提交 8606ac8f 编写于 作者: D dolymood

docs(all): props style

上级 b4bb82c6
......@@ -140,11 +140,12 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| title | actionsheet's title | String | - | '' |
| cancelTxt<sup>1.9.9</sup> | the text of the cancel button | String | - | '取消' |
| data | the data list to display | Array | - | [] |
| active | the highlighted item's index | Number | - | -1 |
| pickerStyle | Picker style | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | configure the alias of `value` and `text`, used as same as the alias of `Picker` component | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
| options | array of checkbox options | Array | - | - |
| horizontal | whether in horizontal order | Boolean | true/false | false |
| shape | icon shape | String | circle/square | circle |
| hollow-style | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `options` sub configuration
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
| option | option value | Boolean/String/Object | - | - |
| position | icon position | String | left/right | left |
| shape | icon shape | String | circle/square | circle |
| hollow-style | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `option` sub configuration
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt | the text of the confirm button | String | - | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | - | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false | - |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `format` sub configuration
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmBtn | confirm button configuration | Object/String | - | { text: '确定', active: true, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| cancelBtn | cancel button configuration | Object/String | - | { text: '取消', active: false, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `confirmBtn` sub configuration
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ __Notice:__ Drawer component's container element should be be a relative or abso
| - | - | - | - | - |
| title | title | String | - | '' |
| data | data source | Array | - | [] |
| selected-index | initial selected index | Array | - | [] |
| selectedIndex | initial selected index | Array | - | [] |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
- `data` sub configuration
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ CubeForm is a schema-based form generator component.
| - | - | - | - | - |
| model | The model/target JSON object | Object | - | {} |
| schema | the schema object with fields | Object | - | {} |
| immediate-validate | If true, we will run validation after load | Boolean | true/false | false |
| immediateValidate | If true, we will run validation after load | Boolean | true/false | false |
| action | Form action value | String | - | undefined |
| options | Options for CubeForm | Object | - | {<br>scrollToInvalidField: false,<br> layout: 'standard' // or: classic|fresh <br>} |
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | configure the alias of `value` and `text` | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ __Notice:__ All the components above used create-api, so you should read [create
| content | content, HTML string, valid when there's no slot | String | - | '' |
| center | whether to be in center in horizontal and vertical direction | Boolean | true/false | true |
| position<sup>1.9.6</sup> | content position, if set position then `center` will be ignored | String | top/right/bottom/left/center | '' |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
### Events
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Radio component. You could set the options and the position of the radio's icon.
| options | the array of radio options | Array | - | - |
| position | icon position | String | left/right | left |
| horizontal | whether use horizontal layout | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollow-style | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | whether is hollow-out style | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `options` sub configuration
......@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
| data | data used for list rendering | Array | - | [] |
| direction | scrolling direction | String | 'vertical', 'horizontal' | 'vertical' |
| options | the options of better-scroll, you could find details at [BS Document](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} |
| scroll-events<sup>1.9.0</sup> | configure which scroll events need be triggered | Array | could include: 'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' | [] |
| listen-scroll | whether to dispatch scroll event. `Deprecated`, please use the property `scroll-events` instead. | Boolean | true/false | false |
| listen-before-scroll | whether to dispatch before-scroll-start event. `Deprecated`, please use the property `scroll-events` instead. | Boolean | true/false | false |
| scrollEvents<sup>1.9.0</sup> | configure which scroll events need be triggered | Array | could include: 'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' | [] |
| listenScroll | whether to dispatch scroll event. `Deprecated`, please use the property `scroll-events` instead. | Boolean | true/false | false |
| listenBeforeScroll | whether to dispatch before-scroll-start event. `Deprecated`, please use the property `scroll-events` instead. | Boolean | true/false | false |
| refreshDelay | the delay of scroll refresh after `data` updating | Number | - | 20 |
In `options`, there are three frequently-used options, `scrollbar``pullDownRefresh``pullUpLoad`, which could set as `Boolean`(`false` to disable the feature, `true` to enable the feature and use default sub configuration), or `Object` to enable the feature and customize the sub configuration.
