提交 0a4f2426 编写于 作者: 雪洛's avatar 雪洛

feat(uni-app-x web): 调整vue相关类型

上级 b49b33de
......@@ -64,19 +64,34 @@ import {
WritableComputedOptions as WritableComputedOptionsOrigin,
computed as computedOrigin,
effect as effectOrigin,
effectScope as effectScopeOrigin,
getCurrentScope as getCurrentScopeOrigin,
onScopeDispose as onScopeDisposeOrigin,
WatchEffect as WatchEffectOrigin,
Ref as RefOrigin,
isReactive as isReactiveOrigin,
isReadonly as isReadonlyOrigin,
isRef as isRefOrigin,
reactive as reactiveOrigin,
ref as refOrigin,
toRef as toRefOrigin,
toRefs as toRefsOrigin,
toValue as toValueOrigin,
triggerRef as triggerRefOrigin,
readonly as readonlyOrigin,
shallowReactive as shallowReactiveOrigin,
shallowRef as shallowRefOrigin,
shallowReadonly as shallowReadonlyOrigin,
stop as stopOrigin,
toRaw as toRawOrigin,
unref as unrefOrigin,
customRef as customRefOrigin,
isProxy as isProxyOrigin,
PropType as PropTypeOrigin,
SlotsType as SlotsTypeOrigin
} from '@vue/runtime-core'
SlotsType as SlotsTypeOrigin,
DebuggerEvent as DebuggerEventOrigin,
OnCleanup as OnCleanupOrigin
} from 'vue'
declare global {
const VueAppContext: typeof VueAppContextOrigin
......@@ -149,21 +164,37 @@ declare global {
type WatchOptions = WatchOptionsOrigin
type VueComponentOptions = VueComponentOptionsOrigin
type ComponentPublicInstance = ComponentPublicInstanceOrigin
type EffectScope = EffectScopeOrigin
const EffectScope: typeof EffectScopeOrigin
const ReactiveEffect: typeof ReactiveEffectOrigin
type WritableComputedOptions<T> = WritableComputedOptionsOrigin<T>
const computed: typeof computedOrigin
const effect: typeof effectOrigin
const effectScope = effectScopeOrigin
const getCurrentScope = getCurrentScopeOrigin
const onScopeDispose = onScopeDisposeOrigin
type WatchEffect = WatchEffectOrigin
type Ref<T> = RefOrigin<T>
const isReactive: typeof isReactiveOrigin
const isReadonly: typeof isReadonlyOrigin
const isRef: typeof isRefOrigin
const reactive: typeof reactiveOrigin
const ref: typeof refOrigin
const toRef: typeof toRefOrigin
const toRefs: typeof toRefsOrigin
const toValue: typeof toValueOrigin
const triggerRef: typeof triggerRefOrigin
const readonly: typeof readonlyOrigin
const shallowReactive: typeof shallowReactiveOrigin
const shallowRef: typeof shallowRefOrigin
const shallowReadonly: typeof shallowReadonlyOrigin
const stop: typeof stopOrigin
const toRaw: typeof toRawOrigin
const unref: typeof unrefOrigin
const customRef: typeof customRefOrigin
const isProxy: typeof isProxyOrigin
type PropType<T> = PropTypeOrigin<T>
type SlotsType<T> = SlotsTypeOrigin<T>
type DebuggerEvent = DebuggerEventOrigin
type OnCleanup = OnCleanupOrigin
import {
} from 'vue'
import { createApp, defineComponent, Ref } from 'vue'
declare module 'vue' {
export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
$data: Record<string, any | null>
$callMethod: (methodName: string, ...args: (any | null)[]) => any | null
// TODO defineApp单独实现类型
export {
export type OnCleanup = (cleanupFn: () => void) => void;
export {
createApp as createVueApp,
defineComponent as defineApp
declare module '@vue/reactivity' {
export interface RefUnwrapBailTypes {
runtimeDOMBailTypes: Uni;
export declare function toRef<T>(value: Ref<T>): Ref<T>;
export declare function toRef<T>(fn: () => T): Ref<T>;
export declare function toRef<T>(obj: object, key: string): Ref<T>;
export declare function toRaw<T>(observed: any): T;
export declare function customRef<T>(factory: Function): Ref<T>;
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