提交 837b0d71 编写于 作者: 偏锋书生's avatar 偏锋书生


上级 0843aa6f
......@@ -42,13 +42,18 @@ public class SysOrg {
* @mbg.generated
private String address;
* Database Column Remarks: 租户 This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. This field corresponds to the database column sys_org.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
private Long tenantId;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method corresponds to the database table sys_org
* @mbg.generated
public SysOrg(Long id, Long parentId, String orgIdPath, String orgName, String orgCode, String unitType,
String address) {
String address, Long tenantId) {
this.id = id;
this.parentId = parentId;
this.orgIdPath = orgIdPath;
......@@ -56,6 +61,7 @@ public class SysOrg {
this.orgCode = orgCode;
this.unitType = unitType;
this.address = address;
this.tenantId = tenantId;
......@@ -191,4 +197,22 @@ public class SysOrg {
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method returns the value of the database column sys_org.tenant_id
* @return the value of sys_org.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
public Long getTenantId() {
return tenantId;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method sets the value of the database column sys_org.tenant_id
* @param tenantId the value for sys_org.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
public void setTenantId(Long tenantId) {
this.tenantId = tenantId;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -631,6 +631,66 @@ public class SysOrgExample {
addCriterion("address not between", value1, value2, "address");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIsNull() {
addCriterion("tenant_id is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("tenant_id is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id =", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <>", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdGreaterThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id >", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id >=", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdLessThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <=", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("tenant_id in", values, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("tenant_id not in", values, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("tenant_id between", value1, value2, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("tenant_id not between", value1, value2, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
package net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models;
import java.util.Date;
* This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This class corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
public class SysTenant {
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.id
* @mbg.generated
private Long id;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 租户编码
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.code
* @mbg.generated
private String code;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 租户名
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.name
* @mbg.generated
private String name;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 创建时间
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.create_name
* @mbg.generated
private String createName;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 租户状态
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.status
* @mbg.generated
private String status;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 状态改变时间
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.status_time
* @mbg.generated
private Date statusTime;
* Database Column Remarks:
* 操作原因
* This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This field corresponds to the database column sys_tenant.operate_reason
* @mbg.generated
private String operateReason;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
public SysTenant(Long id, String code, String name, String createName, String status, Date statusTime, String operateReason) {
this.id = id;
this.code = code;
this.name = name;
this.createName = createName;
this.status = status;
this.statusTime = statusTime;
this.operateReason = operateReason;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
public SysTenant() {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.id
* @return the value of sys_tenant.id
* @mbg.generated
public Long getId() {
return id;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.id
* @param id the value for sys_tenant.id
* @mbg.generated
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.code
* @return the value of sys_tenant.code
* @mbg.generated
public String getCode() {
return code;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.code
* @param code the value for sys_tenant.code
* @mbg.generated
public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.name
* @return the value of sys_tenant.name
* @mbg.generated
public String getName() {
return name;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.name
* @param name the value for sys_tenant.name
* @mbg.generated
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.create_name
* @return the value of sys_tenant.create_name
* @mbg.generated
public String getCreateName() {
return createName;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.create_name
* @param createName the value for sys_tenant.create_name
* @mbg.generated
public void setCreateName(String createName) {
this.createName = createName;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.status
* @return the value of sys_tenant.status
* @mbg.generated
public String getStatus() {
return status;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.status
* @param status the value for sys_tenant.status
* @mbg.generated
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.status_time
* @return the value of sys_tenant.status_time
* @mbg.generated
public Date getStatusTime() {
return statusTime;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.status_time
* @param statusTime the value for sys_tenant.status_time
* @mbg.generated
public void setStatusTime(Date statusTime) {
this.statusTime = statusTime;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method returns the value of the database column sys_tenant.operate_reason
* @return the value of sys_tenant.operate_reason
* @mbg.generated
public String getOperateReason() {
return operateReason;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method sets the value of the database column sys_tenant.operate_reason
* @param operateReason the value for sys_tenant.operate_reason
* @mbg.generated
public void setOperateReason(String operateReason) {
this.operateReason = operateReason;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -74,13 +74,19 @@ public class SysUser {
* @mbg.generated
private String duties;
* Database Column Remarks: 租户id This field was generated by MyBatis Generator. This field corresponds to the database column sys_user.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
