.length != 4) {
return uni.showToast({
title: '请填写验证码',
icon: 'none'
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.popup-captcha {
background-color: #fff;
flex-direction: column;
width: 600rpx;
padding:10px 15px;
border-radius: 10px;
.popup-captcha .title {
text-align: center;
font-weight: 700;
margin: 5px 0;
.popup-captcha .button-box {
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-around;
margin-top: 5px;
.popup-captcha .button-box .btn {
flex: 1;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
text-align: center;
.popup-captcha .button-box .cancel {
border: 1px solid #eee;
color: #666;
.confirm {
background-color: #0070ff;
color: #fff;
margin-left: 5px;
\ No newline at end of file
"id": "uni-captcha",
"displayName": "uni-captcha",
"version": "0.6.4",
"version": "0.7.5",
"description": "云端一体图形验证码组件",
"keywords": [
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"engines": {
"HBuilderX": "^3.1.0"
"dcloudext": {
"dcloudext": {
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
"type": "unicloud-template-function"
"uni_modules": {
"dependencies": [],
"dependencies": [
"encrypt": [],
"platforms": {
"cloud": {
......@@ -72,8 +74,8 @@
"联盟": "u"
"Vue": {
"vue2": "y",
"vue3": "u"
"vue2": "y",
"vue3": "u"
"name": "uni-captcha",
"version": "0.6.4",
"version": "0.7.0",
"description": "uni-captcha",
"main": "index.js",
"homepage": "https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=4048",
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const db = uniCloud.database();
const verifyCodes = db.collection('opendb-verify-codes')
module.exports = {
async getImageCaptcha({
}) {
let {
......@@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ module.exports = {
let action = res.data.length ? 'refresh' : 'create'
//导入配置,配置优先级说明:此处配置 > uni-config-center
return await uniCaptcha[action]({
let option = {
scene, //来源客户端传递,表示:使用场景值,用于防止不同功能的验证码混用
uniPlatform: platform
uniPlatform: platform
option.mode = "bmp"
return await uniCaptcha[action](option)
\ No newline at end of file
# uni-cloud-s2s
# uni-cloud-s2s
\ No newline at end of file
'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); const e = require('crypto'); const t = require('path'); function s (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { default: e } }require('fs'); const o = s(e); const n = s(t); const i = 'uni-cloud-s2s'; const r = { code: 5e4, message: 'Config error' }; const c = { code: 51e3, message: 'Access denied' }; class a extends Error {constructor (e) { super(e.message), this.errMsg = e.message || '', this.code = this.errCode = e.code, this.errSubject = e.subject, this.forceReturn = e.forceReturn || !1, this.cause = e.cause, Object.defineProperties(this, { message: { get () { return this.errMsg }, set (e) { this.errMsg = e } } }) }toJSON (e = 0) { if (!(e >= 10)) return e++, { errCode: this.errCode, errMsg: this.errMsg, errSubject: this.errSubject, cause: this.cause && this.cause.toJSON ? this.cause.toJSON(e) : this.cause } }} const d = Object.prototype.toString; const h = 50002; const u = Object.create(null); ['string', 'boolean', 'number', 'null'].forEach(e => { u[e] = function (t, s) { if ((function (e) { return d.call(e).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase() }(t)) !== e) return { code: h, message: `${s} is invalid` } } }); const f = 'Unicloud-S2s-Authorization'; class g {constructor (e) { const { config: t } = e || {}; this.config = t; const { connectCode: s } = t || {}; if (this.connectCode = s, !s || typeof s !== 'string') throw new a({ subject: i, code: r.code, message: 'Invalid connectCode in config' }) }getHeadersValue (e = {}, t, s) { const o = Object.keys(e || {}).find(e => e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()); return o ? e[o] : s }verifyHttpInfo (e) { const t = this.getHeadersValue(e.headers, f, ''); const [s = '', o = ''] = t.split(' '); if (s.toLowerCase() === 'CONNECTCODE'.toLowerCase() && o === this.config.connectCode) return !0; throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: `Invalid CONNECTCODE in headers['${f}']` }) }getSecureHeaders (e) { return { [f]: `CONNECTCODE ${this.config.connectCode}` } }} function l (e) { return function (t) { const { content: s, signKey: n } = t || {}; return o.default.createHash(e).update(s + '\n' + n).digest('hex') } } const p = { md5: l('md5'), sha1: l('sha1'), sha256: l('md5'), 'hmac-sha256': function (e) { const { content: t, signKey: s } = e || {}; return o.default.createHmac('sha256', s).update(t).digest('hex') } }; function m (e) { const { timestamp: t, data: s = {}, signKey: o, hashMethod: n = 'hmac-sha256' } = e || {}; const i = p[n]; const r = ['number', 'string', 'boolean']; const c = Object.keys(s).sort(); const a = []; for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++) { const t = c[e]; const o = s[t]; const n = typeof o; r.includes(n) && a.push(`${t}=${o}`) } return i({ content: `${t}\n${a.join('&')}`, signKey: o }) } class w {constructor (e) { const { config: t } = e || {}; this.config = t; const { signKey: s, hashMethod: o = 'hmac-sha256', timeDiffTolerance: n = 60 } = t; if (!p[o]) throw new a({ subject: i, code: r.code, message: `Invalid hashMethod in config, expected "md5", "sha1", "sha256" or "hmac-sha256", got "${o}"` }); if (!s || typeof s !== 'string') throw new a({ subject: i, code: r.code, message: 'Invalid signKey in config' }); this.signKey = s, this.hashMethod = o, this.timeDiffTolerance = n }getHttpHeaders (e) { return e.headers || {} }getHeadersValue (e, t, s) { const o = Object.keys(e || {}).find(e => e.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase()); return o ? e[o] : s }getHttpData (e) { const t = e.httpMethod.toLowerCase(); const s = this.getHttpHeaders(e); const o = this.getHeadersValue(s, 'Content-Type', ''); if (t === 'get') return e.queryStringParameters; if (t !== 'post') throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: `Invalid http method, expected "POST" or "get", got "${t}"` }); if (o.indexOf('application/json') === 0) return JSON.parse(e.body); if (o.indexOf('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') === 0) return require('querystring').parse(e.body); throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: `Invalid content type of POST method, expected "application/json" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", got "${o}"` }) }verifyHttpInfo (e) { const t = e.headers || {}; const s = this.getHeadersValue(t, 'Unicloud-S2s-Timestamp', '0'); let [o, n] = this.getHeadersValue(t, 'Unicloud-S2s-Signature', '').split(' '); if (o = o.toLowerCase(), o !== this.hashMethod) throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: `Invalid hash method, expected "${this.hashMethod}", got "${o}"` }); const r = parseInt(s); const d = Date.now(); if (Math.abs(d - r) > 1e3 * this.timeDiffTolerance) throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: `Invalid timestamp, server timestamp is ${d}, ${r} exceed max timeDiffTolerance(${this.timeDiffTolerance} seconds)` }); return m({ timestamp: r, data: this.getHttpData(e), signKey: this.signKey, hashMethod: this.hashMethod }) === n }getSecureHeaders (e) { const { data: t } = e || {}; const s = Date.now(); const o = m({ timestamp: s, data: t, signKey: this.signKey, hashMethod: this.hashMethod }); return { 'Unicloud-S2s-Timestamp': s + '', 'Unicloud-S2s-Signature': this.hashMethod + ' ' + o } }} const y = require('uni-config-center')({ pluginId: i }); class b {constructor () { this.config = y.config(); const e = n.default.resolve(require.resolve('uni-config-center'), i, 'config.json'); if (!this.config) throw new a({ subject: i, code: r.code, message: `${i} config required, please check your config file: ${e}` }); if (this.config.type === 'connectCode') this.verifier = new g({ config: this.config }); else { if (!(function (e) { return e.type === 'sign' }(this.config))) throw new a({ subject: i, code: r.code, message: `Invalid ${i} config, expected policy is "code" or "sign", got ${this.config.policy}` }); this.verifier = new w({ config: this.config }) } }verifyHttpInfo (e) { if (!e) throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: 'Access denied, httpInfo required' }); return this.verifier.verifyHttpInfo(e) }getSecureHeaders (e) { return this.verifier.getSecureHeaders(e) }}exports.getSecureHeaders = function (e) { return (new b()).getSecureHeaders(e) }, exports.verifyHttpInfo = function (e) { const t = (new b()).verifyHttpInfo(e); if (!t) throw new a({ subject: i, code: c.code, message: c.message }); return t }
