未验证 提交 06071c2f 编写于 作者: E EricZeng 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #264 from didi/dev_2.4.0

......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import * as React from 'react';
const updateInputModal = (status: string, type: number) => {
const formMap = wrapper.xFormWrapper.formMap;
const region = type === 0 ? 5 : 3;
const broker = type === 0 ? 6 : 4;
const region = type === 0 ? 6 : 3;
const broker = type === 0 ? 7 : 4;
formMap[region].invisible = status === 'region';
formMap[broker].invisible = status !== 'region';
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export class SearchAndFilterContainer extends React.Component<any, ISearchAndFil
public renderSearch(text?: string, placeholder?: string, keyName: string = 'searchKey',) {
public renderSearch(text?: string, placeholder?: string, keyName: string = 'searchKey') {
const value = this.state[keyName] as string;
return (
<li className="render-box">
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