未验证 提交 7dfc482d 编写于 作者: J Jiang Wenjian 提交者: GitHub

Update messages_en.xml

format message template
上级 5a054191
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ Javadoc should include method instruction, description of parameters, return val
<![CDATA[return value of method [%s] should have javadoc]]>
<entry key="java.comment.AbstractMethodOrInterfaceMethodMustUseJavadocRule.violation.msg.exception">
<![CDATA[method [%s] should have javadoc for exception[%s]]]>
<![CDATA[method [%s] should have javadoc for exception [%s]]]>
<entry key="java.comment.AvoidCommentBehindStatementRule.rule.msg">
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