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var e=require("crypto"),t=require("path");function s(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"default"in e?e:{default:e}}require("fs");var o=s(e),n=s(t);const i="uni-cloud-s2s",r={code:5e4,message:"Config error"},c={code:51e3,message:"Access denied"};class a extends Error{constructor(e){super(e.message),this.errMsg=e.message||"",this.code=this.errCode=e.code,this.errSubject=e.subject,this.forceReturn=e.forceReturn||!1,this.cause=e.cause,Object.defineProperties(this,{message:{get(){return this.errMsg},set(e){this.errMsg=e}}})}toJSON(e=0){if(!(e>=10))return e++,{errCode:this.errCode,errMsg:this.errMsg,errSubject:this.errSubject,cause:this.cause&&this.cause.toJSON?this.cause.toJSON(e):this.cause}}}const d=Object.prototype.toString;const h=50002,u=Object.create(null);["string","boolean","number","null"].forEach((e=>{u[e]=function(t,s){if(function(e){return d.call(e).slice(8,-1).toLowerCase()}(t)!==e)return{code:h,message:`${s} is invalid`}}}));const f="Unicloud-S2s-Authorization";class g{constructor(e){const{config:t}=e||{};this.config=t;const{connectCode:s}=t||{};if(this.connectCode=s,!s||"string"!=typeof s)throw new a({subject:i,code:r.code,message:"Invalid connectCode in config"})}getHeadersValue(e={},t,s){const o=Object.keys(e||{}).find((e=>e.toLowerCase()===t.toLowerCase()));return o?e[o]:s}verifyHttpInfo(e){const t=this.getHeadersValue(e.headers,f,""),[s="",o=""]=t.split(" ");if(s.toLowerCase()==="CONNECTCODE".toLowerCase()&&o===this.config.connectCode)return!0;throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:`Invalid CONNECTCODE in headers['${f}']`})}getSecureHeaders(e){return{[f]:`CONNECTCODE ${this.config.connectCode}`}}}function l(e){return function(t){const{content:s,signKey:n}=t||{};return o.default.createHash(e).update(s+"\n"+n).digest("hex")}}const p={md5:l("md5"),sha1:l("sha1"),sha256:l("md5"),"hmac-sha256":function(e){const{content:t,signKey:s}=e||{};return o.default.createHmac("sha256",s).update(t).digest("hex")}};function m(e){const{timestamp:t,data:s={},signKey:o,hashMethod:n="hmac-sha256"}=e||{},i=p[n],r=["number","string","boolean"],c=Object.keys(s).sort(),a=[];for(let e=0;e<c.length;e++){const t=c[e],o=s[t],n=typeof o;r.includes(n)&&a.push(`${t}=${o}`)}return i({content:`${t}\n${a.join("&")}`,signKey:o})}class w{constructor(e){const{config:t}=e||{};this.config=t;const{signKey:s,hashMethod:o="hmac-sha256",timeDiffTolerance:n=60}=t;if(!p[o])throw new a({subject:i,code:r.code,message:`Invalid hashMethod in config, expected "md5", "sha1", "sha256" or "hmac-sha256", got "${o}"`});if(!s||"string"!=typeof s)throw new a({subject:i,code:r.code,message:"Invalid signKey in config"});this.signKey=s,this.hashMethod=o,this.timeDiffTolerance=n}getHttpHeaders(e){return e.headers||{}}getHeadersValue(e,t,s){const o=Object.keys(e||{}).find((e=>e.toLowerCase()===t.toLowerCase()));return o?e[o]:s}getHttpData(e){const t=e.httpMethod.toLowerCase(),s=this.getHttpHeaders(e),o=this.getHeadersValue(s,"Content-Type","");if("get"===t)return e.queryStringParameters;if("post"!==t)throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:`Invalid http method, expected "POST" or "get", got "${t}"`});if(0===o.indexOf("application/json"))return JSON.parse(e.body);if(0===o.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))return require("querystring").parse(e.body);throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:`Invalid content type of POST method, expected "application/json" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", got "${o}"`})}verifyHttpInfo(e){const t=e.headers||{},s=this.getHeadersValue(t,"Unicloud-S2s-Timestamp","0");let[o,n]=this.getHeadersValue(t,"Unicloud-S2s-Signature","").split(" ");if(o=o.toLowerCase(),o!==this.hashMethod)throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:`Invalid hash method, expected "${this.hashMethod}", got "${o}"`});const r=parseInt(s),d=Date.now();if(Math.abs(d-r)>1e3*this.timeDiffTolerance)throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:`Invalid timestamp, server timestamp is ${d}, ${r} exceed max timeDiffTolerance(${this.timeDiffTolerance} seconds)`});return m({timestamp:r,data:this.getHttpData(e),signKey:this.signKey,hashMethod:this.hashMethod})===n}getSecureHeaders(e){const{data:t}=e||{},s=Date.now(),o=m({timestamp:s,data:t,signKey:this.signKey,hashMethod:this.hashMethod});return{"Unicloud-S2s-Timestamp":s+"","Unicloud-S2s-Signature":this.hashMethod+" "+o}}}const y=require("uni-config-center")({pluginId:i});class b{constructor(){this.config=y.config();const e=n.default.resolve(require.resolve("uni-config-center"),i,"config.json");if(!this.config)throw new a({subject:i,code:r.code,message:`${i} config required, please check your config file: ${e}`});if("connectCode"===this.config.type)this.verifier=new g({config:this.config});else{if(!function(e){return"sign"===e.type}(this.config))throw new a({subject:i,code:r.code,message:`Invalid ${i} config, expected policy is "code" or "sign", got ${this.config.policy}`});this.verifier=new w({config:this.config})}}verifyHttpInfo(e){if(!e)throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:"Access denied, httpInfo required"});return this.verifier.verifyHttpInfo(e)}getSecureHeaders(e){return this.verifier.getSecureHeaders(e)}}exports.getSecureHeaders=function(e){return(new b).getSecureHeaders(e)},exports.verifyHttpInfo=function(e){const t=(new b).verifyHttpInfo(e);if(!t)throw new a({subject:i,code:c.code,message:c.message});return t};
## 1.1.9(2023-04-11)
- 修复 vue3 下 keyboardheightchange 事件报错的bug
## 1.1.8(2023-03-29)
- 优化 trim 属性默认值
## 1.1.7(2023-03-29)
- 新增 cursor-spacing 属性
## 1.1.6(2023-01-28)
- 新增 keyboardheightchange 事件,可监听键盘高度变化
## 1.1.5(2022-11-29)
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
......@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
......@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@
* @property {String} suffixIcon 输入框尾部图标
* @property {String} primaryColor 设置主题色(默认#2979ff)
* @property {Boolean} trim 是否自动去除两端的空格
* @property {Boolean} cursorSpacing 指定光标与键盘的距离,单位 px
* @value both 去除两端空格
* @value left 去除左侧空格
* @value right 去除右侧空格
......@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ function obj2strStyle(obj) {
export default {
name: 'uni-easyinput',
emits: ['click', 'iconClick', 'update:modelValue', 'input', 'focus', 'blur', 'confirm', 'clear', 'eyes', 'change'],
emits: ['click', 'iconClick', 'update:modelValue', 'input', 'focus', 'blur', 'confirm', 'clear', 'eyes', 'change', 'keyboardheightchange'],
model: {
prop: 'modelValue',
event: 'update:modelValue'
......@@ -210,7 +213,11 @@ export default {
trim: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: true
default: false
cursorSpacing: {
type: Number,
default: 0
passwordIcon: {
type: Boolean,
"id": "uni-easyinput",
"displayName": "uni-easyinput 增强输入框",
"version": "1.1.6",
"version": "1.1.9",
"description": "Easyinput 组件是对原生input组件的增强",
"keywords": [
## 1.4.10(2023-11-03)
- 优化 labelWidth 描述错误
## 1.4.9(2023-02-10)
- 修复 required 参数无法动态绑定
