提交 b875a864 编写于 作者: A Amy 提交者: doly mood

feat(time-picker): format (#242)

* feat(time-picker): format #235
上级 c43dd231
......@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| month | the format of month, `M` don't pad 0,`MM` pad 0 | String | `M` | `MM月` |
| date | the format of date, `D` don't pad 0,`DD` pad 0 | String | `D` | `第 D 日` |
| hour | the format of hour, `h` don't pad 0,`hh` pad 0 | String | `hh` | `h点` |
| month | the format of month, `m` don't pad 0,`mm` pad 0 | String | `mm` | `mm分` |
| month | the format of month, `s` don't pad 0,`ss` pad 0 | String | `ss` | `ss秒` |
| minute | the format of minute, `m` don't pad 0,`mm` pad 0 | String | `mm` | `mm分` |
| second | the format of second, `s` don't pad 0,`ss` pad 0 | String | `ss` | `ss秒` |
### Events
......@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
showNow: true,
minuteStep: 5,
delay: 15,
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `selected timestamp ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected content ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -62,14 +62,11 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
filter: ['Today', 'Tomorrow'],
format: 'M year d day'
onSelect(selectedTime, selectedText) {
console.log(selectedTime, selectedText)
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `selected timestamp ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected content ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -92,6 +89,46 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
`format` attribute can set the text in `M year d day` format when the `len` is greater than the length of `filter` array.
- Format
You can use property `format` to configure the format of `formatedTime`, an argument of event `select`.
<cube-button @click="showFormatPicker">Config format</cube-button>
export default {
methods: {
showFormatPicker() {
if (!this.formatPicker) {
this.formatPicker = this.$createTimePicker({
format: 'hh:mm',
onSelect: this.selectHandler,
onCancel: this.cancelHandler
selectHandler(selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) {
type: 'warn',
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
cancelHandler() {
type: 'correct',
txt: 'Picker canceled',
time: 1000
- Set time manually
......@@ -110,13 +147,13 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
day: {
len: 5,
filter: ['Today', 'Tomorrow', 'The day after tomorrow'],
format: 'M year d day'
format: 'M year D day'
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `selected timestamp: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected content ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -153,7 +190,8 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | the text of the confirm button | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | the duration of the momentum animation when user flicks the wheel of the picker, Unit: ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | whether visible. Bind to `v-model` | Boolean | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | whether hide the component when clicked the mask layer | Boolean | true |
| format<sup>1.10.0</sup> | the format of formatedTime the third argument of select event | String | 'YYYY/M/D hh:mm' |
* `day` sub configuration
......@@ -171,11 +209,11 @@ __Notice:__ Cause this component used create-api, so you should read [create-api
### Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters 1 | Parameters 2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| select | triggers when clicking the confirm button | selectedTime: currently selected timestamp | selectText: text of currently selected time |
| change | triggers when sliding to change time-picker roller | selectedTime: currently selected timestamp | selectText: text of currently selected time |
| cancel | triggers when clicking the cancel button | - | - |
| Event Name | Description | Parameters 1 | Parameters 2 | Parameters 3 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| select | triggers when clicking the confirm button | selectedTime: currently selected timestamp | selectText: text of currently selected time | formatedTime<sup>1.10.0</sup> |
