未验证 提交 66757b88 编写于 作者: Q QiuShuiBai 提交者: GitHub

fix the scrolling problem in iOS13.4 (#697)

* feat(helpers): add method to detect iOS version

* feat(helpers): add a variable to determine whether it is iOS environment

* feat(bscroll): set the default value of variable use-transition

* fix(picker): fix the scrolling problem in iOS13.4 webview

* fix(scroll): fix the scrolling problem in iOS13.4 webview

* docs(ios13.4): added default description of better-scroll parameter
上级 ada76505
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
| data | 需要展示的数据 | Array | [] |
| navbar | 是否需要导航栏 | Boolean | true |
| speed | 点击导航栏索引时,滚动到相应位置的动画时间(单位:ms) | number | 0 |
| options<sup>1.9.8+</sup> | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} |
| options<sup>1.9.8+</sup> | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} <br>`注意`:从`1.12.37`版本开始,因修复[BS](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html)`iOS13.4`版本的滚动问题,`useTransition`在iOS版本>=13.4时默认为`fasle`<br>具体请参考[#978](https://github.com/ustbhuangyi/better-scroll/issues/978)|
| pullUpLoad<sup>1.8.0+</sup> | 上拉加载,具体配置参考 scroll 组件的 `options.pullUpLoad``即将废弃`,推荐使用 `options` 属性 | Boolean/Object | false |
| pullDownRefresh<sup>1.8.0+</sup> | 下拉刷新,具体配置参考 scroll 组件的 `options.pullDownRefresh``即将废弃`,推荐使用 `options` 属性 | Boolean/Object | false |
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
| labels | 所有的 key 值集合 | Array | - | [] |
| txts | 显示所有文案集合,和 labels 一一对应,每项可以是 HTML 字符串 | Array | - | 默认等于 labes |
| current | 当前 active 的 key 值 | String/Number | - | '' |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {} |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {} <br>`注意`:从`1.12.37`版本开始,因修复[BS](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html)`iOS13.4`版本的滚动问题,`useTransition`在iOS版本>=13.4时默认为`fasle`<br>具体请参考[#978](https://github.com/ustbhuangyi/better-scroll/issues/978)|
### 插槽
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
| side | 是否是侧边样式 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| current | 当前导航 active 项的 key 值 | String/Number | - | '' |
| speed | 点击导航切换到指定位置的速度 | Number | - | 300 |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {} |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {} <br>`注意`:从`1.12.37`版本开始,因修复[BS](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html)`iOS13.4`版本的滚动问题,`useTransition`在iOS版本>=13.4时默认为`fasle`<br>具体请参考[#978](https://github.com/ustbhuangyi/better-scroll/issues/978) |
#### CubeScrollNavPanel
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
| - | - | - | - | - |
| data | 用于列表渲染的数据 | Array | - | [] |
| direction | 滚动方向 | String | 'vertical', 'horizontal' | 'vertical' |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} <br>`注意`:从`1.12.37`版本开始,因修复[BS](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html)`iOS13.4`版本的滚动问题,`useTransition`在iOS版本>=13.4时默认为`fasle`<br>具体请参考[#978](https://github.com/ustbhuangyi/better-scroll/issues/978)|
| scrollEvents<sup>1.9.0</sup> | 配置需要派发的 scroll 事件 | Array | 可包含子项:'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' | [] |
| listenScroll | 是否派发 scroll 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| listenBeforeScroll | 是否派发 before-scroll-start 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
| autoPlay | 是否自动播放 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| interval | 播放间隔 | Number | - | 4000 |
| direction | 轮播方向 | String | horizontal/vertical | horizontal |
| options<sup>1.9.0</sup> | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> momentum: false,<br> click: true,<br> observeDOM: false<br>} |
| options<sup>1.9.0</sup> | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> momentum: false,<br> click: true,<br> observeDOM: false<br>} <br>`注意`:从`1.12.37`版本开始,因修复[BS](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html)`iOS13.4`版本的滚动问题,`useTransition`在iOS版本>=13.4时默认为`fasle`<br>具体请参考[#978](https://github.com/ustbhuangyi/better-scroll/issues/978) |
| threshold | 切换页面的滑动阈值 | Number | (0, 1) | 0.3 |
| speed | 切换页面的速度 | Number | - | 400 |
| allowVertical | 是否允许竖向滚动。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `options` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
import { ua, isIOS } from '../helpers/env'
import { getIOSVersion } from '../helpers/util'
function getUseTransition() {
let useTransition = true
if (isIOS) {
const version = getIOSVersion(ua)
if (!version) return useTransition
if (version.major >= 13 && version.minor >= 4) {
useTransition = false
return useTransition
// fix the scrolling problem in iOS13.4 webview
export const USE_TRANSITION = getUseTransition()
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
export const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'
export const ua = inBrowser && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()
export const isAndroid = ua && ua.indexOf('android') > 0
export const isIOS = ua && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(ua)
......@@ -181,6 +181,20 @@ function parsePath (obj, path = '') {
return result
function getIOSVersion(ua) {
const regex = /os (\d\d?_\d(_\d)?)/
const matches = regex.exec(ua)
if (!matches) return null
const parts = matches[1].split('_').map(function(item) {
return parseInt(item, 10)
return {
major: parts[0],
minor: parts[1],
patch: parts[2] || 0
const isFunc = judgeTypeFnCreator('Function')
const isUndef = judgeTypeFnCreator('Undefined')
const isArray = judgeTypeFnCreator('Array')
......@@ -203,5 +217,6 @@ export {
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
import basicPickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/basic-picker'
import pickerMixin from '../../common/mixins/picker'
import localeMixin from '../../common/mixins/locale'
import { USE_TRANSITION } from '../../common/bscroll/constants'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-picker'
const EVENT_SELECT = 'select'
......@@ -232,10 +232,25 @@
wheelItemClass: 'cube-picker-wheel-item'
swipeTime: this.swipeTime,
observeDOM: false
observeDOM: false,
useTransition: USE_TRANSITION
wheel.on('scrollEnd', () => {
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, i, wheel.getSelectedIndex())
const y = wheel.y
let selectedIndex
selectedIndex = wheel.getSelectedIndex()
} else {
// fixed BScroll not calculating selectedIndex when setting useTransition to false
if (y > wheel.minScrollY) {
selectedIndex = 0
} else if (y < wheel.maxScrollY) {
selectedIndex = wheel.items.length - 1
} else {
selectedIndex = Math.round(Math.abs(y / wheel.itemHeight))
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, i, selectedIndex)
} else {
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
import deprecatedMixin from '../../common/mixins/deprecated'
import { getRect } from '../../common/helpers/dom'
import { camelize } from '../../common/lang/string'
import { USE_TRANSITION } from '../../common/bscroll/constants'
const COMPONENT_NAME = 'cube-scroll'
const DIRECTION_H = 'horizontal'
......@@ -260,12 +261,13 @@
let options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, {
let dynamicOptions = {
scrollY: this.direction === DIRECTION_V,
scrollX: this.direction === DIRECTION_H,
probeType: this.needListenScroll ? 3 : 1
}, this.options)
probeType: this.needListenScroll ? 3 : 1,
useTransition: USE_TRANSITION
let options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, dynamicOptions, this.options)
this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.wrapper, options)
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