## 1.4.8(2022-08-23)
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=2773
* @property {Boolean} required 是否必填,左边显示红色"*"号
* @property {String } label 输入框左边的文字提示
* @property {Number } labelWidth label的宽度,单位px(默认65
* @property {Number } labelWidth label的宽度,单位px(默认70
* @property {String } labelAlign = [left|center|right] label的文字对齐方式(默认left)
* @value left label 左侧显示
* @value center label 居中
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
type: String,
default: ''
// label的宽度 ,默认 80
// label的宽度
labelWidth: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ''
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
errMsg: '',
userRules: null,
localLabelAlign: 'left',
localLabelWidth: '65px',
localLabelWidth: '70px',
localLabelPos: 'left',
border: false,
isFirstBorder: false,
......@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@
// const {
// labelWidth
// } = this.form
return this.num2px(this.labelWidth ? this.labelWidth : (labelWidth || (this.label ? 65 : 'auto')))
return this.num2px(this.labelWidth ? this.labelWidth : (labelWidth || (this.label ? 70 : 'auto')))
// }
// return '65px'
// return '70px'
// 处理 label 位置
_labelPosition() {
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
* @property {String} labelPosition = [top|left] label 位置 默认 left
* @value top 顶部显示 label
* @value left 左侧显示 label
* @property {String} labelWidth label 宽度,默认 65px
* @property {String} labelWidth label 宽度,默认 70px
* @property {String} labelAlign = [left|center|right] label 居中方式 默认 left
* @value left label 左侧显示
* @value center label 居中
"id": "uni-forms",
"displayName": "uni-forms 表单",
"version": "1.4.9",
"version": "1.4.10",
"description": "由输入框、选择器、单选框、多选框等控件组成,用以收集、校验、提交数据",
"keywords": [
## 2.0.8(2023-12-14)
- 修复 项目未使用 ts 情况下,打包报错的bug
## 2.0.7(2023-12-14)
- 修复 size 属性为 string 时,不加单位导致尺寸异常的bug
## 2.0.6(2023-12-11)
- 优化 兼容老版本icon类型,如 top ,bottom 等
## 2.0.5(2023-12-11)
- 优化 兼容老版本icon类型,如 top ,bottom 等
## 2.0.4(2023-12-06)
- 优化 uni-app x 下示例项目图标排序
## 2.0.3(2023-12-06)
- 修复 nvue下引入组件报错的bug
## 2.0.2(2023-12-05)
-优化 size 属性支持单位
## 2.0.1(2023-12-05)
- 新增 uni-app x 支持定义图标
## 1.3.5(2022-01-24)
- 优化 size 属性可以传入不带单位的字符串数值
## 1.3.4(2022-01-24)
<text class="uni-icons" :style="styleObj">
import { fontData, IconsDataItem } from './uniicons_file'
* Icons 图标
* @description 用于展示 icon 图标
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=28
* @property {Number} size 图标大小
* @property {String} type 图标图案,参考示例
* @property {String} color 图标颜色
* @property {String} customPrefix 自定义图标
* @event {Function} click 点击 Icon 触发事件
export default {
name: "uni-icons",
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: ''
color: {
type: String,
default: '#333333'
size: {
type: Object,
default: 24
fontFamily: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {};
computed: {
unicode() : string {
let codes = fontData.find((item : IconsDataItem) : boolean => { return item.font_class == this.type })
if (codes !== null) {
return codes.unicode
return ''
iconSize() : string {
const size = this.size
if (typeof size == 'string') {
const reg = /^[0-9]*$/g
return reg.test(size as string) ? '' + size + 'px' : '' + size;
// return '' + this.size
return this.getFontSize(size as number)
styleObj() : UTSJSONObject {
if (this.fontFamily !== '') {
return { color: this.color, fontSize: this.iconSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily }
return { color: this.color, fontSize: this.iconSize }
created() { },
methods: {
* 字体大小
getFontSize(size : number) : string {
return size + 'px';
<style scoped>
@font-face {
font-family: UniIconsFontFamily;
src: url('./uniicons.ttf');
.uni-icons {
font-family: UniIconsFontFamily;
font-size: 18px;
font-style: normal;
color: #333;
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="{ color: color, 'font-size': iconSize }" class="uni-icons" @click="_onClick">{{unicode}}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="{ color: color, 'font-size': iconSize }" class="uni-icons" :class="['uniui-'+type,customPrefix,customPrefix?type:'']" @click="_onClick"></text>
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="styleObj" class="uni-icons" @click="_onClick">{{unicode}}</text>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE -->
<text :style="styleObj" class="uni-icons" :class="['uniui-'+type,customPrefix,customPrefix?type:'']" @click="_onClick">
<!-- #endif -->
import icons from './icons.js';
const getVal = (val) => {
const reg = /^[0-9]*$/g
return (typeof val === 'number' || reg.test(val) )? val + 'px' : val;
import { fontData } from './uniicons_file_vue.js';
const getVal = (val) => {
const reg = /^[0-9]*$/g
return (typeof val === 'number' || reg.test(val)) ? val + 'px' : val;
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
var domModule = weex.requireModule('dom');
import iconUrl from './uniicons.ttf'
domModule.addRule('fontFace', {
'fontFamily': "uniicons",
'src': "url('"+iconUrl+"')"
'src': "url('" + iconUrl + "')"
// #endif
......@@ -28,13 +32,13 @@
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=28
* @property {Number} size 图标大小
* @property {String} type 图标图案,参考示例
* @property {String} color 图标颜色
* @property {String} customPrefix 自定义图标
* @property {String} color 图标颜色
* @property {String} customPrefix 自定义图标
* @event {Function} click 点击 Icon 触发事件
export default {
name: 'UniIcons',
emits: ['click'],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
......@@ -46,29 +50,39 @@
size: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 16
type: String,
default: ''
default: 24
customPrefix: {
type: String,
default: ''
fontFamily: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
icons: icons.glyphs
icons: fontData
computed: {
unicode() {
let code = this.icons.find(v => v.font_class === this.type)
if (code) {
return code.unicode
return ''
iconSize() {
return getVal(this.size)
styleObj() {
if (this.fontFamily !== '') {
return `color: ${this.color}; font-size: ${this.iconSize}; font-family: ${this.fontFamily};`
return `color: ${this.color}; font-size: ${this.iconSize};`
let code = this.icons.find(v=>v.font_class === this.type)
return unescape(`%u${code.unicode}`)
return ''
return getVal(this.size)
methods: {
_onClick() {
......@@ -78,19 +92,19 @@
<style lang="scss">
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
<style lang="scss">
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
@import './uniicons.css';
@font-face {
font-family: uniicons;
src: url('./uniicons.ttf') format('truetype');
src: url('./uniicons.ttf');
/* #endif */
/* #endif */
.uni-icons {
font-family: uniicons;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: center;
.uniui-cart-filled:before {
content: "\e6d0";
.uniui-gift-filled:before {
content: "\e6c4";
.uniui-color:before {
content: "\e6cf";
......@@ -58,10 +67,6 @@
content: "\e6c3";
.uniui-gift-filled:before {
content: "\e6c4";
.uniui-fire-filled:before {
content: "\e6c5";
......@@ -82,6 +87,18 @@
content: "\e698";
.uniui-arrowthinleft:before {
content: "\e6d2";
.uniui-arrowthinup:before {
content: "\e6d3";
.uniui-arrowthindown:before {
content: "\e6d4";
.uniui-back:before {
content: "\e6b9";
......@@ -94,55 +111,43 @@
content: "\e6bb";
.uniui-arrowthinright:before {
content: "\e6bb";
.uniui-arrow-left:before {
content: "\e6bc";
.uniui-arrowthinleft:before {
content: "\e6bc";
.uniui-arrow-up:before {
content: "\e6bd";
.uniui-arrowthinup:before {
content: "\e6bd";
.uniui-arrow-down:before {
content: "\e6be";
.uniui-arrowthindown:before {
content: "\e6be";
.uniui-arrowthinright:before {
content: "\e6d1";
.uniui-bottom:before {
.uniui-down:before {
content: "\e6b8";
.uniui-arrowdown:before {
.uniui-bottom:before {
content: "\e6b8";
.uniui-right:before {
content: "\e6b5";
.uniui-arrowright:before {
content: "\e6d5";
.uniui-arrowright:before {
.uniui-right:before {
content: "\e6b5";
.uniui-top:before {
.uniui-up:before {
content: "\e6b6";
