未验证 提交 4795fe03 编写于 作者: C catouse

* picker: support for using picker for form controls with same id.

上级 a917b322
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
var optionID = that.getItemID(item, 'option');
var $option = $(document.getElementById(optionID));
var $option = $optionsList.children('#' + optionID);
var isNewOption = !$option.length;
if (isNewOption) {
$option = $('<a class="picker-option" id="' + optionID + '" data-value="' + value + '"><span class="picker-option-text"></span><span class="picker-option-keys"></span></a>');
......@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@
hasValue = true;
var text = item[options.textKey];
var itemID = that.getItemID(item, 'selection');
var $select = $(document.getElementById(itemID));
var $select = $selects.filter('#' + itemID);
if (!$select.length) {
$select = $('<div class="picker-selection" id="' + itemID + '"><span class="picker-selection-text"></span><span class="picker-selection-remove"></span></div>').data('value', val);
} else {
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