private Long tenantId;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method corresponds to the database table sys_user
* @mbg.generated
public SysUser(Long id, String userName, String password, String gender, String email, String mobile, String status,
Long orgId, String remark, Date createTime, Date updateTime, String minusRole, String duties) {
Long orgId, String remark, Date createTime, Date updateTime, String minusRole, String duties,
Long tenantId) {
this.id = id;
this.userName = userName;
this.password = password;
......@@ -94,6 +100,7 @@ public class SysUser {
this.updateTime = updateTime;
this.minusRole = minusRole;
this.duties = duties;
this.tenantId = tenantId;
......@@ -337,4 +344,22 @@ public class SysUser {
public void setDuties(String duties) {
this.duties = duties;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method returns the value of the database column sys_user.tenant_id
* @return the value of sys_user.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
public Long getTenantId() {
return tenantId;
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method sets the value of the database column sys_user.tenant_id
* @param tenantId the value for sys_user.tenant_id
* @mbg.generated
public void setTenantId(Long tenantId) {
this.tenantId = tenantId;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1032,6 +1032,66 @@ public class SysUserExample {
addCriterion("duties not between", value1, value2, "duties");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIsNull() {
addCriterion("tenant_id is null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIsNotNull() {
addCriterion("tenant_id is not null");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id =", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <>", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdGreaterThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id >", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id >=", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdLessThan(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {
addCriterion("tenant_id <=", value, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("tenant_id in", values, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotIn(List<Long> values) {
addCriterion("tenant_id not in", values, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("tenant_id between", value1, value2, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
public Criteria andTenantIdNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {
addCriterion("tenant_id not between", value1, value2, "tenantId");
return (Criteria) this;
package net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.config;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType;
import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean;
import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.mybatis.spring.transaction.SpringManagedTransactionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.ResourcePatternResolver;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.MybatisConfiguration;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.MybatisXMLLanguageDriver;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.PaginationInterceptor;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.optimize.JsqlParserCountOptimize;
import net.wicp.tams.common.mybatis.intercepts.SqlInterceptor;
public class MybatisPlusConfig {
public PaginationInterceptor paginationInterceptor() {
PaginationInterceptor paginationInterceptor = new PaginationInterceptor();
// 设置请求的页面大于最大页后操作, true调回到首页,false 继续请求 默认false
// paginationInterceptor.setOverflow(false);
// 设置最大单页限制数量,默认 500 条,-1 不受限制
// paginationInterceptor.setLimit(500);
// 开启 count 的 join 优化,只针对部分 left join
paginationInterceptor.setCountSqlParser(new JsqlParserCountOptimize(true));
return paginationInterceptor;
public PaginationInterceptor paginationInterceptor() {
PaginationInterceptor paginationInterceptor = new PaginationInterceptor();
// 设置请求的页面大于最大页后操作, true调回到首页,false 继续请求 默认false
// paginationInterceptor.setOverflow(false);
// 设置最大单页限制数量,默认 500 条,-1 不受限制
// paginationInterceptor.setLimit(500);
// 开启 count 的 join 优化,只针对部分 left join
paginationInterceptor.setCountSqlParser(new JsqlParserCountOptimize(true));
return paginationInterceptor;
private DataSource datasource;
public SqlSessionFactory mybatisSqlSessionFactory() throws Exception {
SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
// sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTypeAliasesPackage("net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models");
// if (StringUtil.isNotNull(Conf.get("common.jdbc.mybatis.mapperLocations"))) {
// sqlSessionFactoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver()
// .getResources(Conf.get("common.jdbc.mybatis.mapperLocations")));
// }
MybatisConfiguration configuration = new MybatisConfiguration();
sqlSessionFactoryBean.setPlugins(new SqlInterceptor());
sqlSessionFactoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());
return sqlSessionFactoryBean.getObject();
public Resource[] resolveMapperLocations() {
ResourcePatternResolver resourceResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
List<String> mapperLocations = new ArrayList<>();
// mapperLocations.add("classpath*:com/pab/cc/ces/mapper/*Mapper*.xml");
// mapperLocations.add("classpath*:com/pab/cc/ams/mapper/*Mapper*.xml");
List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList();
if (mapperLocations != null) {
for (String mapperLocation : mapperLocations) {
try {
Resource[] mappers = resourceResolver.getResources(mapperLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
return resources.toArray(new Resource[resources.size()]);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ public interface SysOrgMapper extends BaseMapper<SysOrg>{
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method corresponds to the database table sys_org
* @mbg.generated
@Insert({ "insert into sys_org (id, parent_id, ", "org_id_path, org_name, ", "org_code, unit_type, ", "address)",
"values (#{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{parentId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, ",
@Insert({ "insert into sys_org (id, parent_id, ", "org_id_path, org_name, ", "org_code, unit_type, ",
"address, tenant_id)", "values (#{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{parentId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, ",
"#{orgIdPath,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{orgName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{unitType,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ", "#{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR})" })
"#{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{unitType,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT})" })
int insert(SysOrg record);
......@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ public interface SysOrgMapper extends BaseMapper<SysOrg>{
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method corresponds to the database table sys_org
* @mbg.generated