.uniui-arrowup:before {
.uniui-top:before {
content: "\e6b6";
......@@ -150,8 +155,8 @@
content: "\e6b7";
.uniui-arrowleft:before {
content: "\e6b7";
.uniui-arrowup:before {
content: "\e6d6";
.uniui-eye:before {
......@@ -638,10 +643,6 @@
content: "\e627";
.uniui-cart-filled:before {
content: "\e629";
.uniui-checkbox:before {
content: "\e62b";
export type IconsData = {
id : string
name : string
font_family : string
css_prefix_text : string
description : string
glyphs : Array<IconsDataItem>
export type IconsDataItem = {
font_class : string
unicode : string
export const fontData = [
"font_class": "arrow-down",
"unicode": "\ue6be"
"font_class": "arrow-left",
"unicode": "\ue6bc"
"font_class": "arrow-right",
"unicode": "\ue6bb"
"font_class": "arrow-up",
"unicode": "\ue6bd"
"font_class": "auth",
"unicode": "\ue6ab"
"font_class": "auth-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6cc"
"font_class": "back",
"unicode": "\ue6b9"
"font_class": "bars",
"unicode": "\ue627"
"font_class": "calendar",
"unicode": "\ue6a0"
"font_class": "calendar-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c0"
"font_class": "camera",
"unicode": "\ue65a"
"font_class": "camera-filled",
"unicode": "\ue658"
"font_class": "cart",
"unicode": "\ue631"
"font_class": "cart-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6d0"
"font_class": "chat",
"unicode": "\ue65d"
"font_class": "chat-filled",
"unicode": "\ue659"
"font_class": "chatboxes",
"unicode": "\ue696"
"font_class": "chatboxes-filled",
"unicode": "\ue692"
"font_class": "chatbubble",
"unicode": "\ue697"
"font_class": "chatbubble-filled",
"unicode": "\ue694"
"font_class": "checkbox",
"unicode": "\ue62b"
"font_class": "checkbox-filled",
"unicode": "\ue62c"
"font_class": "checkmarkempty",
"unicode": "\ue65c"
"font_class": "circle",
"unicode": "\ue65b"
"font_class": "circle-filled",
"unicode": "\ue65e"
"font_class": "clear",
"unicode": "\ue66d"
"font_class": "close",
"unicode": "\ue673"
"font_class": "closeempty",
"unicode": "\ue66c"
"font_class": "cloud-download",
"unicode": "\ue647"
"font_class": "cloud-download-filled",
"unicode": "\ue646"
"font_class": "cloud-upload",
"unicode": "\ue645"
"font_class": "cloud-upload-filled",
"unicode": "\ue648"
"font_class": "color",
"unicode": "\ue6cf"
"font_class": "color-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c9"
"font_class": "compose",
"unicode": "\ue67f"
"font_class": "contact",
"unicode": "\ue693"
"font_class": "contact-filled",
"unicode": "\ue695"
"font_class": "down",
"unicode": "\ue6b8"
"font_class": "bottom",
"unicode": "\ue6b8"
"font_class": "download",
"unicode": "\ue68d"
"font_class": "download-filled",
"unicode": "\ue681"
"font_class": "email",
"unicode": "\ue69e"
"font_class": "email-filled",
"unicode": "\ue69a"
"font_class": "eye",
"unicode": "\ue651"
"font_class": "eye-filled",
"unicode": "\ue66a"
"font_class": "eye-slash",
"unicode": "\ue6b3"
"font_class": "eye-slash-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6b4"
"font_class": "fire",
"unicode": "\ue6a1"
"font_class": "fire-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c5"
"font_class": "flag",
"unicode": "\ue65f"
"font_class": "flag-filled",
"unicode": "\ue660"
"font_class": "folder-add",
"unicode": "\ue6a9"
"font_class": "folder-add-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c8"
"font_class": "font",
"unicode": "\ue6a3"
"font_class": "forward",
"unicode": "\ue6ba"
"font_class": "gear",
"unicode": "\ue664"
"font_class": "gear-filled",
"unicode": "\ue661"
"font_class": "gift",
"unicode": "\ue6a4"
"font_class": "gift-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c4"
"font_class": "hand-down",
"unicode": "\ue63d"
"font_class": "hand-down-filled",
"unicode": "\ue63c"
"font_class": "hand-up",
"unicode": "\ue63f"
"font_class": "hand-up-filled",
"unicode": "\ue63e"
"font_class": "headphones",
"unicode": "\ue630"
"font_class": "heart",
"unicode": "\ue639"
"font_class": "heart-filled",
"unicode": "\ue641"
"font_class": "help",
"unicode": "\ue679"
"font_class": "help-filled",
"unicode": "\ue674"
"font_class": "home",
"unicode": "\ue662"
"font_class": "home-filled",
"unicode": "\ue663"
"font_class": "image",
"unicode": "\ue670"
"font_class": "image-filled",
"unicode": "\ue678"
"font_class": "images",
"unicode": "\ue650"
"font_class": "images-filled",
"unicode": "\ue64b"
"font_class": "info",
"unicode": "\ue669"
"font_class": "info-filled",
"unicode": "\ue649"
"font_class": "left",
"unicode": "\ue6b7"
"font_class": "link",
"unicode": "\ue6a5"
"font_class": "list",
"unicode": "\ue644"
"font_class": "location",
"unicode": "\ue6ae"
"font_class": "location-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6af"
"font_class": "locked",
"unicode": "\ue66b"
"font_class": "locked-filled",
"unicode": "\ue668"
"font_class": "loop",
"unicode": "\ue633"
"font_class": "mail-open",
"unicode": "\ue643"
"font_class": "mail-open-filled",
"unicode": "\ue63a"
"font_class": "map",
"unicode": "\ue667"
"font_class": "map-filled",
"unicode": "\ue666"
"font_class": "map-pin",
"unicode": "\ue6ad"
"font_class": "map-pin-ellipse",
"unicode": "\ue6ac"
"font_class": "medal",
"unicode": "\ue6a2"
"font_class": "medal-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c3"
"font_class": "mic",
"unicode": "\ue671"
"font_class": "mic-filled",
"unicode": "\ue677"
"font_class": "micoff",
"unicode": "\ue67e"
"font_class": "micoff-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6b0"
"font_class": "minus",
"unicode": "\ue66f"
"font_class": "minus-filled",
"unicode": "\ue67d"
"font_class": "more",
"unicode": "\ue64d"
"font_class": "more-filled",
"unicode": "\ue64e"
"font_class": "navigate",
"unicode": "\ue66e"
"font_class": "navigate-filled",
"unicode": "\ue67a"
"font_class": "notification",
"unicode": "\ue6a6"
"font_class": "notification-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c1"
"font_class": "paperclip",
"unicode": "\ue652"
"font_class": "paperplane",
"unicode": "\ue672"
"font_class": "paperplane-filled",
"unicode": "\ue675"
"font_class": "person",
"unicode": "\ue699"
"font_class": "person-filled",
"unicode": "\ue69d"
"font_class": "personadd",
"unicode": "\ue69f"
"font_class": "personadd-filled",
"unicode": "\ue698"
"font_class": "personadd-filled-copy",
"unicode": "\ue6d1"
"font_class": "phone",
"unicode": "\ue69c"
"font_class": "phone-filled",
"unicode": "\ue69b"
"font_class": "plus",
"unicode": "\ue676"
"font_class": "plus-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c7"
"font_class": "plusempty",
"unicode": "\ue67b"
"font_class": "pulldown",
"unicode": "\ue632"
"font_class": "pyq",
"unicode": "\ue682"
"font_class": "qq",
"unicode": "\ue680"
"font_class": "redo",
"unicode": "\ue64a"
"font_class": "redo-filled",
"unicode": "\ue655"
"font_class": "refresh",
"unicode": "\ue657"
"font_class": "refresh-filled",
"unicode": "\ue656"
"font_class": "refreshempty",
"unicode": "\ue6bf"
"font_class": "reload",
"unicode": "\ue6b2"
"font_class": "right",
"unicode": "\ue6b5"
"font_class": "scan",
"unicode": "\ue62a"
"font_class": "search",
"unicode": "\ue654"
"font_class": "settings",
"unicode": "\ue653"
"font_class": "settings-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6ce"
"font_class": "shop",
"unicode": "\ue62f"
"font_class": "shop-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6cd"
"font_class": "smallcircle",
"unicode": "\ue67c"
"font_class": "smallcircle-filled",
"unicode": "\ue665"
"font_class": "sound",
"unicode": "\ue684"
"font_class": "sound-filled",
"unicode": "\ue686"
"font_class": "spinner-cycle",
"unicode": "\ue68a"
"font_class": "staff",
"unicode": "\ue6a7"
"font_class": "staff-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6cb"
"font_class": "star",
"unicode": "\ue688"
"font_class": "star-filled",
"unicode": "\ue68f"
"font_class": "starhalf",
"unicode": "\ue683"
