提交 5d415198 编写于 作者: N ning

refactor: init alert

上级 83b5f124
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ _test
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import (
func Initialize(configDir string, cryptoKey string) (func(), error) {
......@@ -39,15 +38,10 @@ func Initialize(configDir string, cryptoKey string) (func(), error) {
ctx := ctx.NewContext(context.Background(), nil, false, config.CenterApi)
redis, err := storage.NewRedis(config.Redis)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
syncStats := memsto.NewSyncStats()
alertStats := astats.NewSyncStats()
targetCache := memsto.NewTargetCache(ctx, syncStats, redis)
targetCache := memsto.NewTargetCache(ctx, syncStats, nil)
busiGroupCache := memsto.NewBusiGroupCache(ctx, syncStats)
alertMuteCache := memsto.NewAlertMuteCache(ctx, syncStats)
alertRuleCache := memsto.NewAlertRuleCache(ctx, syncStats)
RunMode = "release"
Addrs = [""]
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"
# auto detect if blank
IP = ""
# unit ms
Interval = 1000
EngineName = "default"
# log write dir
Dir = "logs"
Level = "DEBUG"
# stdout, stderr, file
Output = "stdout"
# # rotate by time
# KeepHours = 4
# # rotate by size
# RotateNum = 3
# # unit: MB
# RotateSize = 256
# http listening address
Host = ""
# http listening port
Port = 17001
# https cert file path
CertFile = ""
# https key file path
KeyFile = ""
# whether print access log
PrintAccessLog = false
# whether enable pprof
PProf = false
# expose prometheus /metrics?
ExposeMetrics = true
# http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s
ShutdownTimeout = 30
# max content length: 64M
MaxContentLength = 67108864
# http server read timeout, unit: s
ReadTimeout = 20
# http server write timeout, unit: s
WriteTimeout = 40
# http server idle timeout, unit: s
IdleTimeout = 120
Enable = true
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"
\ No newline at end of file
RunMode = "release"
Addrs = [""]
user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"
# use target labels in database instead of in series
LabelRewrite = true
# # default busigroup key name
# BusiGroupLabelKey = "busigroup"
# ForceUseServerTS = false
# [Pushgw.DebugSample]
# ident = "xx"
# __name__ = "xx"
# [Pushgw.WriterOpt]
# # Writer Options
# QueueCount = 1000
# QueueMaxSize = 1000000
# QueuePopSize = 1000
# # ident or metric
# ShardingKey = "ident"
# Url = ""
Url = ""
# Basic auth username
BasicAuthUser = ""
# Basic auth password
BasicAuthPass = ""
# timeout settings, unit: ms
Headers = ["X-From", "n9e"]
Timeout = 10000
DialTimeout = 3000
TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000
ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000
IdleConnTimeout = 90000
# time duration, unit: ms
KeepAlive = 30000
MaxConnsPerHost = 0
MaxIdleConns = 100
MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
## Optional TLS Config
# UseTLS = false
# TLSCA = "/etc/n9e/ca.pem"
# TLSCert = "/etc/n9e/cert.pem"
# TLSKey = "/etc/n9e/key.pem"
# InsecureSkipVerify = false
# [[Writers.WriteRelabels]]
# Action = "replace"
# SourceLabels = ["__address__"]
# Regex = "([^:]+)(?::\\d+)?"
# Replacement = "$1:80"
# TargetLabel = "__address__"
# log write dir
Dir = "logs"
Level = "DEBUG"
# stdout, stderr, file
Output = "stdout"
# # rotate by time
# KeepHours = 4
# # rotate by size
# RotateNum = 3
# # unit: MB
# RotateSize = 256
# http listening address
Host = ""
# http listening port
Port = 17000
# https cert file path
CertFile = ""
# https key file path
KeyFile = ""
# whether print access log
PrintAccessLog = false
# whether enable pprof
PProf = false
# expose prometheus /metrics?
ExposeMetrics = true
# http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s
ShutdownTimeout = 30
# max content length: 64M
MaxContentLength = 67108864
# http server read timeout, unit: s
ReadTimeout = 20
# http server write timeout, unit: s
WriteTimeout = 40
# http server idle timeout, unit: s
IdleTimeout = 120
Enable = true
# [HTTP.Pushgw.BasicAuth]
# user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5"
\ No newline at end of file
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