| change | triggers when the roller scrolls | index: Number, index of current scrolling roller | selectedIndex: Number, index of selected item in current column | - |
| cancel | triggers when clicking the cancel button | - | - | - |
### Instance methods
......@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| month | 月的格式,`M` 不补 0,`MM` 补 0 | String | `M` | `MM月` |
| date | 日的格式,`D` 不补 0,`DD` 补 0 | String | `D` | `第 D 日` |
| hour | 时的格式,`h` 不补 0,`hh` 补 0 | String | `hh` | `h点` |
| month | 分的格式,`m` 不补 0,`mm` 补 0 | String | `mm` | `mm分` |
| month | 秒的格式,`s` 不补 0,`ss` 补 0 | String | `ss` | `ss秒` |
| minute | 分的格式,`m` 不补 0,`mm` 补 0 | String | `mm` | `mm分` |
| second | 秒的格式,`s` 不补 0,`ss` 补 0 | String | `ss` | `ss秒` |
### 事件
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
showNow: true,
minuteStep: 5,
delay: 15,
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `选中的时间戳是 ${selectedTime}`,
content: `选中的内容是 ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
`showNow` 用于控制是否显示“现在”时间,`minuteStep` 用于控制分钟的步长,`delay` 则表示的是当前时间向后推迟的时间,决定了最小可选时间。
- 日期选项配置
<cube-button @click="showTimePicker">TimePicker - day options</cube-button>
......@@ -59,11 +60,11 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
filter: ['今天', '明天'],
format: 'M月d日'
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `选中的时间戳是 ${selectedTime}`,
content: `选中的内容是 ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -85,6 +86,46 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
- Format 配置
通过 `format` 属性可配置 `select` 事件的 `formatedTime` 参数的格式。
<cube-button @click="showFormatPicker">Config format</cube-button>
export default {
methods: {
showFormatPicker() {
if (!this.formatPicker) {
this.formatPicker = this.$createTimePicker({
format: 'hh:mm',
onSelect: this.selectHandler,
onCancel: this.cancelHandler
selectHandler(selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) {
type: 'warn',
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
cancelHandler() {
type: 'correct',
txt: 'Picker canceled',
time: 1000
- 手动设置时间
<cube-button @click="showTimePicker">TimePicker - setTime(next hour)</cube-button>
......@@ -102,13 +143,13 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
day: {
len: 5,
filter: ['今天', '明天', '后天'],
format: 'M月d'
format: 'M月D'
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText) => {
onSelect: (selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) => {
type: 'warn',
title: `选中的时间戳是 ${selectedTime}`,
content: `选中的内容是 ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -143,7 +184,8 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
| confirmTxt<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 确定按钮文案 | String | '确定' |
| swipeTime | 快速滑动选择器滚轮时,惯性滚动动画的时长,单位:ms | Number | 2500 |
| visible<sup>1.8.1</sup> | 显示状态,是否可见。`v-model`绑定值 | Boolean | false |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true/false | true |
| maskClosable<sup>1.9.6</sup> | 点击蒙层是否隐藏 | Boolean | true |
| format<sup>1.10.0</sup> | select 事件参数 formatedTime 的格式 | String | 'YYYY/M/D hh:mm' |
* `day` 子配置项
......@@ -161,11 +203,11 @@ __注:__ 由于此组件基于 create-api 实现,所以在使用之前,请
### 事件
| 事件名 | 说明 | 参数1 | 参数2 |
| - | - | - | - |
| select | 点击确认按钮触发此事件 | selectedTime: 当前选中的timestamp | selectText: 当前选中的时间文案 |
| change | 滑动改变time-picker滚轴时触发此事件 | selectedTime: 当前选中的timestamp | selectText: 当前选中的时间文案 |
| cancel | 点击取消按钮触发此事件 | - | - |
| 事件名 | 说明 | 参数1 | 参数2 | 参数3 |
| - | - | - | - | - |
| select | 点击确认按钮触发此事件 | selectedTime: 当前选中的timestamp | selectText: 当前选中的时间文案 | formatedTime: 格式化日期<sup>1.10.0</sup> |
| change | 滚轴滚动后触发此事件 | index: 当前滚动列次序,Number类型 | selectedIndex: 当前列选中项的索引,Number类型 | - |
| cancel | 点击取消按钮触发此事件 | - | - | - |
### 实例方法
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<cube-button @click="showTimePicker">TimePicker</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showConfigDayPicker">Config day options</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showFormatPicker">Config format</cube-button>