"font_class": "trash",
"unicode": "\ue687"
"font_class": "trash-filled",
"unicode": "\ue685"
"font_class": "tune",
"unicode": "\ue6aa"
"font_class": "tune-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6ca"
"font_class": "undo",
"unicode": "\ue64f"
"font_class": "undo-filled",
"unicode": "\ue64c"
"font_class": "up",
"unicode": "\ue6b6"
"font_class": "top",
"unicode": "\ue6b6"
"font_class": "upload",
"unicode": "\ue690"
"font_class": "upload-filled",
"unicode": "\ue68e"
"font_class": "videocam",
"unicode": "\ue68c"
"font_class": "videocam-filled",
"unicode": "\ue689"
"font_class": "vip",
"unicode": "\ue6a8"
"font_class": "vip-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c6"
"font_class": "wallet",
"unicode": "\ue6b1"
"font_class": "wallet-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c2"
"font_class": "weibo",
"unicode": "\ue68b"
"font_class": "weixin",
"unicode": "\ue691"
] as IconsDataItem[]
// export const fontData = JSON.parse<IconsDataItem>(fontDataJson)
export const fontData = [
"font_class": "arrow-down",
"unicode": "\ue6be"
"font_class": "arrow-left",
"unicode": "\ue6bc"
"font_class": "arrow-right",
"unicode": "\ue6bb"
"font_class": "arrow-up",
"unicode": "\ue6bd"
"font_class": "auth",
"unicode": "\ue6ab"
"font_class": "auth-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6cc"
"font_class": "back",
"unicode": "\ue6b9"
"font_class": "bars",
"unicode": "\ue627"
"font_class": "calendar",
"unicode": "\ue6a0"
"font_class": "calendar-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c0"
"font_class": "camera",
"unicode": "\ue65a"
"font_class": "camera-filled",
"unicode": "\ue658"
"font_class": "cart",
"unicode": "\ue631"
"font_class": "cart-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6d0"
"font_class": "chat",
"unicode": "\ue65d"
"font_class": "chat-filled",
"unicode": "\ue659"
"font_class": "chatboxes",
"unicode": "\ue696"
"font_class": "chatboxes-filled",
"unicode": "\ue692"
"font_class": "chatbubble",
"unicode": "\ue697"
"font_class": "chatbubble-filled",
"unicode": "\ue694"
"font_class": "checkbox",
"unicode": "\ue62b"
"font_class": "checkbox-filled",
"unicode": "\ue62c"
"font_class": "checkmarkempty",
"unicode": "\ue65c"
"font_class": "circle",
"unicode": "\ue65b"
"font_class": "circle-filled",
"unicode": "\ue65e"
"font_class": "clear",
"unicode": "\ue66d"
"font_class": "close",
"unicode": "\ue673"
"font_class": "closeempty",
"unicode": "\ue66c"
"font_class": "cloud-download",
"unicode": "\ue647"
"font_class": "cloud-download-filled",
"unicode": "\ue646"
"font_class": "cloud-upload",
"unicode": "\ue645"
"font_class": "cloud-upload-filled",
"unicode": "\ue648"
"font_class": "color",
"unicode": "\ue6cf"
"font_class": "color-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c9"
"font_class": "compose",
"unicode": "\ue67f"
"font_class": "contact",
"unicode": "\ue693"
"font_class": "contact-filled",
"unicode": "\ue695"
"font_class": "down",
"unicode": "\ue6b8"
"font_class": "bottom",
"unicode": "\ue6b8"
"font_class": "download",
"unicode": "\ue68d"
"font_class": "download-filled",
"unicode": "\ue681"
"font_class": "email",
"unicode": "\ue69e"
"font_class": "email-filled",
"unicode": "\ue69a"
"font_class": "eye",
"unicode": "\ue651"
"font_class": "eye-filled",
"unicode": "\ue66a"
"font_class": "eye-slash",
"unicode": "\ue6b3"
"font_class": "eye-slash-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6b4"
"font_class": "fire",
"unicode": "\ue6a1"
"font_class": "fire-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c5"
"font_class": "flag",
"unicode": "\ue65f"
"font_class": "flag-filled",
"unicode": "\ue660"
"font_class": "folder-add",
"unicode": "\ue6a9"
"font_class": "folder-add-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c8"
"font_class": "font",
"unicode": "\ue6a3"
"font_class": "forward",
"unicode": "\ue6ba"
"font_class": "gear",
"unicode": "\ue664"
"font_class": "gear-filled",
"unicode": "\ue661"
"font_class": "gift",
"unicode": "\ue6a4"
"font_class": "gift-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c4"
"font_class": "hand-down",
"unicode": "\ue63d"
"font_class": "hand-down-filled",
"unicode": "\ue63c"
"font_class": "hand-up",
"unicode": "\ue63f"
"font_class": "hand-up-filled",
"unicode": "\ue63e"
"font_class": "headphones",
"unicode": "\ue630"
"font_class": "heart",
"unicode": "\ue639"
"font_class": "heart-filled",
"unicode": "\ue641"
"font_class": "help",
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"font_class": "navigate-filled",
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"unicode": "\ue68c"
"font_class": "videocam-filled",
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"font_class": "vip-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c6"
"font_class": "wallet",
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"font_class": "wallet-filled",
"unicode": "\ue6c2"
"font_class": "weibo",
"unicode": "\ue68b"
"font_class": "weixin",
"unicode": "\ue691"
// export const fontData = JSON.parse<IconsDataItem>(fontDataJson)
"id": "uni-icons",
"displayName": "uni-icons 图标",
"version": "1.3.5",
"version": "2.0.8",
"description": "图标组件,用于展示移动端常见的图标,可自定义颜色、大小。",
"keywords": [
......@@ -16,11 +16,7 @@
"directories": {
"example": "../../temps/example_temps"
"dcloudext": {
"category": [
"dcloudext": {
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
......@@ -37,7 +33,8 @@
"data": "无",
"permissions": "无"
"npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
"npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui",
"type": "component-vue"
"uni_modules": {
"dependencies": ["uni-scss"],
......@@ -50,7 +47,8 @@
"client": {
"App": {
"app-vue": "y",
"app-nvue": "y"
"app-nvue": "y",
"app-uvue": "y"
"H5-mobile": {
"Safari": "y",
......@@ -70,11 +68,15 @@
"阿里": "y",
"百度": "y",
"字节跳动": "y",
"QQ": "y"
"QQ": "y",
"钉钉": "y",
"快手": "y",
"飞书": "y",
"京东": "y"
"快应用": {
"华为": "u",
"联盟": "u"
"华为": "y",
"联盟": "y"
"Vue": {
"vue2": "y",
......@@ -83,4 +85,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
## 1.0.16(2023-04-25)
- 新增maxTokenLength配置,用于限制数据库用户记录token数组的最大长度
## 1.0.15(2023-04-06)
- 修复部分语言国际化出错的Bug
## 1.0.14(2023-03-07)
- 修复 admin用户包含其他角色时未包含在token的Bug
## 1.0.13(2022-07-21)
"id": "uni-id-common",
"displayName": "uni-id-common",
"version": "1.0.14",
"version": "1.0.16",
"description": "包含uni-id token生成、校验、刷新功能的云函数公共模块",
"keywords": [
"name": "uni-id-common",
"version": "1.0.14",
"version": "1.0.16",
"description": "uni-id token生成、校验、刷新",
"main": "index.js",
"homepage": "https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uniCloud/uni-id-common.html",
## 1.1.17(2023-12-14)
- uni-id-co 移除一键登录、短信的调用凭据
## 1.1.16(2023-10-18)
- 修复 当不满足一键登录时页面回退无法继续登录的问题
## 1.1.15(2023-07-13)
"id": "uni-id-pages",
"displayName": "uni-id-pages",
"version": "1.1.16",
"version": "1.1.17",
"description": "云端一体简单、统一、可扩展的用户中心页面模版",
"keywords": [
......@@ -3,7 +3,14 @@ async function getPhoneNumber ({
} = {}) {
const requiredParams = []
const univerifyConfig = (this.config.service && this.config.service.univerify) || {}
for (let i = 0; i < requiredParams.length; i++) {
const key = requiredParams[i]
if (!univerifyConfig[key]) {
throw new Error(`Missing config param: service.univerify.${key}`)
return uniCloud.getPhoneNumber({
provider: 'univerify',
appid: this.getUniversalClientInfo().appId,
"name": "uni-id-co",
"version": "1.1.15",
"version": "1.1.17",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"keywords": [],
## 1.2.14(2023-04-14)
- 优化 uni-list-chat 具名插槽`header` 非app端套一层元素,方便使用时通过外层元素定位实现样式修改
## 1.2.13(2023-03-03)
- uni-list-chat 新增 支持具名插槽`header`
## 1.2.12(2023-02-01)
......@@ -18,7 +18,13 @@
<slot name="header"></slot>
<!-- #ifndef APP -->
<view class="slot-header">
<!-- #endif -->
<slot name="header"></slot>
<!-- #ifndef APP -->
<!-- #endif -->