@Select({ "select", "id, parent_id, org_id_path, org_name, org_code, unit_type, address", "from sys_org",
@Select({ "select", "id, parent_id, org_id_path, org_name, org_code, unit_type, address, tenant_id", "from sys_org",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
SysOrg selectByPrimaryKey(Long id);
......@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ public interface SysOrgMapper extends BaseMapper<SysOrg>{
@Update({ "update sys_org", "set parent_id = #{parentId,jdbcType=BIGINT},",
"org_id_path = #{orgIdPath,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "org_name = #{orgName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"org_code = #{orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "unit_type = #{unitType,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"address = #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR}", "where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
"address = #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "tenant_id = #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT}",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
int updateByPrimaryKey(SysOrg record);
\ No newline at end of file
package net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.dao;
import java.util.List;
import net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenant;
import net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenantExample;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Delete;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.ResultMap;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;
public interface SysTenantMapper {
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
long countByExample(SysTenantExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
int deleteByExample(SysTenantExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
"delete from sys_tenant",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}"
int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long id);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
"insert into sys_tenant (id, code, ",
"name, create_name, ",
"status, status_time, ",
"values (#{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{code,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{createName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{statusTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, ",
int insert(SysTenant record);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
int insertSelective(SysTenant record);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
List<SysTenant> selectByExample(SysTenantExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
"id, code, name, create_name, status, status_time, operate_reason",
"from sys_tenant",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}"
SysTenant selectByPrimaryKey(Long id);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
int updateByExampleSelective(@Param("record") SysTenant record, @Param("example") SysTenantExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
int updateByExample(@Param("record") SysTenant record, @Param("example") SysTenantExample example);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(SysTenant record);
* This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
* This method corresponds to the database table sys_tenant
* @mbg.generated
"update sys_tenant",
"set code = #{code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"name = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"create_name = #{createName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"status = #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"status_time = #{statusTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},",
"operate_reason = #{operateReason,jdbcType=VARCHAR}",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}"
int updateByPrimaryKey(SysTenant record);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@ public interface SysUserMapper extends BaseMapper<SysUser> {
* @mbg.generated
@Insert({ "insert into sys_user (id, user_name, ", "password, gender, ", "email, mobile, status, ",
"org_id, remark, create_time, ", "update_time, minus_role, ", "duties)",
"org_id, remark, create_time, ", "update_time, minus_role, ", "duties, tenant_id)",
"values (#{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{userName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{password,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{gender,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{mobile,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{orgId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{remark,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, ",
"#{updateTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{minusRole,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ", "#{duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR})" })
"#{updateTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{minusRole,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, ",
"#{duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT})" })
int insert(SysUser record);
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ public interface SysUserMapper extends BaseMapper<SysUser> {
* @mbg.generated
@Select({ "select", "id, user_name, password, gender, email, mobile, status, org_id, remark, create_time, ",
"update_time, minus_role, duties", "from sys_user", "where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
"update_time, minus_role, duties, tenant_id", "from sys_user", "where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
SysUser selectByPrimaryKey(Long id);
......@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ public interface SysUserMapper extends BaseMapper<SysUser> {
"status = #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "org_id = #{orgId,jdbcType=BIGINT},",
"remark = #{remark,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "create_time = #{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},",
"update_time = #{updateTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},", "minus_role = #{minusRole,jdbcType=VARCHAR},",
"duties = #{duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR}", "where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
"duties = #{duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR},", "tenant_id = #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT}",
"where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}" })
int updateByPrimaryKey(SysUser record);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.service;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
......@@ -17,10 +18,13 @@ public class ContextInit implements ApplicationContextAware, ServletContextAware
public static volatile String pagePath;// page页面存放的根目录
public static volatile String webRootPath;// Webroot所在目录
private SysGlobalMapper sysGlobalMapper;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
SysGlobalMapper sysGlobalMapper = applicationContext.getBean(SysGlobalMapper.class);