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| prevTxt | the text of the prev button | String | '下一步' | - |
| swipeTime<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` sub configuration
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component depend on Picker component, and Picker used cre
| options | options | Array | - | [] |
| v-model | the selected value | Any | - | - |
| placeholder | placeholder | String | - | '请选择' |
| auto-pop | whether auto pop picker | Boolean | true/false | false |
| autoPop | whether auto pop picker | Boolean | true/false | false |
| disabled | whether disabled | Boolean | true/false | false |
| title | the title of picker | String | - | '请选择' |
| cancelTxt | the cancel text of picker | String | - | '取消' |
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `day` sub configuration
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| txt | tip text | String | - | '' |
| time | display duration, millisecond | Number | - | 3000 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | false |
### Events
......@@ -140,11 +140,12 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| title | 组件的标题 | String | - | '' |
| cancelTxt<sup>1.9.9</sup> | 取消文案 | String | - | '取消' |
| data | 需要展示的数据列表 | Array | - | [] |
| active | 高亮第几个选项 | Number | - | -1 |
| pickerStyle | Picker 样式 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` 子配置项
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | 配置`value``text`的别名,用法同`Picker`组件 | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data`子配置项
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
| options | 选项数组 | Array | - | - |
| horizontal | 是否水平排列 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| shape | 图标形状 | String | circle/square | circle |
| hollow-style | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `options` 子配置项
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
| option | 配置项 | Boolean/String/Object | - | - |
| position | 位置 | String | left/right | left |
| shape | 图标形状 | String | circle/square | circle |
| hollow-style | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `option` 子配置项
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | - | '确定' | '选择' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | - | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false | - |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `format` 子配置项
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmBtn | 确认按钮参数配置 | Object/String | - | { text: '确定', active: true, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| cancelBtn | 取消按钮参数配置 | Object/String | - | { text: '取消', active: false, href: 'javascript:;' } |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `confirmBtn` 子配置项
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ __注:__ 组件依赖父容器相对定位或者绝对定位,因为 Drawer
| - | - | - | - | - |
| title | 标题 | String | - | '' |
| data | 数据源 | Array | - | [] |
| selected-index | 初始选择索引 | Array | - | [] |
| selectedIndex | 初始选择索引 | Array | - | [] |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
- `data` 子配置项
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
| - | - | - | - | - |
| model | 数据源 | Object | - | {} |
| schema | 生成表单依赖的模式 | Object | - | {} |
| immediate-validate | 初始化时是否立即校验 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| immediateValidate | 初始化时是否立即校验 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| action | 表单 Form action 的值 | String | - | undefined |
| options | 配置项 | Object | - | {<br>scrollToInvalidField: false,<br> layout: 'standard' // or: classic|fresh <br>} |
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| swipeTime | 快速滑动 picker 滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| alias | 配置`value``text`的别名 | Object | {} | { value: 'id', text: 'name'} |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data`子配置项
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ __注:__ 以上组件都是基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,
| content | 内容,HTML 字符串,在无插槽的时候有效 | String | - | '' |
| center | 是否水平垂直居中的 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| position<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 内容展示位置,优先级比 center 高 | String | top/right/bottom/left/center | '' |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
### 事件
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
| options | 选项数组 | Array | - | - |
| position | 图标位置 | String | left/right | left |
| horizontal | 是否水平排列 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollow-style | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| hollowStyle | 是否是镂空样式的 | Boolean | true/false | false |
* `options` 子配置项
......@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
| data | 用于列表渲染的数据 | Array | - | [] |
| direction | 滚动方向 | String | 'vertical', 'horizontal' | 'vertical' |
| options | better-scroll 配置项,具体请参考[BS 官方文档](https://ustbhuangyi.github.io/better-scroll/doc/zh-hans/options.html) | Object | - | {<br> observeDOM: true,<br> click: true,<br> probeType: 1,<br> scrollbar: false,<br> pullDownRefresh: false,<br> pullUpLoad: false<br>} |
| scroll-events<sup>1.9.0</sup> | 配置需要派发的 scroll 事件 | Array | 可包含子项:'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' | [] |
| listen-scroll | 是否派发 scroll 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| listen-before-scroll | 是否派发 before-scroll-start 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| scrollEvents<sup>1.9.0</sup> | 配置需要派发的 scroll 事件 | Array | 可包含子项:'scroll', 'before-scroll-start', 'scroll-end' | [] |
| listenScroll | 是否派发 scroll 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| listenBeforeScroll | 是否派发 before-scroll-start 事件。`即将废弃`,推荐使用 `scroll-events` 属性 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| refreshDelay | data属性的数据更新后,scroll 的刷新延时 | Number | - | 20 |
`options`中 better-scroll 的几个常用配置项,`scrollbar``pullDownRefresh``pullUpLoad`这三个配置即可设为 `Boolean``false` 关闭该功能,`true` 开启该功能,并使用默认子配置),也可设为`Object`,开启该功能并具体定制其子配置项。
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' | - |
| swipeTime<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 | - |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `data` 子配置项
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件依赖 [Picker](#/zh-CN/docs/picker) 组件,而 Pick
| options | 选项 | Array | - | [] |
| v-model | 选中的值 | Any | - | - |
| placeholder | 占位文案 | String | - | '请选择' |
| auto-pop | 是否自动弹出选择器 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| autoPop | 是否自动弹出选择器 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| disabled | 是否禁用 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| title | 选择器的标题 | String | - | '请选择' |
| cancelTxt | 选择器的取消按钮文案 | String | - | '取消' |
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | false |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
* `day` 子配置项
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| mask | 遮罩 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| txt | 提示信息 | String | - | '' |
| time | 显示时间 | Number | - | 3000 |
| mask-closable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | false |
### 事件
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