<view v-if="badgeText && badgePositon === 'left'" class="uni-list-chat__badge uni-list-chat__badge-pos" :class="[isSingle]">
<text class="uni-list-chat__badge-text">{{ badgeText === 'dot' ? '' : badgeText }}</text>
......@@ -198,26 +198,29 @@
let paddingArr = padding.split(' ')
if (paddingArr.length === 1) {
this.padding = {
"top": padding,
"right": padding,
"bottom": padding,
"left": padding
const allPadding = paddingArr[0]
this.padding = {
"top": allPadding,
"right": allPadding,
"bottom": allPadding,
"left": allPadding
} else if (paddingArr.length === 2) {
this.padding = {
"top": padding[0],
"right": padding[1],
"bottom": padding[0],
"left": padding[1]
const [verticalPadding, horizontalPadding] = paddingArr;
this.padding = {
"top": verticalPadding,
"right": horizontalPadding,
"bottom": verticalPadding,
"left": horizontalPadding
} else if (paddingArr.length === 4) {
this.padding = {
"top": padding[0],
"right": padding[1],
"bottom": padding[2],
"left": padding[3]
const [topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding, leftPadding] = paddingArr;
this.padding = {
"top": topPadding,
"right": rightPadding,
"bottom": bottomPadding,
"left": leftPadding
immediate: true
"id": "uni-list",
"displayName": "uni-list 列表",
"version": "1.2.13",
"version": "1.2.14",
"description": "List 组件 ,帮助使用者快速构建列表。",
"keywords": [
## 1.2.0(2023-04-27)
- 优化 微信小程序平台 使用微信新增 API getStableAccessToken 获取 access_token, access_token 有效期内重复调用该接口不会更新 access_token, [详情](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/OpenApiDoc/mp-access-token/getStableAccessToken.html)
## 1.1.5(2023-03-27)
- 修复 微信小程序平台 某些情况下 encrypt_key 插入错误的问题
## 1.1.4(2023-03-13)
- 修复 平台 weixin-web
## 1.1.3(2023-03-13)
"id": "uni-open-bridge-common",
"displayName": "uni-open-bridge-common",
"version": "1.1.4",
"version": "1.2.0",
"description": "统一接管微信等三方平台认证凭据",
"keywords": [
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Encryptkey extends Storage {
const keyInfo = responseData.key_info_list.find((item) => {
return item.version = key.version
return item.version === key.version
if (!keyInfo) {
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ class WeixinServer {
getAccessToken() {
return uniCloud.httpclient.request(WeixinServer.AccessToken_Url, {
dataType: 'json',
method: 'GET',
dataAsQueryString: true,
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'json',
data: {
appid: this._appid,
secret: this._secret,
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class WeixinServer {
WeixinServer.AccessToken_Url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token'
WeixinServer.AccessToken_Url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/stable_token'
WeixinServer.Code2Session_Url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session'
WeixinServer.User_Encrypt_Key_Url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/wxa/business/getuserencryptkey'
WeixinServer.AccessToken_H5_Url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token'
## 1.8.4(2023-11-15)
- 新增 uni-popup 支持uni-app-x 注意暂时仅支持 `maskClick` `@open` `@close`
## 1.8.3(2023-04-17)
- 修复 uni-popup 重复打开时的 bug
## 1.8.2(2023-02-02)
- uni-popup-dialog 组件新增 inputType 属性
## 1.8.1(2022-12-01)
<view class="popup-root" v-if="isOpen" v-show="isShow" @click="clickMask">
<view @click.stop>
type CloseCallBack = ()=> void;
let closeCallBack:CloseCallBack = () :void => {};
export default {
data() {
return {
props: {
maskClick: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
watch: {
// 设置show = true 时,如果没有 open 需要设置为 open
handler(isShow) {
// console.log("isShow",isShow)
if(isShow && this.isOpen == false){
this.isOpen = true
// 设置isOpen = true 时,如果没有 isShow 需要设置为 isShow
handler(isOpen) {
// console.log("isOpen",isOpen)
if(isOpen && this.isShow == false){
this.isShow = true
// ...funs : CloseCallBack[]
// if(funs.length > 0){
// closeCallBack = funs[0]
// }
this.isOpen = true;
if(this.maskClick == true){
close(): void{
this.isOpen = false;
this.isShow = false
this.isShow = true
.popup-root {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 750rpx;
height: 100%;
flex: 1;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
z-index: 99;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
maskShow: true,
mkclick: true,
popupstyle: this.isDesktop ? 'fixforpc-top' : 'top'
popupstyle: 'top'
computed: {
......@@ -269,8 +269,7 @@
open(direction) {
// fix by mehaotian 处理快速打开关闭的情况
if (this.showPopup) {
this.showPopup = false
let innerType = ['top', 'center', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'message', 'dialog', 'share']
if (!(direction && innerType.indexOf(direction) !== -1)) {
"id": "uni-popup",
"displayName": "uni-popup 弹出层",
"version": "1.8.2",
"version": "1.8.4",
"description": " Popup 组件,提供常用的弹层",
"keywords": [
## 1.3.2(2023-05-04)
- 修复 NVUE 平台报错的问题
## 1.3.1(2021-11-23)
- 修复 init 方法初始化问题
## 1.3.0(2021-11-19)
- 优化 组件UI,并提供设计资源,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource)
- 文档迁移,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-transition](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-transition)
## 1.2.1(2021-09-27)
- 修复 init 方法不生效的 Bug
## 1.2.0(2021-07-30)
- 组件兼容 vue3,如何创建 vue3 项目,详见 [uni-app 项目支持 vue3 介绍](https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/37834)
## 1.1.1(2021-05-12)
- 新增 示例地址
- 修复 示例项目缺少组件的 Bug
## 1.1.0(2021-04-22)
- 新增 通过方法自定义动画
- 新增 custom-class 非 NVUE 平台支持自定义 class 定制样式
- 优化 动画触发逻辑,使动画更流畅
- 优化 支持单独的动画类型
- 优化 文档示例
## 1.0.2(2021-02-05)
- 调整为 uni_modules 目录规范
## 1.2.1(2021-09-27)
- 修复 init 方法不生效的 Bug
## 1.2.0(2021-07-30)
- 组件兼容 vue3,如何创建 vue3 项目,详见 [uni-app 项目支持 vue3 介绍](https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/37834)
## 1.1.1(2021-05-12)
- 新增 示例地址
- 修复 示例项目缺少组件的 Bug
## 1.1.0(2021-04-22)
- 新增 通过方法自定义动画
- 新增 custom-class 非 NVUE 平台支持自定义 class 定制样式
- 优化 动画触发逻辑,使动画更流畅
- 优化 支持单独的动画类型
- 优化 文档示例
## 1.0.2(2021-02-05)
- 调整为 uni_modules 目录规范
// const defaultOption = {
// duration: 300,
// timingFunction: 'linear',
// delay: 0,
// transformOrigin: '50% 50% 0'
// }
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
const nvueAnimation = uni.requireNativePlugin('animation')
// #endif
class MPAnimation {
constructor(options, _this) {
this.options = options
this.animation = uni.createAnimation(options)
this.currentStepAnimates = {}
this.next = 0
this.$ = _this
_nvuePushAnimates(type, args) {
let aniObj = this.currentStepAnimates[this.next]
let styles = {}
if (!aniObj) {
styles = {
styles: {},
config: {}
} else {
styles = aniObj
if (animateTypes1.includes(type)) {
if (!styles.styles.transform) {
styles.styles.transform = ''
// const defaultOption = {
// duration: 300,
// timingFunction: 'linear',
// delay: 0,
// transformOrigin: '50% 50% 0'
// }
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
const nvueAnimation = uni.requireNativePlugin('animation')
// #endif
class MPAnimation {
constructor(options, _this) {
this.options = options
// 在iOS10+QQ小程序平台下,传给原生的对象一定是个普通对象而不是Proxy对象,否则会报parameter should be Object instead of ProxyObject的错误
this.animation = uni.createAnimation({
this.currentStepAnimates = {}
this.next = 0
this.$ = _this
_nvuePushAnimates(type, args) {
let aniObj = this.currentStepAnimates[this.next]
let styles = {}
if (!aniObj) {
styles = {
styles: {},
config: {}
} else {
styles = aniObj
if (animateTypes1.includes(type)) {
if (!styles.styles.transform) {
styles.styles.transform = ''
let unit = ''
if(type === 'rotate'){
unit = 'deg'
styles.styles.transform += `${type}(${args+unit}) `
} else {
styles.styles[type] = `${args}`
this.currentStepAnimates[this.next] = styles
_animateRun(styles = {}, config = {}) {
let ref = this.$.$refs['ani'].ref
if (!ref) return
styles.styles.transform += `${type}(${args+unit}) `
} else {
styles.styles[type] = `${args}`
this.currentStepAnimates[this.next] = styles
_animateRun(styles = {}, config = {}) {
let ref = this.$.$refs['ani'].ref
