提交 05cd65d1 编写于 作者: A Anthony Najjar Simon


上级 a4e984c0
......@@ -44,21 +44,16 @@ type Options struct {
Monochrome bool
// PerlinGenerate outputs the perlin image of given height and width
// and freqency , freq from 0.1 to 2 is a good range
func PerlinGenerate(height, width int, freq float64) *image.RGBA {
//keep these values as such
// GeneratePerlin outputs the perlin image of given height and width and freqency
func GeneratePerlin(width, height int, frequency float64) *image.RGBA {
alpha, beta, n := 2., 2., 3
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
p := perlin.NewPerlin(alpha, beta, n, rand.Int63())
// serial implimentation
// works well
// see output folder
for x := 0.; x < float64(height); x++ {
for y := 0.; y < float64(width); y++ {
t := p.Noise2D((x/10)*freq, (y/10)*freq)
t := p.Noise2D((x/10)*frequency, (y/10)*frequency)
img.Set(int(x), int(y), color.NRGBA{
R: uint8((t + 1) * 126),
G: uint8((t + 1) * 126),
......@@ -67,24 +62,6 @@ func PerlinGenerate(height, width int, freq float64) *image.RGBA {
// parrel implimentation but doesnt work quite well
// which means output image has pixellated effect
// could be useful for somecases
// see output folder
// parallel.Line(height, func(start, end int) {
// for y := start; y < end; y++ {
// for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
// t := p.Noise2D(float64(x/10)*freq, float64(y/10)*freq)
// img.Set(int(x), int(y), color.NRGBA{
// R: uint8((t + 1) * 126),
// G: uint8((t + 1) * 126),
// B: uint8((t + 1) * 126),
// A: 255,
// })
// }
// }
// })
return img
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