opcodes.go 10.1 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// Copyright 2012 The Freetype-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by your choice of either the
// FreeType License or the GNU General Public License version 2 (or
// any later version), both of which can be found in the LICENSE file.

package truetype

8 9
// The Truetype opcodes are summarized at
// https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM07/appendixA.html
10 11

const (
12 13 14 15 16 17
	opSVTCA0    = 0x00 // Set freedom and projection Vectors To Coordinate Axis
	opSVTCA1    = 0x01 // .
	opSPVTCA0   = 0x02 // Set Projection Vector To Coordinate Axis
	opSPVTCA1   = 0x03 // .
	opSFVTCA0   = 0x04 // Set Freedom Vector to Coordinate Axis
	opSFVTCA1   = 0x05 // .
18 19 20 21
	opSPVTL0    = 0x06 // Set Projection Vector To Line
	opSPVTL1    = 0x07 // .
	opSFVTL0    = 0x08 // Set Freedom Vector To Line
	opSFVTL1    = 0x09 // .
22 23 24 25 26
	opSPVFS     = 0x0a // Set Projection Vector From Stack
	opSFVFS     = 0x0b // Set Freedom Vector From Stack
	opGPV       = 0x0c // Get Projection Vector
	opGFV       = 0x0d // Get Freedom Vector
	opSFVTPV    = 0x0e // Set Freedom Vector To Projection Vector
	opISECT     = 0x0f // moves point p to the InterSECTion of two lines
28 29 30 31 32 33 34
	opSRP0      = 0x10 // Set Reference Point 0
	opSRP1      = 0x11 // Set Reference Point 1
	opSRP2      = 0x12 // Set Reference Point 2
	opSZP0      = 0x13 // Set Zone Pointer 0
	opSZP1      = 0x14 // Set Zone Pointer 1
	opSZP2      = 0x15 // Set Zone Pointer 2
	opSZPS      = 0x16 // Set Zone PointerS
	opSLOOP     = 0x17 // Set LOOP variable
Nigel Tao 已提交
36 37
	opRTG       = 0x18 // Round To Grid
	opRTHG      = 0x19 // Round To Half Grid
	opSMD       = 0x1a // Set Minimum Distance
Nigel Tao 已提交
	opELSE      = 0x1b // ELSE clause
Nigel Tao 已提交
	opJMPR      = 0x1c // JuMP Relative
41 42 43
	opSCVTCI    = 0x1d // Set Control Value Table Cut-In
	opSSWCI     = 0x1e // Set Single Width Cut-In
	opSSW       = 0x1f // Set Single Width
44 45 46 47 48 49 50
	opDUP       = 0x20 // DUPlicate top stack element
	opPOP       = 0x21 // POP top stack element
	opCLEAR     = 0x22 // CLEAR the stack
	opSWAP      = 0x23 // SWAP the top two elements on the stack
	opDEPTH     = 0x24 // DEPTH of the stack
	opCINDEX    = 0x25 // Copy the INDEXed element to the top of the stack
	opMINDEX    = 0x26 // Move the INDEXed element to the top of the stack
51 52 53
	opALIGNPTS  = 0x27 // ALIGN PoinTS
	op_0x28     = 0x28 // deprecated
	opUTP       = 0x29 // UnTouch Point
54 55 56 57
	opLOOPCALL  = 0x2a // LOOP and CALL function
	opCALL      = 0x2b // CALL function
	opFDEF      = 0x2c // Function DEFinition
	opENDF      = 0x2d // END Function definition
58 59
	opMDAP0     = 0x2e // Move Direct Absolute Point
	opMDAP1     = 0x2f // .
60 61
	opIUP0      = 0x30 // Interpolate Untouched Points through the outline
	opIUP1      = 0x31 // .
62 63
	opSHP0      = 0x32 // SHift Point using reference point
	opSHP1      = 0x33 // .
64 65
	opSHC0      = 0x34 // SHift Contour using reference point
	opSHC1      = 0x35 // .
66 67 68
	opSHZ0      = 0x36 // SHift Zone using reference point
	opSHZ1      = 0x37 // .
	opSHPIX     = 0x38 // SHift point by a PIXel amount
	opIP        = 0x39 // Interpolate Point
70 71
	opMSIRP0    = 0x3a // Move Stack Indirect Relative Point
	opMSIRP1    = 0x3b // .
	opALIGNRP   = 0x3c // ALIGN to Reference Point
Nigel Tao 已提交
	opRTDG      = 0x3d // Round To Double Grid
74 75
	opMIAP0     = 0x3e // Move Indirect Absolute Point
	opMIAP1     = 0x3f // .
76 77
	opNPUSHB    = 0x40 // PUSH N Bytes
	opNPUSHW    = 0x41 // PUSH N Words
78 79
	opWS        = 0x42 // Write Store
	opRS        = 0x43 // Read Store
80 81
	opWCVTP     = 0x44 // Write Control Value Table in Pixel units
	opRCVT      = 0x45 // Read Control Value Table entry
82 83
	opGC0       = 0x46 // Get Coordinate projected onto the projection vector
	opGC1       = 0x47 // .
	opSCFS      = 0x48 // Sets Coordinate From the Stack using projection vector and freedom vector
85 86
	opMD0       = 0x49 // Measure Distance
	opMD1       = 0x4a // .