//SysGlobalMapper sysGlobalMapper = applicationContext.getBean(SysGlobalMapper.class);
SysGlobal sysGlobal = sysGlobalMapper.selectById(1l);
if (sysGlobal != null) {
......@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ public class ContextInitDo implements IContextInit {
public void init(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
* SysGlobalMapper sysGlobalMapper = applicationContext.get
* .getBean(SysGlobalMapper.class); SysGlobal sysGlobal =
* sysGlobalMapper.selectById(1l); if(sysGlobal!=null) {
* ConfigGlobleName.putAwsConfig(sysGlobal); }
// SysGlobalMapper sysGlobalMapper = applicationContext.getBean(SysGlobalMapper.class);
// SysGlobal sysGlobal = sysGlobalMapper.selectById(1l);
// if (sysGlobal != null) {
// ConfigGlobleName.putAwsConfig(sysGlobal);
// }
package net.wicp.tams.duckula.ops;
import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.builder.SpringApplicationBuilder;
......@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ import net.wicp.tams.common.spring.autoconfig.annotation.EnableTams;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller", "net.wicp.tams.duckula.ops" })
public class App extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
......@@ -29,6 +28,8 @@ public class App extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
Conf.overProp("common.spring.autoconfig.property.path", "abs:/data/duckula-data/conf/duckula-ops.properties");
// 注意:SQL拦截需要db信息查列名与配置的拦截列名匹配,它也url后面的配置是一样的
Conf.overProp("common.jdbc.datasource.default.defaultdb", "duckula");
SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(App.class);
......@@ -14,4 +14,13 @@ public class SessionBean {
private SysUser sysUser;
private List<Long> roles;// 此用户拥有的角色
private JSONArray modules;// 此用户拥有的模块
* 得到租户
* @return
public Long getTenantId() {
return this.sysUser.getTenantId();
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import org.apache.tapestry5.http.services.Request;
import org.apache.tapestry5.http.services.RequestFilter;
import org.apache.tapestry5.http.services.RequestHandler;
import org.apache.tapestry5.http.services.Response;
import org.apache.tapestry5.http.services.Session;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.ServiceBinder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Contribute;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Local;
......@@ -19,8 +20,12 @@ import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.SymbolProvider;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import net.wicp.tams.cas.SymbolConstantsCas;
import net.wicp.tams.common.Conf;
import net.wicp.tams.common.thread.threadlocal.PerThreadValue;
import net.wicp.tams.common.thread.threadlocal.PerthreadManager;
import net.wicp.tams.duckula.ops.ajax.AjaxImpl;
import net.wicp.tams.duckula.ops.ajax.IAjax;
import net.wicp.tams.duckula.ops.beans.SessionBean;
* This module is automatically included as part of the Tapestry IoC Registry,
......@@ -67,12 +72,9 @@ public class AppModule {
// the hidden field data stored in forms to encrypt and digitally sign
// client-side data.
configuration.add(SymbolConstants.HMAC_PASSPHRASE, "change this immediately-" + UUID.randomUUID());
configuration.add(SymbolConstantsCas.conf_cas_db, "duckula");// 示例,需要配置全局db
* Use annotation or method naming convention:
......@@ -109,6 +111,21 @@ public class AppModule {
public RequestFilter buildTimingFilter(final Logger log) {
return new RequestFilter() {
public boolean service(Request request, Response response, RequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
Session session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
// 把租户ID放到线程上下文中
SessionBean sessionBean = (SessionBean) session
if (sessionBean != null) {
Long tenantId = sessionBean.getTenantId();
PerThreadValue<String> tenantValue = PerthreadManager.getInstance()
.createValue(Conf.get("common.jdbc.sqlIntercept.colname.tenant_id"), String.class);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
......@@ -147,6 +164,6 @@ public class AppModule {
public static void contributeIgnoredPathsFilter(Configuration<String> configuration) {
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<arg column="org_code" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="unit_type" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="address" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="tenant_id" javaType="java.lang.Long" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
......@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
id, parent_id, org_id_path, org_name, org_code, unit_type, address
id, parent_id, org_id_path, org_name, org_code, unit_type, address, tenant_id
<select id="selectByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysOrgExample" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
......@@ -145,6 +146,9 @@
<if test="address != null">
<if test="tenantId != null">
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="id != null">
......@@ -168,6 +172,9 @@
<if test="address != null">
<if test="tenantId != null">
<select id="countByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysOrgExample" resultType="java.lang.Long">
......@@ -208,6 +215,9 @@
<if test="record.address != null">
address = #{record.address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.tenantId != null">
tenant_id = #{record.tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
......@@ -225,7 +235,8 @@
org_name = #{record.orgName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
org_code = #{record.orgCode,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
unit_type = #{record.unitType,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
address = #{record.address,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
address = #{record.address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
tenant_id = #{record.tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
......@@ -255,6 +266,9 @@
<if test="address != null">
address = #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="tenantId != null">
tenant_id = #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.dao.SysTenantMapper">
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenant">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<idArg column="id" javaType="java.lang.Long" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
<arg column="code" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="name" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="create_name" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="status" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="status_time" javaType="java.util.Date" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<arg column="operate_reason" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<foreach collection="oredCriteria" item="criteria" separator="or">
<if test="criteria.valid">
<trim prefix="(" prefixOverrides="and" suffix=")">
<foreach collection="criteria.criteria" item="criterion">
<when test="criterion.noValue">
and ${criterion.condition}
<when test="criterion.singleValue">
and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value}