if (!ref) return
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
nvueAnimation.transition(ref, {
}, res => {
_nvueNextAnimate(animates, step = 0, fn) {
let obj = animates[step]
if (obj) {
let {
} = obj
this._animateRun(styles, config).then(() => {
step += 1
this._nvueNextAnimate(animates, step, fn)
} else {
this.currentStepAnimates = {}
typeof fn === 'function' && fn()
this.isEnd = true
nvueAnimation.transition(ref, {
}, res => {
_nvueNextAnimate(animates, step = 0, fn) {
let obj = animates[step]
if (obj) {
let {
} = obj
this._animateRun(styles, config).then(() => {
step += 1
this._nvueNextAnimate(animates, step, fn)
} else {
this.currentStepAnimates = {}
typeof fn === 'function' && fn()
this.isEnd = true
step(config = {}) {
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
this.currentStepAnimates[this.next].config = Object.assign({}, this.options, config)
this.currentStepAnimates[this.next].styles.transformOrigin = this.currentStepAnimates[this.next].config.transformOrigin
// #endif
return this
run(fn) {
// #endif
return this
run(fn) {
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
this.$.animationData = this.animation.export()
this.$.animationData = this.animation.export()
this.$.timer = setTimeout(() => {
typeof fn === 'function' && fn()
}, this.$.durationTime)
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
typeof fn === 'function' && fn()
}, this.$.durationTime)
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
this.isEnd = false
let ref = this.$.$refs['ani'] && this.$.$refs['ani'].ref
if(!ref) return
this._nvueNextAnimate(this.currentStepAnimates, 0, fn)
this.next = 0
// #endif
const animateTypes1 = ['matrix', 'matrix3d', 'rotate', 'rotate3d', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'scale', 'scale3d',
'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ', 'skew', 'skewX', 'skewY', 'translate', 'translate3d', 'translateX', 'translateY',
const animateTypes2 = ['opacity', 'backgroundColor']
const animateTypes3 = ['width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach(type => {
MPAnimation.prototype[type] = function(...args) {
if(!ref) return
this._nvueNextAnimate(this.currentStepAnimates, 0, fn)
this.next = 0
// #endif
const animateTypes1 = ['matrix', 'matrix3d', 'rotate', 'rotate3d', 'rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'scale', 'scale3d',
'scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ', 'skew', 'skewX', 'skewY', 'translate', 'translate3d', 'translateX', 'translateY',
const animateTypes2 = ['opacity', 'backgroundColor']
const animateTypes3 = ['width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']
animateTypes1.concat(animateTypes2, animateTypes3).forEach(type => {
MPAnimation.prototype[type] = function(...args) {
// #ifndef APP-NVUE
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
this._nvuePushAnimates(type, args)
// #endif
return this
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-NVUE
this._nvuePushAnimates(type, args)
// #endif
return this
export function createAnimation(option, _this) {
if(!_this) return
return new MPAnimation(option, _this)
if(!_this) return
return new MPAnimation(option, _this)
<view v-if="isShow" ref="ani" :animation="animationData" :class="customClass" :style="transformStyles" @click="onClick"><slot></slot></view>
import { createAnimation } from './createAnimation'
* Transition 过渡动画
* @description 简单过渡动画组件
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=985
* @property {Boolean} show = [false|true] 控制组件显示或隐藏
* @property {Array|String} modeClass = [fade|slide-top|slide-right|slide-bottom|slide-left|zoom-in|zoom-out] 过渡动画类型
* @value fade 渐隐渐出过渡
* @value slide-top 由上至下过渡
* @value slide-right 由右至左过渡
* @value slide-bottom 由下至上过渡
* @value slide-left 由左至右过渡
* @value zoom-in 由小到大过渡
* @value zoom-out 由大到小过渡
* @property {Number} duration 过渡动画持续时间
* @property {Object} styles 组件样式,同 css 样式,注意带’-‘连接符的属性需要使用小驼峰写法如:`backgroundColor:red`
export default {
name: 'uniTransition',
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
modeClass: {
type: [Array, String],
default() {
return 'fade'
duration: {
type: Number,
default: 300
styles: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE -->
<view v-show="isShow" ref="ani" :animation="animationData" :class="customClass" :style="transformStyles" @click="onClick"><slot></slot></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
<view v-if="isShow" ref="ani" :animation="animationData" :class="customClass" :style="transformStyles" @click="onClick"><slot></slot></view>
<!-- #endif -->
import { createAnimation } from './createAnimation'
* Transition 过渡动画
* @description 简单过渡动画组件
* @tutorial https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=985
* @property {Boolean} show = [false|true] 控制组件显示或隐藏
* @property {Array|String} modeClass = [fade|slide-top|slide-right|slide-bottom|slide-left|zoom-in|zoom-out] 过渡动画类型
* @value fade 渐隐渐出过渡
* @value slide-top 由上至下过渡
* @value slide-right 由右至左过渡
* @value slide-bottom 由下至上过渡
* @value slide-left 由左至右过渡
* @value zoom-in 由小到大过渡
* @value zoom-out 由大到小过渡
* @property {Number} duration 过渡动画持续时间
* @property {Object} styles 组件样式,同 css 样式,注意带’-‘连接符的属性需要使用小驼峰写法如:`backgroundColor:red`
export default {
name: 'uniTransition',
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
modeClass: {
type: [Array, String],
default() {
return 'fade'
duration: {
type: Number,
default: 300
styles: {
type: Object,
default() {
return {}
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
isShow: false,
transform: '',
opacity: 1,
animationData: {},
durationTime: 300,
config: {}
watch: {
show: {
handler(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
} else {
// 避免上来就执行 close,导致动画错乱
if (this.isShow) {
immediate: true
computed: {
// 生成样式数据
stylesObject() {
let styles = {
'transition-duration': this.duration / 1000 + 's'
let transform = ''
for (let i in styles) {
let line = this.toLine(i)
transform += line + ':' + styles[i] + ';'
return transform
// 初始化动画条件
transformStyles() {
return 'transform:' + this.transform + ';' + 'opacity:' + this.opacity + ';' + this.stylesObject
created() {
// 动画默认配置
this.config = {
duration: this.duration,
timingFunction: 'ease',
transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
delay: 0
this.durationTime = this.duration
methods: {
* ref 触发 初始化动画
init(obj = {}) {
if (obj.duration) {
this.durationTime = obj.duration
this.animation = createAnimation(Object.assign(this.config, obj),this)
* 点击组件触发回调
onClick() {
this.$emit('click', {
detail: this.isShow
* ref 触发 动画分组
* @param {Object} obj
step(obj, config = {}) {
data() {
return {
isShow: false,
transform: '',
opacity: 1,
animationData: {},
durationTime: 300,
config: {}
watch: {
show: {
handler(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
} else {
// 避免上来就执行 close,导致动画错乱
if (this.isShow) {
immediate: true
computed: {
// 生成样式数据
stylesObject() {
let styles = {
'transition-duration': this.duration / 1000 + 's'
let transform = ''
for (let i in styles) {
let line = this.toLine(i)
transform += line + ':' + styles[i] + ';'
return transform
// 初始化动画条件
transformStyles() {
return 'transform:' + this.transform + ';' + 'opacity:' + this.opacity + ';' + this.stylesObject
created() {
// 动画默认配置
this.config = {
duration: this.duration,
timingFunction: 'ease',
transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
delay: 0
this.durationTime = this.duration
methods: {
* ref 触发 初始化动画
init(obj = {}) {
if (obj.duration) {
this.durationTime = obj.duration
this.animation = createAnimation(Object.assign(this.config, obj),this)
* 点击组件触发回调
onClick() {
this.$emit('click', {
detail: this.isShow
* ref 触发 动画分组
* @param {Object} obj
step(obj, config = {}) {
if (!this.animation) return
for (let i in obj) {
for (let i in obj) {
try {
if(typeof obj[i] === 'object'){
} catch (e) {