87 88 89 90
	opMPPEM     = 0x4b // Measure Pixels Per EM
	opMPS       = 0x4c // Measure Point Size
	opFLIPON    = 0x4d // set the auto FLIP Boolean to ON
	opFLIPOFF   = 0x4e // set the auto FLIP Boolean to OFF
Nigel Tao 已提交
	opDEBUG     = 0x4f // DEBUG call
92 93 94 95 96 97
	opLT        = 0x50 // Less Than
	opLTEQ      = 0x51 // Less Than or EQual
	opGT        = 0x52 // Greater Than
	opGTEQ      = 0x53 // Greater Than or EQual
	opEQ        = 0x54 // EQual
	opNEQ       = 0x55 // Not EQual
Nigel Tao 已提交
98 99
	opODD       = 0x56 // ODD
	opEVEN      = 0x57 // EVEN
Nigel Tao 已提交
100 101
	opIF        = 0x58 // IF test
	opEIF       = 0x59 // End IF
102 103 104
	opAND       = 0x5a // logical AND
	opOR        = 0x5b // logical OR
	opNOT       = 0x5c // logical NOT
	opDELTAP1   = 0x5d // DELTA exception P1
106 107
	opSDB       = 0x5e // Set Delta Base in the graphics state
	opSDS       = 0x5f // Set Delta Shift in the graphics state
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
	opADD       = 0x60 // ADD
	opSUB       = 0x61 // SUBtract
	opDIV       = 0x62 // DIVide
	opMUL       = 0x63 // MULtiply
	opABS       = 0x64 // ABSolute value
	opNEG       = 0x65 // NEGate
	opFLOOR     = 0x66 // FLOOR
	opCEILING   = 0x67 // CEILING
Nigel Tao 已提交
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
	opROUND00   = 0x68 // ROUND value
	opROUND01   = 0x69 // .
	opROUND10   = 0x6a // .
	opROUND11   = 0x6b // .
	opNROUND00  = 0x6c // No ROUNDing of value
	opNROUND01  = 0x6d // .
	opNROUND10  = 0x6e // .
	opNROUND11  = 0x6f // .
	opWCVTF     = 0x70 // Write Control Value Table in Funits
125 126
	opDELTAP2   = 0x71 // DELTA exception P2
	opDELTAP3   = 0x72 // DELTA exception P3
127 128 129
	opDELTAC1   = 0x73 // DELTA exception C1
	opDELTAC2   = 0x74 // DELTA exception C2
	opDELTAC3   = 0x75 // DELTA exception C3
Nigel Tao 已提交
130 131
	opSROUND    = 0x76 // Super ROUND
	opS45ROUND  = 0x77 // Super ROUND 45 degrees
Nigel Tao 已提交
132 133
	opJROT      = 0x78 // Jump Relative On True
	opJROF      = 0x79 // Jump Relative On False
Nigel Tao 已提交
	opROFF      = 0x7a // Round OFF
	op_0x7b     = 0x7b // deprecated
Nigel Tao 已提交
136 137
	opRUTG      = 0x7c // Round Up To Grid
	opRDTG      = 0x7d // Round Down To Grid
138 139
	opSANGW     = 0x7e // Set ANGle Weight
	opAA        = 0x7f // Adjust Angle
140 141 142
	opFLIPPT    = 0x80 // FLIP PoinT
	opFLIPRGON  = 0x81 // FLIP RanGe ON
	opFLIPRGOFF = 0x82 // FLIP RanGe OFF
143 144
	op_0x83     = 0x83 // deprecated
	op_0x84     = 0x84 // deprecated
	opSCANCTRL  = 0x85 // SCAN conversion ConTRoL
146 147
	opSDPVTL0   = 0x86 // Set Dual Projection Vector To Line
	opSDPVTL1   = 0x87 // .
	opGETINFO   = 0x88 // GET INFOrmation
149 150 151 152
	opIDEF      = 0x89 // Instruction DEFinition
	opROLL      = 0x8a // ROLL the top three stack elements
	opMAX       = 0x8b // MAXimum of top two stack elements
	opMIN       = 0x8c // MINimum of top two stack elements
	opINSTCTRL  = 0x8e // INSTRuction execution ConTRoL
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
	op_0x8f     = 0x8f
	op_0x90     = 0x90
	op_0x91     = 0x91
	op_0x92     = 0x92
	op_0x93     = 0x93
	op_0x94     = 0x94
	op_0x95     = 0x95
	op_0x96     = 0x96
	op_0x97     = 0x97
	op_0x98     = 0x98
	op_0x99     = 0x99
	op_0x9a     = 0x9a
	op_0x9b     = 0x9b
	op_0x9c     = 0x9c
	op_0x9d     = 0x9d
	op_0x9e     = 0x9e
	op_0x9f     = 0x9f
	op_0xa0     = 0xa0
	op_0xa1     = 0xa1
	op_0xa2     = 0xa2
	op_0xa3     = 0xa3
	op_0xa4     = 0xa4
	op_0xa5     = 0xa5
	op_0xa6     = 0xa6
	op_0xa7     = 0xa7
	op_0xa8     = 0xa8
	op_0xa9     = 0xa9
	op_0xaa     = 0xaa
	op_0xab     = 0xab
	op_0xac     = 0xac
	op_0xad     = 0xad
	op_0xae     = 0xae
	op_0xaf     = 0xaf
	opPUSHB000  = 0xb0 // PUSH Bytes
	opPUSHB001  = 0xb1 // .