<when test="criterion.betweenValue">
and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value} and #{criterion.secondValue}
<when test="criterion.listValue">
and ${criterion.condition}
<foreach close=")" collection="criterion.value" item="listItem" open="(" separator=",">
<sql id="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<foreach collection="example.oredCriteria" item="criteria" separator="or">
<if test="criteria.valid">
<trim prefix="(" prefixOverrides="and" suffix=")">
<foreach collection="criteria.criteria" item="criterion">
<when test="criterion.noValue">
and ${criterion.condition}
<when test="criterion.singleValue">
and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value}
<when test="criterion.betweenValue">
and ${criterion.condition} #{criterion.value} and #{criterion.secondValue}
<when test="criterion.listValue">
and ${criterion.condition}
<foreach close=")" collection="criterion.value" item="listItem" open="(" separator=",">
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
id, code, name, create_name, status, status_time, operate_reason
<select id="selectByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenantExample" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
<if test="distinct">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
from sys_tenant
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Example_Where_Clause" />
<if test="orderByClause != null">
order by ${orderByClause}
<delete id="deleteByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenantExample">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
delete from sys_tenant
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Example_Where_Clause" />
<insert id="insertSelective" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenant">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
insert into sys_tenant
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="id != null">
<if test="code != null">
<if test="name != null">
<if test="createName != null">
<if test="status != null">
<if test="statusTime != null">
<if test="operateReason != null">
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="id != null">
<if test="code != null">
<if test="name != null">
<if test="createName != null">
<if test="status != null">
<if test="statusTime != null">
<if test="operateReason != null">
<select id="countByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenantExample" resultType="java.lang.Long">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
select count(*) from sys_tenant
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="updateByExampleSelective" parameterType="map">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
update sys_tenant
<if test="record.id != null">
id = #{record.id,jdbcType=BIGINT},
<if test="record.code != null">
code = #{record.code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.name != null">
name = #{record.name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.createName != null">
create_name = #{record.createName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.status != null">
status = #{record.status,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.statusTime != null">
status_time = #{record.statusTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
<if test="record.operateReason != null">
operate_reason = #{record.operateReason,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="updateByExample" parameterType="map">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
update sys_tenant
set id = #{record.id,jdbcType=BIGINT},
code = #{record.code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
name = #{record.name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
create_name = #{record.createName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
status = #{record.status,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
status_time = #{record.statusTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
operate_reason = #{record.operateReason,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
<update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysTenant">
WARNING - @mbg.generated
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
update sys_tenant
<if test="code != null">
code = #{code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="name != null">
name = #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="createName != null">
create_name = #{createName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="status != null">
status = #{status,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="statusTime != null">
status_time = #{statusTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
<if test="operateReason != null">
operate_reason = #{operateReason,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<arg column="update_time" javaType="java.util.Date" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<arg column="minus_role" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="duties" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<arg column="tenant_id" javaType="java.lang.Long" jdbcType="BIGINT" />
<sql id="Example_Where_Clause">
......@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@
This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify.
id, user_name, password, gender, email, mobile, status, org_id, remark, create_time,
update_time, minus_role, duties
update_time, minus_role, duties, tenant_id
<select id="selectByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysUserExample" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
......@@ -170,6 +171,9 @@
<if test="duties != null">
<if test="tenantId != null">
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="id != null">
......@@ -211,6 +215,9 @@
<if test="duties != null">
<if test="tenantId != null">
<select id="countByExample" parameterType="net.wicp.tams.app.duckula.controller.bean.models.SysUserExample" resultType="java.lang.Long">
......@@ -269,6 +276,9 @@
<if test="record.duties != null">
duties = #{record.duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="record.tenantId != null">
tenant_id = #{record.tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
......@@ -292,7 +302,8 @@
create_time = #{record.createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
update_time = #{record.updateTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
minus_role = #{record.minusRole,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
duties = #{record.duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
duties = #{record.duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
tenant_id = #{record.tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT}
<if test="_parameter != null">
<include refid="Update_By_Example_Where_Clause" />
......@@ -340,6 +351,9 @@
<if test="duties != null">
duties = #{duties,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
<if test="tenantId != null">
tenant_id = #{tenantId,jdbcType=BIGINT},
where id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT}
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