<cube-button @click="showSetTimePiker">Use setTime</cube-button>
......@@ -44,6 +45,16 @@
showFormatPicker() {
if (!this.formatPicker) {
this.formatPicker = this.$createTimePicker({
format: 'hh:mm',
onSelect: this.selectHandler,
onCancel: this.cancelHandler
showSetTimePiker() {
if (!this.setTimePiker) {
this.setTimePiker = this.$createTimePicker({
......@@ -56,11 +67,11 @@
selectHandler(selectedTime, selectedText) {
selectHandler(selectedTime, selectedText, formatedTime) {
type: 'warn',
title: `选中的时间戳是 ${selectedTime}`,
content: `选中的内容是 ${selectedText}`,
title: `selected time: ${selectedTime}`,
content: `selected text: ${selectedText}<br>format time: ${formatedTime}`,
icon: 'cubeic-alert'
......@@ -28,20 +28,40 @@ function pad(value) {
return ('00' + value).substr(('' + value).length)
function formatDate(date, format, regExpAttributes) {
function formatDate(date, format) {
const map = {
year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth() + 1,
date: date.getDate(),
hour: date.getHours(),
minute: date.getMinutes(),
second: date.getSeconds(),
quarter: Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
millisecond: date.getMilliseconds()
year: {
value: date.getFullYear(),
regExpAttributes: 'i'
month: {
value: date.getMonth() + 1
date: {
value: date.getDate(),
regExpAttributes: 'i'
hour: {
value: date.getHours(),
regExpAttributes: 'i'
minute: {
value: date.getMinutes()
second: {
value: date.getSeconds()
quarter: {
value: Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
regExpAttributes: 'i'
millisecond: {
value: date.getMilliseconds()
for (const key in map) {
format = formatType(key, format, map[key], regExpAttributes)
format = formatType(key, format, map[key].value, map[key].regExpAttributes)
return format
......@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@
minuteStep: {
type: Number,
default: 10
format: {
type: String,
default: 'YYYY/M/D hh:mm'
data() {
......@@ -98,7 +102,7 @@
const timestamp = +this.minTime + i * DAY_TIMESTAMP
value: timestamp,
text: (this.day.filter && this.day.filter[dayDiff + i]) || formatDate(new Date(timestamp), this.day.format, 'i')
text: (this.day.filter && this.day.filter[dayDiff + i]) || formatDate(new Date(timestamp), this.day.format)
return days
......@@ -204,14 +208,19 @@
this.$emit(EVENT_CHANGE, i, newIndex)
_pickerSelect(selectedVal, selectedIndex, selectedText) {
let timestamp
let text
if (selectedVal[1] === NOW.value) {
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, +new Date(), this.nowText)
timestamp = +new Date()
text = this.nowText
} else {
const timestamp = getZeroStamp(new Date(selectedVal[0])) + selectedVal[1] * HOUR_TIMESTAMP + selectedVal[2] * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP
const text = selectedText[0] + ' ' + selectedText[1] + ':' + selectedText[2]
this.value = timestamp
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, timestamp, text)
timestamp = getZeroStamp(new Date(selectedVal[0])) + selectedVal[1] * HOUR_TIMESTAMP + selectedVal[2] * MINUTE_TIMESTAMP
text = selectedText[0] + ' ' + selectedText[1] + ':' + selectedText[2]
this.value = timestamp
const formatedTime = formatDate(new Date(timestamp), this.format)
this.$emit(EVENT_SELECT, timestamp, text, formatedTime)
_pickerCancel() {
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ describe('TimePicker', () => {
select: selectHandle
// select: now
// select: normal time
setTimeout(() => {
const confirmBtn = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-picker-confirm')
......@@ -196,7 +196,32 @@ describe('TimePicker', () => {
}, 100)
it('should add warn log when sigle is true', () => {
it('should have correct selectText when config format', function (done) {
const selectHandle = sinon.spy()
vm = createPicker({
showNow: false,
delay: 0,
minuteStep: 1,
format: 'h:m'
}, {
select: selectHandle
setTimeout(() => {
const confirmBtn = vm.$el.querySelector('.cube-picker-confirm')
const now = new Date()
}, 100)
it('should add warn log when single is true', () => {
const app = new Vue()
const originWarn = console.warn
const msgs = []
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