	opPUSHB010  = 0xb2 // .
	opPUSHB011  = 0xb3 // .
	opPUSHB100  = 0xb4 // .
	opPUSHB101  = 0xb5 // .
	opPUSHB110  = 0xb6 // .
	opPUSHB111  = 0xb7 // .
	opPUSHW000  = 0xb8 // PUSH Words
	opPUSHW001  = 0xb9 // .
	opPUSHW010  = 0xba // .
	opPUSHW011  = 0xbb // .
	opPUSHW100  = 0xbc // .
	opPUSHW101  = 0xbd // .
	opPUSHW110  = 0xbe // .
	opPUSHW111  = 0xbf // .
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
	opMDRP00000 = 0xc0 // Move Direct Relative Point
	opMDRP00001 = 0xc1 // .
	opMDRP00010 = 0xc2 // .
	opMDRP00011 = 0xc3 // .
	opMDRP00100 = 0xc4 // .
	opMDRP00101 = 0xc5 // .
	opMDRP00110 = 0xc6 // .
	opMDRP00111 = 0xc7 // .
	opMDRP01000 = 0xc8 // .
	opMDRP01001 = 0xc9 // .
	opMDRP01010 = 0xca // .
	opMDRP01011 = 0xcb // .
	opMDRP01100 = 0xcc // .
	opMDRP01101 = 0xcd // .
	opMDRP01110 = 0xce // .
	opMDRP01111 = 0xcf // .
	opMDRP10000 = 0xd0 // .
	opMDRP10001 = 0xd1 // .
	opMDRP10010 = 0xd2 // .
	opMDRP10011 = 0xd3 // .
	opMDRP10100 = 0xd4 // .
	opMDRP10101 = 0xd5 // .
	opMDRP10110 = 0xd6 // .
	opMDRP10111 = 0xd7 // .
	opMDRP11000 = 0xd8 // .
	opMDRP11001 = 0xd9 // .
	opMDRP11010 = 0xda // .
	opMDRP11011 = 0xdb // .
	opMDRP11100 = 0xdc // .
	opMDRP11101 = 0xdd // .
	opMDRP11110 = 0xde // .
	opMDRP11111 = 0xdf // .
236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267
	opMIRP00000 = 0xe0 // Move Indirect Relative Point
	opMIRP00001 = 0xe1 // .
	opMIRP00010 = 0xe2 // .
	opMIRP00011 = 0xe3 // .
	opMIRP00100 = 0xe4 // .
	opMIRP00101 = 0xe5 // .
	opMIRP00110 = 0xe6 // .
	opMIRP00111 = 0xe7 // .
	opMIRP01000 = 0xe8 // .
	opMIRP01001 = 0xe9 // .
	opMIRP01010 = 0xea // .
	opMIRP01011 = 0xeb // .
	opMIRP01100 = 0xec // .
	opMIRP01101 = 0xed // .
	opMIRP01110 = 0xee // .
	opMIRP01111 = 0xef // .
	opMIRP10000 = 0xf0 // .
	opMIRP10001 = 0xf1 // .
	opMIRP10010 = 0xf2 // .
	opMIRP10011 = 0xf3 // .
	opMIRP10100 = 0xf4 // .
	opMIRP10101 = 0xf5 // .
	opMIRP10110 = 0xf6 // .
	opMIRP10111 = 0xf7 // .
	opMIRP11000 = 0xf8 // .
	opMIRP11001 = 0xf9 // .
	opMIRP11010 = 0xfa // .
	opMIRP11011 = 0xfb // .
	opMIRP11100 = 0xfc // .
	opMIRP11101 = 0xfd // .
	opMIRP11110 = 0xfe // .
	opMIRP11111 = 0xff // .
268 269 270 271 272

// popCount is the number of stack elements that each opcode pops.
var popCount = [256]uint8{
	// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 5, // 0x00 - 0x0f
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x10 - 0x1f
	1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, // 0x20 - 0x2f
	0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, // 0x30 - 0x3f
	0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x40 - 0x4f
	2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x50 - 0x5f
Nigel Tao 已提交
	2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 - 0x6f
	2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, // 0x70 - 0x7f
281 282 283
	0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, // 0x80 - 0x8f
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x90 - 0x9f
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0xa0 - 0xaf
	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0xb0 - 0xbf
285 286
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xc0 - 0xcf
	1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xd0 - 0xdf
287 288
	2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xe0 - 0xef
	2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, // 0xf0 - 0xff