提交 f829f49b 编写于 作者: D dolymood

docs(scroll): add nomore & visible docs

上级 35bc239d
......@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ In `options`, there are three frequently-used options, `scrollbar`、`pullDownRe
| - | - | - | - | - |
| threshold | the threshold of distance that pulling up for loading | Number | - | 0 |
| txt | the text shown when pulling up loading | Object | - | { more: '', noMore: '' } |
| visible<sup>1.13.0</sup> | txt visible or not when content is not more enough | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.12.21</sup> | txt visible or not when content is not more enough | Boolean | true/false | false |
> When pullUpLoad is enabled and the content height is smaller than the container, by default, the copy `pullUpLoad.txt` needs to be pulled up to be seen. If you want to see the prompt copy without pulling up, you can set `pullUpLoad.visible` to `true`。
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ In `options`, there are three frequently-used options, `scrollbar`、`pullDownRe
| Method Name | Description | Parameters |
| - | - | - |
| scrollTo(x, y, time, ease) | Scroll to specific position. | x: number, horizontal position<br> y: number, vertical position<br> time: number, transition time(ms)<br> ease: easingFn, easing function |
| forceUpdate(dirty, nomore) | Mark pull-up or pull-down end, force recalculation of scrollable distance | dirty: boolean, default to false, if true express has data update。<br>nomore: boolean, default to false, if true represent has no more data. When params nomore is true, when pullup shows the value of `pullUpLoad.txt.nomore`, but when dirty is false, nomore is invalid.|
| forceUpdate(dirty, nomore<sup>1.12.21</sup>) | Mark pull-up or pull-down end, force recalculation of scrollable distance | dirty: boolean, default to false, if true express has data update。<br>nomore<sup>1.12.21</sup>: boolean, default to false, if true represent has no more data. When params nomore is true, when pullup shows the value of `pullUpLoad.txt.nomore`, but when dirty is false, nomore is invalid.|
| disable() | Disable scroll. | - |
| enable() | Enable scroll. It's enabled by default | - |
| resetPullUpTxt() | Reset pull up txt when pull up state changed from no data to data updated | - |
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
| - | - | - | - | - |
| threshold | 上拉刷新动作的上拉距离阈值 | Number | - | 0 |
| txt | 上拉加载的相关文案 | Object | - | { more: '', noMore: '' } |
| visible<sup>1.13.0</sup> | 内容不满一屏时,txt 文案是否可见 | Boolean | true/false | false |
| visible<sup>1.12.21</sup> | 内容不满一屏时,txt 文案是否可见 | Boolean | true/false | false |
> 当开启 pullUpLoad,且内容较少,内容高度小于容器时,默认情况下,`pullUpLoad.txt` 配置的文案如“上滑加载更多”,需要上拉后才能看到。如果希望无需上拉即可看到提示文案,可以设置 `pullUpLoad.visible` 为 `true`。
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
| 方法名 | 说明 | 参数 |
| - | - | - |
| scrollTo(x, y, time, ease) | 滚动到指定位置 | x: number, 横向位置<br> y: number, 纵向位置<br> time: number, 过渡动画时间 (ms)<br> ease: EasingFn, 缓动曲线 |
| forceUpdate(dirty, nomore) | 标记上拉下拉结束,强制重新计算可滚动距离 | dirty: boolean, 标识有数据更新,默认为 false。<br>nomore: boolean, pullUpLoad 中标识没有更多数据,默认为 false。当 nomore 为 true 时,上拉加载展示 `pullUpLoad.txt.nomore` 值,但当 dirty 为 false 时,nomore 无效。|
| forceUpdate(dirty, nomore<sup>1.12.21</sup>) | 标记上拉下拉结束,强制重新计算可滚动距离 | dirty: boolean, 标识有数据更新,默认为 false。<br>nomore: boolean, pullUpLoad 中标识没有更多数据,默认为 false。1.12.21版本后支持 nomore 参数,当 nomore 为 true 时,上拉加载展示 `pullUpLoad.txt.nomore` 值,但当 dirty 为 false 时,nomore 无效。|
| disable() | 禁用滚动 | - |
| enable() | 启用滚动,默认是开启滚动的。 | - |
| resetPullUpTxt() | 当从无更多切换到有更多时,重置上拉文本内容 | - |
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