console.error(`方法 ${i} 不存在`)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`方法 ${i} 不存在`)
return this
* ref 触发 执行动画
run(fn) {
if (!this.animation) return
// 开始过度动画
open() {
this.transform = ''
this.isShow = true
let { opacity, transform } = this.styleInit(false)
if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined') {
this.opacity = opacity
this.transform = transform
// 确保动态样式已经生效后,执行动画,如果不加 nextTick ,会导致 wx 动画执行异常
this.$nextTick(() => {
// TODO 定时器保证动画完全执行,目前有些问题,后面会取消定时器
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.animation = createAnimation(this.config, this)
this.$emit('change', {
detail: this.isShow
}, 20)
// 关闭过度动画
close(type) {
if (!this.animation) return
.run(() => {
this.isShow = false
this.animationData = null
this.animation = null
let { opacity, transform } = this.styleInit(false)
this.opacity = opacity || 1
this.transform = transform
this.$emit('change', {
detail: this.isShow
// 处理动画开始前的默认样式
styleInit(type) {
let styles = {
transform: ''
let buildStyle = (type, mode) => {
if (mode === 'fade') {
styles.opacity = this.animationType(type)[mode]
} else {
styles.transform += this.animationType(type)[mode] + ' '
if (typeof this.modeClass === 'string') {
buildStyle(type, this.modeClass)
} else {
this.modeClass.forEach(mode => {
buildStyle(type, mode)
return styles
// 处理内置组合动画
tranfromInit(type) {
let buildTranfrom = (type, mode) => {
let aniNum = null
if (mode === 'fade') {
aniNum = type ? 0 : 1
} else {
aniNum = type ? '-100%' : '0'
if (mode === 'zoom-in') {
aniNum = type ? 0.8 : 1
if (mode === 'zoom-out') {
aniNum = type ? 1.2 : 1
if (mode === 'slide-right') {
aniNum = type ? '100%' : '0'
if (mode === 'slide-bottom') {
aniNum = type ? '100%' : '0'
if (typeof this.modeClass === 'string') {
buildTranfrom(type, this.modeClass)
} else {
this.modeClass.forEach(mode => {
buildTranfrom(type, mode)
return this.animation
animationType(type) {
return {
fade: type ? 1 : 0,
'slide-top': `translateY(${type ? '0' : '-100%'})`,
'slide-right': `translateX(${type ? '0' : '100%'})`,
'slide-bottom': `translateY(${type ? '0' : '100%'})`,
'slide-left': `translateX(${type ? '0' : '-100%'})`,
'zoom-in': `scaleX(${type ? 1 : 0.8}) scaleY(${type ? 1 : 0.8})`,
'zoom-out': `scaleX(${type ? 1 : 1.2}) scaleY(${type ? 1 : 1.2})`
// 内置动画类型与实际动画对应字典
animationMode() {
return {
fade: 'opacity',
'slide-top': 'translateY',
'slide-right': 'translateX',
'slide-bottom': 'translateY',
'slide-left': 'translateX',
'zoom-in': 'scale',
'zoom-out': 'scale'
// 驼峰转中横线
toLine(name) {
return name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()
return this
* ref 触发 执行动画
run(fn) {
if (!this.animation) return
// 开始过度动画
open() {
this.transform = ''
this.isShow = true
let { opacity, transform } = this.styleInit(false)
if (typeof opacity !== 'undefined') {
this.opacity = opacity
this.transform = transform
// 确保动态样式已经生效后,执行动画,如果不加 nextTick ,会导致 wx 动画执行异常
this.$nextTick(() => {
// TODO 定时器保证动画完全执行,目前有些问题,后面会取消定时器
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.animation = createAnimation(this.config, this)
this.$emit('change', {
detail: this.isShow
}, 20)
// 关闭过度动画
close(type) {
if (!this.animation) return
.run(() => {
this.isShow = false
this.animationData = null
this.animation = null
let { opacity, transform } = this.styleInit(false)
this.opacity = opacity || 1
this.transform = transform
this.$emit('change', {
detail: this.isShow
// 处理动画开始前的默认样式
styleInit(type) {
let styles = {
transform: ''
let buildStyle = (type, mode) => {
if (mode === 'fade') {
styles.opacity = this.animationType(type)[mode]
} else {
styles.transform += this.animationType(type)[mode] + ' '
if (typeof this.modeClass === 'string') {
buildStyle(type, this.modeClass)
} else {
this.modeClass.forEach(mode => {
buildStyle(type, mode)
return styles
// 处理内置组合动画
tranfromInit(type) {
let buildTranfrom = (type, mode) => {
let aniNum = null
if (mode === 'fade') {
aniNum = type ? 0 : 1
} else {
aniNum = type ? '-100%' : '0'
if (mode === 'zoom-in') {
aniNum = type ? 0.8 : 1
if (mode === 'zoom-out') {
aniNum = type ? 1.2 : 1
if (mode === 'slide-right') {
aniNum = type ? '100%' : '0'
if (mode === 'slide-bottom') {
aniNum = type ? '100%' : '0'
if (typeof this.modeClass === 'string') {
buildTranfrom(type, this.modeClass)
} else {
this.modeClass.forEach(mode => {
buildTranfrom(type, mode)
return this.animation
animationType(type) {
return {
fade: type ? 1 : 0,
'slide-top': `translateY(${type ? '0' : '-100%'})`,
'slide-right': `translateX(${type ? '0' : '100%'})`,
'slide-bottom': `translateY(${type ? '0' : '100%'})`,
'slide-left': `translateX(${type ? '0' : '-100%'})`,
'zoom-in': `scaleX(${type ? 1 : 0.8}) scaleY(${type ? 1 : 0.8})`,
'zoom-out': `scaleX(${type ? 1 : 1.2}) scaleY(${type ? 1 : 1.2})`
// 内置动画类型与实际动画对应字典
animationMode() {
return {
fade: 'opacity',
'slide-top': 'translateY',
'slide-right': 'translateX',
'slide-bottom': 'translateY',
'slide-left': 'translateX',
'zoom-in': 'scale',
'zoom-out': 'scale'
// 驼峰转中横线
toLine(name) {
return name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()
"id": "uni-transition",
"displayName": "uni-transition 过渡动画",
"version": "1.3.1",
"description": "元素的简单过渡动画",
"keywords": [
"repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
"engines": {
"HBuilderX": ""
"directories": {
"example": "../../temps/example_temps"
"dcloudext": {
"category": [
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
"sourcecode": {
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"contact": {
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"declaration": {
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"npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
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"aliyun": "y"
"client": {
"App": {
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"app-nvue": "y"
"H5-mobile": {
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"Android Browser": "y",
"微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
"QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
"H5-pc": {
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"Edge": "y",
"Firefox": "y",
"Safari": "y"
"小程序": {
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"阿里": "y",
"百度": "y",
"字节跳动": "y",
"QQ": "y"
"快应用": {
"华为": "u",
"联盟": "u"
"Vue": {
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"vue3": "y"
"id": "uni-transition",
"displayName": "uni-transition 过渡动画",
"version": "1.3.2",
"description": "元素的简单过渡动画",
"keywords": [
"repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
"engines": {
"HBuilderX": ""
"directories": {
"example": "../../temps/example_temps"
"dcloudext": {
"sale": {
"regular": {
"price": "0.00"
"sourcecode": {
"price": "0.00"
"contact": {
"qq": ""
"declaration": {
"ads": "无",
"data": "无",
"permissions": "无"
"npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui",
"type": "component-vue"
"uni_modules": {
"dependencies": ["uni-scss"],
"encrypt": [],
"platforms": {
"cloud": {
"tcb": "y",
"aliyun": "y"
"client": {
"App": {
"app-vue": "y",
"app-nvue": "y"
"H5-mobile": {
"Safari": "y",
"Android Browser": "y",
"微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
"QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
"H5-pc": {
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"IE": "y",
"Edge": "y",
"Firefox": "y",
"Safari": "y"
"小程序": {
"微信": "y",
"阿里": "y",
"百度": "y",
"字节跳动": "y",
"QQ": "y"
"快应用": {
"华为": "u",
"联盟": "u"
"Vue": {
"vue2": "y",
"vue3": "y"
\ No newline at end of file
## Transition 过渡动画
> **组件名:uni-transition**
> 代码块: `uTransition`
### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-transition)
## Transition 过渡动画
> **组件名:uni-transition**
> 代码块: `uTransition`
### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-transition)
#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
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